
Lab 8

Working with Shares

Exercise 8.2 / Sharing a Folder
Overview / Luz, a user with a Windows 7 workstation, has files on her local drive that she must share with other users on the network. However, these files must not be fully accessible to everyone. As the technical specialist responding to Luz’s request, you decide to create a standard share on the computer and use share permissions to control access to the files.
Completion time / 10 minutes

11.Take a screen shot of the Permissions for support dialog box by pressing Alt+PrtScr, and then paste the resulting image into the lab08_worksheet file in the page provided by pressing Ctrl+V.

Question 1 / Why are you unable to access the share using the Guest account, despite having granted the user the Allow Read permission?
Question 2 / Would the Guest user be able to access the share if you granted it the Allow Full Control share permission, rather than the Allow Read permission?
Exercise 8.3 / Using the Shared Folders Snap-In
Overview / Luz wants to be able to tell who is accessing her shares at any particular time, so in Exercise 8.3 you demonstrate to her the functionality of the Shared Folders snap-in.
Completion time / 10 minutes
Question 3 / How many currently open sessions are there on the workstation? Which computers and which users are accessing the workstation’s shares?
Question 4 / How many shares are there on the computer that are visible to network users? How can you tell?

13.Take a screen shot of the console by pressing Alt+PrtScr, and then paste the resulting image into the lab08_worksheet file in the page provided by pressing Ctrl+V.

Exercise 8.4 / Configuring NTFS Permissions
Overview / To enable network users to access the files in Luz’s shared folders, they must have the appropriate NTFS permissions. In Exercise 8.4, you configure the permissions to enable the guest user to access the shared folder.
Completion time / 10 minutes
Question 5 / How are the results different from the first time you performed this task?