Edward Allan Pascoe


Office Address: Department of Surgery

St. Boniface General Hospital

409 Tache Avenue

Winnipeg, Manitoba

R2H 2A6

Telephone: (204) 237-2569

Fax: (204) 237-3429



1969 - 71 First and Second Year Science, Honors Zoology

Faculty of Science, University of Manitoba

1971 - 75 First to Fourth Year Medicine

Faculty of Medicine, University of Manitoba

1975 Doctor of Medicine, University of Manitoba


1975 - 76 Rotating Internship, University of Manitoba

1976 - 77 First Year Surgical Residency, General Surgery

University of Manitoba

1981 - 82 Second Year Surgical Residency, General Surgery

University of Manitoba

1982 - 85 Third to Fifth Year Surgical Residency,

Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgery, University of Manitoba

(Supervisors: Dr. Morley Cohen and Dr. Jaroslaw Barwinsky)

1984 One month elective period, Heart and Heart-Lung Transplant Service

Stanford University, Palo Alto, California

(Supervisor: Dr. Norman Shumway)

1985 - 86 Fellowship in Cardiac Transplantation

Medical College of Virginia

Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, Virginia

(Supervisor: Dr. Richard Lower)


1976 Licentiate of Medical Council of Canada

1978 Examination in Interpretation of Electrocardiograms

College of Physicians and Surgeons of Manitoba

1985 Certification in Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgery

Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada


Concordia General Hospital, Winnipeg

Department of Family Practice

Associate Member, 1977 - 78

Active Member, 1978 - 81

Seven Oaks General Hospital, Winnipeg

Department of Family Practice

Active Member, 1980 - 81

St. Boniface General Hospital

Department of Surgery

Section of Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgery

Associate Member, 1986 - 89

Active Member, 1989 -

Health Sciences Centre, Winnipeg

Department of Surgery

Section of Cardiothoracic Surgery

Associate Member, 1986 - 89

Consulting Staff, 1989 - 91

Associate Member, 1991 - 94

Secondary Active Member, 1994 -


1986 - 97 Assistant Professor of Surgery

1997 - Associate Professor of Surgery

University of Manitoba

1986 - Geographic Full-time Member, Department of Surgery,

University of Manitoba

1987 - 2001 Coordinator for Postgraduate Training in Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgery,

St. Boniface General Hospital

1992 - 2004 Medical Director, Cardiovascular Perfusion Service

St. Boniface General Hospital

1992 - 2004 Head, Section of Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgery

St. Boniface General Hospital

1995 - 2005 Program Director, Cardiac Surgery Residency

University of Manitoba


1977 - 81 General Medical Practice, Winnipeg

1986 - Practice of Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgery, Winnipeg


1974 - 81, 1986 - Manitoba Medical Association, Canadian Medical Association

1976 - College of Physicians and Surgeons of Manitoba

1977 - 81 College of Family Physicians of Canada

1983 - 89 Candidate Group, American College of Surgeons

1989 - Fellow, American College of Surgeons

1984 - 2004 International Society for Heart and Lung Transplantation

1986 - Fellow, Division of Surgery, Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada

1986 - Canadian Medical Protective Association

1986 - Canadian Cardiovascular Society

1989 - 1999 Fellow, American College of Chest Physicians

1990 - 1997 Canadian Association of Clinical Surgeons (Western Division)

(Association disbanded in 1997)

1991 - The Society of Thoracic Surgeons

1991 - Canadian Society of Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgeons

1995 - 2005 Associate Member, Thoracic Surgery Directors Association


1985 - 86 Postdoctoral Fellowship

St. Boniface General Hospital Research Foundation, Inc. $25,000

1986 - 87 Scholarship Award

St. Boniface General Hospital Research Foundation, Inc. $25,000

1989 Nomination for Most Outstanding Clinician Award

1989 Graduating Class, Faculty of Medicine, University of Manitoba

1996 Award of Recognition

Winnipeg School Division #1


1983 Selection Committee for Head, Section of Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgery

St. Boniface General Hospital/Health Sciences Centre/University of Manitoba

1986 - 88 Provincial Advisory Committee in Cardiac Surgery

Province of Manitoba

1986 - 95 Committee for Postgraduate Training in Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgery

University of Manitoba

1987 - 90 Department of Surgery Standards Committee

St. Boniface General Hospital

1987 - 88 Secretary, Department of Surgery Executive Committee

St. Boniface General Hospital

1987 - 91 Infection Control Working Committee

St. Boniface General Hospital

1987 - 91 Antibiotic Usage Subcommittee

St. Boniface General Hospital

1989 - 90 Fee and Income Disparities Committee

Manitoba Medical Association

1990 - 91 Selection Committee for Director, R.O. Burrell Surgical Research Laboratory

St. Boniface General Hospital Research Centre

1990 - 91 Medicine II Cardiovascular Course Review Committee

University of Manitoba

1991 - 93 Member at large, Department of Surgery Executive Committee

University of Manitoba

1991 - 97 Secretary, Manitoba Chapter, American College of Surgeons

1992 Ad Hoc Committee on Organ Donation

Manitoba Medical Association

1993 Chairman, Review Committee for Urology Section Headship

St. Boniface General Hospital

1993 - 94 Appropriate Access Review Group

Chairman, Cardiac Surgery Subcommittee

Province of Manitoba


1995 - 2005 Chairman, Cardiac Surgery Residency Committee

University of Manitoba

1995 - 2005 Thoracic Surgery Residency Committee

University of Manitoba

1995 - 2005 Postgraduate Education Committee

Department of Surgery, University of Manitoba

1995 - 2005 Core Surgery Committee

University of Manitoba

1996 - 98 Medical Advisory Board, Canadian Marfan Association

1996 - 97 Member at Large, Medical Advisory Committee

St. Boniface General Hospital

1996 - 98 Medical Staff/Health Records Committee

St. Boniface General Hospital

1997 - 99 Cardiovascular Undergraduate Curriculum Committee

University of Manitoba

1997 - 99 Faculty PGME Educational Development Committee

University of Manitoba

1998 - R.O. Burrell Fund Committee

St. Boniface General Hospital

1999 Vice President, Manitoba Chapter

American College of Surgeons

1999 - 2000 Joint Cardiac Transition Committee

Winnipeg Hospital Authority

1999 - 2000 Resident Liaison Committee

Faculty of Medicine

University of Manitoba

2000 President, Manitoba Chapter

American College of Surgeons


2000 - 03 PhD Thesis Committee

Dr. Darren Freed

Department of Physiology

University of Manitoba

Cardiotrophin-1: Expression in Post-MI Heart and Effect on Primary Adult Cardiac Myofibroblasts in vitro

2002 - Research Advisory Committee

Department of Surgery

University of Manitoba

2002 Headship Review Committee

Section of Cardiology

University of Manitoba


Undergraduate Activities

External Examiner for BSc Med Students in the Department of Anesthesia

1995 – 96 Mark Peterson

1997 – 98 Gary Harding


Medical College of Virginia; Research Fellow, Supervisor: Dr. Richard Lower

1985 – 86 Studies in:

a)  Pathogenesis of cardiac allograft arteriosclerosis in rate and rabbit models

b)  Ex vivo cardiac graft preservation and its effects on graft coronary artery

endothelium in a canine model

c)  Immune monitoring and its correlation with endomyocardial biopsy in
surveillance for clinical cardiac allograft rejection

d) Clinical prevalence of cardiac allograft arteriosclerosis

University of Manitoba

1986 - 87 In collaboration with Department of Immunology. Preliminary studies in immunopathogenesis of cardiac allograft arteriosclerosis in a rat model.

1987 - 88 R. O. Burrell Cardiovascular Surgical Research Laboratory. Preliminary studies in methods of ex vivo cardiac graft preservation in a porcine model.

University of Manitoba (Continued)

1988 - 89 In collaboration with Division of Cardiovascular Sciences. Studies of fibroblastic growth factor in animal and human myocardium.

1990 - 91 In collaboration with Sections of Cardiac Anesthesia, Neurology and Critical Care. Cerebral protection for open ventricle cardiac surgery.

1990 - 91 Faculty Supervisor for Dr. Jonathan Fryer, Surgical Research Fellow and MSc (Surgery) Student.

Co-investigator with R. Yatscoff (Clinical Chemistry) and J. Thliveris (Anatomy). Studies in pharmacokinetics, immunosuppressive efficacy and toxicity of Cyclosporine A, Cyclosporine G and Rapamycin in a rabbit model of cardiac transplantation.

1993 - 94 Faculty Supervisor for Dr. Gyaandeo Maharajh, Surgical Research Fellow and Msc (Surgery) Student.

Co-investigator with I. Thomson (Anesthesia). Participation in an international prospective randomized clinical trial of acadesine for the prevention of myocardial infarction and other adverse cardiovascular outcomes in patients undergoing coronary artery bypass graft surgery.

1993 - 95 Co-investigator with A. Mutch and R. Graham (Anesthesia) and W. Halliday (Pathology). Comparison of surgical adjuncts for spinal cord protection in descending thoracic aortic surgery in a porcine model.

1995 - 97 In collaboration with J. Panneton and R. Aitken (Surgery). Comparison of surgical and other adjuncts for spinal cord protection in animal models of thoracoabdominal aortic surgery.

1999 - 2001 Co-investigator with D. Del Rizzo. MIRA mechanical valve trial. Baxter Corporation.

2000 - 2004 Surgical co-investigator along with M. Raabe and cardiology co-investigators

J. Ducas and T. Kashour. IMAGINE Trial (Ischemia management with accupril post bypass graft via inhibition of converting enzyme)

2002 - 2004 Principal Investigator. PRIMO CABG Trial. A Phase III Randomized, Parallel, Double-Blind, Multi-Center, Placebo-Controlled Study of the Effect of Pexelizumab on All-Cause Mortality and Myocardial Infarction in Patients Undergoing Coronary Artery Bypass Graft (CABG) Surgery with Cardiopulmonary Bypass.

2006 - In collaboration with C. Rigatto and M. Reslerova. Urinary markers of early renal injury in patients undergoing cardiac surgery with cardiopulmonary bypass. Supported by the Manitoba Health Research Council.


Personal Support

1985 - 86 Postdoctoral Fellowship, St. Boniface General Hospital Research Foundation, Inc. $25,000.

1986 - 87 Scholarship Award. St. Boniface General Hospital Research Foundation, Inc. $25,000.

Operating Grants

1986 - 87 Pascoe E (principal investigator), Sabbadini E, Sehon A. Immunopathogenesis of cardiac allograft arteriosclerosis in a rat model. St. Boniface General Hospital Research Foundation, Inc. $2,500.

1990 Pascoe E (principal investigator), Hudson R, Thomson I, Anderson B, Kassum D, Shanks A, Rosenbloom M. Barbituate cerebral protection for open ventricle cardiac surgical procedures. University of Manitoba, Department of Surgery Education and Research Fund. $5,000.

1991 Fryer J, Pascoe E (principal investigator). Comparison of immunosuppressive efficacy of Cyclosporine A, Cyclosporine G and Rapamycin in a rabbit cardiac allograft model. University of Manitoba, Department of Surgery Education and Research Fund. $5,568.

1991 Fryer J, Pascoe E (principal investigator), Yatscoff R, Thliveris J. Evaluation of new immunosuppressive agents in a rabbit heterotopic cardiac transplant model. The Paul H T Thorlakson Foundation. $10,000.

1993 - 94 Pascoe E. Spinal cord protection in descending thoracic aortic surgery. Manitoba Northwest Ontario Marfan Association. $5,270.

1993 - 96 Mutch A, Pascoe E, Graham R, Halliday W. The incidence of paraplegia following thoracic aortic cross-clamping: a comparison of surgical adjuncts. Medical Research Council of Canada. $147,996.


1. Hoshinaga K, Pascoe E, Wood N, Szentpetery S, Mohanakumar T, Lower R. Expression of transferrin receptors on lymphocytes and its correlation with rejection in cardiac transplant recipients. Journal of Heart Transplantation 1985; IV(6):589. Presented at the Sixth Annual Scientific Sessions, International Society for Heart Transplantation. New York, 1986.

2. Landolfo K, Pascoe E. Annuloaortic ectasia extending to the arch: Composite graft repair with circulatory arrest. Canadian Journal of Cardiology 1991; 7 (Suppl A):74A. Presented at the 44th Annual Meeting, Canadian Cardiovascular Society. Calgary, 1991.

3. Pascoe E, Hudson R, Thomson I, Anderson B, Kassum D, Shanks A, Rosenbloom M. Barbituate cerebral protection for open ventricle cardiac surgical procedures. Chest 1991; 100(2) (Suppl): 190S. Presented at the 57th Annual Scientific Assembly, American College of Chest Physicians. San Francisco, 1991.

4. Pascoe E, Hudson R, Anderson B, Kassum D, Shanks A, Rosenbloom M, Thomson I. Improved mortality and neurologic outcome with high dose thiopental anesthesia for open ventricle cardiac surgery. Canadian Journal of Cardiology 1992; 8(Suppl B):124B. Presented at the 45th Annual Meeting, Canadian Cardiovascular Society. Ottawa,1992.

5. Maharajh G, Davidson M, Maycher B, Pascoe E. Fine needle biopsy of subcarinal lymph nodes. Chest 1992; 102(2) (Suppl):168S. Presented at the 58th Annual Scientific Assembly, American College of Chest Physicians. Chicago, 1992.

6. Pascoe E, Rusnak B. Alternative approach to the Cabrol technique of aortic root replacement. Canadian Journal of Surgery 1993; 36(4):392. Presented at the Annual Scientific Meeting, Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada. Vancouver, 1993.

7. Tauriainen P, Burns C, Abdoh A, Pascoe E. Acute traumatic aortic rupture: a 15-year review. Canadian Journal of Surgery 1996; 39(4):A7. Presented at the Annual Scientific Meeting, Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada. Halifax, 1996.

8. DelRizzo D, Abdoh A, Hamilton A, Duke P, Lindsay W, Goodman R, Pascoe E. Safety and cost efficacy of fast track recovery in coronary bypass surgery. Canadian Journal of Cardiology 1998; 14 (Suppl F):83-4F. Presented at the 51st Annual Meeting, Canadian Cardiovascular Society. Ottawa, 1998.

  1. Freed DH, Moon MC, Harding GEJ, Tam J, Pascoe EA, Del Rizzo DF. Implantation of 19 mm aortic valves allows acceptable left ventricular mass regression. J Mol Cell Card 2001;33(6):A36.
  1. Freed DH, Tam JW, Moon M, Harding G, Ahmed E, Pascoe E. Are small prosthetic aortic valves still acceptable today? Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography 2002; 15(5): 543. Presented at the Annual Meeting, American Society of Echocardiography. Orlando, 2002.

  1. Moon M, Freed D, Brown M, Pascoe E, Louridas G. Is combined carotid endarterectomy and CABG justifiable in patients with asymptomatic carotid stenosis? Canadian Journal of Cardiology 2004; 20(Suppl D): 149-50D. Presented at the Annual Scientific Meeting, Canadian Cardiovascular Society. Calgary, 2004.
  1. Freed D, Dangerfield A, Jones S, Sutton J, Pascoe E, Dixon I. Effect of Angiotensin Antagonism on Myocardial Infarct Scar Cardiotrophin-1 expression in vivo and Myofibroblast Proliferation in vitro. Presented at the Annual Scientific Meeting, Canadian Cardiovascular Society. Montreal, 2005.


1. Pascoe E. Failure of cardiac valve bioprostheses. Annual Scientific Meeting, Manitoba Chapter, American College of Surgeons. 1982.

2. Pascoe E. Left ventricular rupture after mitral valve replacement. Annual Scientific Meeting, Manitoba Chapter, American College of Surgeons. 1983.

3. Pascoe E. Right ventricular assistance with pulmonary artery balloon counterpulsation. Annual Scientific Meeting, Manitoba Chapter, American College of Surgeons. 1984.

4. Pascoe E. Cardiac allograft arteriosclerosis: Prevalence and etiologic considerations. Twelfth Annual Surgical Research Symposium. University of Manitoba. 1987.

5. Ali B, Singh G B, Murray K, Pascoe E. The treatment of median sternotomy wound infections following open heart surgery. Annual Meeting, Canadian Society of Plastic Surgeons. Victoria, 1987.