Ms. Jennifer Alger

8th Grade American History



1.  American History, the early years to 1877

2.  A History of US, From Colonies to Country (1735-1791)

3.  A History of US, The New Nation (1789-1850)

4.  A History of US, War, Terrible War (1855-1865)

Course Description

This course will take students on a journey through American history, beginning with exploration and concluding with the Civil War. Students will explore America’s social, political, economic and military development.

It is my hope that throughout the school year students will develop a deeper understanding and appreciation of our nation’s proud history. Students will be exposed to the struggles and successes of our people. Ultimately, students should come away from this class with a greater respect for The United States of America and the many diverse individuals and groups that have contributed to our country’s past, present and future.

Units of Study

Unit I: Exploration – Native Americans (1700)

Unit II: Colonial Settlement (1587-1775)

Unit III: Revolutionary War (1776-1783)

Unit IV: Growth of Democracy (1776-1791)

Unit V: Early Republic (1789-1830)

Unit VI: Western Expansion (1820-1860)

Unit VII: Civil War (1860-1865)

What Your Student Needs:

  3 Ring Binder

  Headphones/Ear Buds

  Small Book Cover

Staying in the Loop!

I’m on TWITTER! Check out my Twitter page to stay informed about what is happening in my classroom!

Twitter Account: ms_alger_ldms


Methods of Evaluation

·  Tests- All 8th grade American History students are required to complete four exams throughout the year, making them “Common Assessments.” These exams were developed collaboratively by the 8th grade Social Studies department. There will be one Common Assessment test per marking period. Unit tests will also be given.

o  MP1: Colonization Test

o  MP2: American Revolution Test

o  MP3: The New Nation

o  MP4: Civil War Test

·  Projects- Projects (individual and group) will be assigned throughout the year. Projects will vary in points. Rubrics will be provided with each project.

·  Quizzes- Quizzes will vary in points. Most quizzes will be announced. For unannounced quizzes, students will be allowed to use their notes. It is very important, for this reason, that students keep an organized notebook.

·  Journals - Students will be required to keep a “Do Now” journal and in class. I will periodically collect these journals to grade.

·  Class Participation- Participation in class will not be graded. HOWEVER, if a student is on the border between two grades, having good classroom behavior and participation could allow for a grade to be raised on the report card.

·  Homework/Class work- Homework and class work will vary in points. My daily homework is posted on the Green Team Homework Page. Most assignments will be due the following day. I will check most homework/class work, but will randomly select an assignment to grade for accuracy. Graded assignments will make up roughly 15% of the formative grade.

**Summative assessments such as tests and projects will make up 60-70% of the overall grade. Formative assessments such as quizzes, classwork, and homework will make up 30-40% of the overall grade.

Late Work and Retakes

·  I will allow students to retake tests or quizzes one time on a designated day. Students may choose the option of retaking the test or quiz at either 6:45 AM or after school until 3:45 PM on the selected day. Your student must provide their own transportation on the designated day. If there is a circumstance preventing your student from attending either of these times, please contact me directly to discuss other options. I will take the higher of the two test/quiz grades and enter it into the grade book. Tests and quizzes will only be returned to the students after the retakes.

·  Projects will also be allowed to be redone to earn higher points. If your student would like to redo the project, it must be resubmitted within one week of receiving their original project grade.

·  Late points will not be taken off of a project or graded assignment. However, your student will receive a lunch detention until the assignment is submitted. If the assignment is not submitted after three lunch detentions, your student will then receive after school academic detentions until the assignment is submitted.

Grading Scale Based Upon Total Points

A+ (98 – 100%) B+ (88 – 89%) C+ (78 – 79%) D+ (68 – 69%) F (0-59%)

A (93 – 97%) B (83 – 87%) C (73 – 77%) D (63 – 67%)

A- (90 – 92%) B- (80 – 82%) C- (70 – 72%) D- (60 – 62%)

Class Rules

A list of classroom rules, procedures and consequences will be provided to the students within the first week of school (Ticket Policy and Stamp Rewards Paper). Please be sure to check my teacher website to see these rules.


The best way to contact me is through email. My school email address is

Syllabus Agreement

Parents: Please fill out the parent survey on my teacher welcome page. You can use a computer or a smart phone. This survey is required for each student. It will allow me to get to know your student better and provide me with important contact information. Only I will have access to the information.

Students: Please fill out the student survey on my teacher welcome page. You can use a computer or a smart phone. This survey is required. It will allow me to get to know your better. Only I will have access to the information.

For students to receive credit, the survey must be completed by September 1st, 2016.

*If you are unable to fill out the survey, I will provide you and your student with a paper copy of the survey.


By signing below, you acknowledge that you have read and understand Ms. Algers’s course syllabus.

Please return this paper by Thursday, September 1st, 2016.

Student signature______Date______

Parent/Guardian signature______Date______

Parent/Guardian, please complete the following information:

Contact #1

Name______Relationship to student______

Please CIRCLE the preferred method of contact and fill in the information below.

Email email address:______

Phone phone number______best time to call______

Contact #2

Name______Relationship to student______

Please CIRCLE the preferred method of contact and fill in the information below.

Email email address:______

Phone phone number______best time to call______

Please check which of the following your student has access to at home.

_____Computer _____Internet

_____Printer _____Smart phone


Throughout the school year, students will occasionally view movies or clips of movies. These are used to enhance the curriculum and also sometimes for a reward during 11th period. Most movies we show are rated G or PG, but some are rated PG-13. Please check the appropriate box below to indicate if you do or do not consent for your child to view PG-13. If you choose not to consent, your child will be provided with an alternative activity. Thank you for your cooperation.

  I consent to allow my child to watch movies that have a G, PG, or PG-13 rating.

  I do not consent to allow my child to watch movies that have a PG-13 rating, but I do consent to allow my child to watch movies that have a G or PG rating.


Student Name Parent/Guardian Consent Signature

Additional Information (Optional)

If you have time, please answer the following questions to help me work with your student! Please note that any information you share with me will remain confidential!

1.  What are your child’s strengths? (Include as many as you can think of – academic, social, athletic, artistic, musical, etc. Be specific and don’t be shy!)

2.  What motivates your child? (Think about incentives you may use at home or other teachers have used at school.)

3.  What are some things your child tends to struggle with?

4.  Tell me about your child’s attitude toward school in general.

5.  What are your child’s favorite free time activities?

6.  Please share any information you would like me to know about your child (medications, allergies, asthma, special seat requirements, bathroom needs, etc.)