5.02 / United States / Country #1 / Country #2
Name, location, geography
Lesson 5.02

  1. Include a topographical map of your countries.
  1. What are some geographic features of the countries that may impact production and trade?
/ (you can put your maps on the last page if they don’t fit here) /
Economic System
Lesson 5.02 /
  1. Is the country primarily a traditional, command, (free) market, or mixed economy?
  2. Identify and explain which economists theories you studied are more closely aligned with each country.
  1. Are there any significant events happening in the country in regards to its economy or politics? (research current events)

5.03 / United States / Country #1 / Country #2
Economic Indicators
Lesson 5.03
/ What are the
current rates of:
  1. Unemployment
  1. GDP per capita
  1. EFW index
  1. Balance of trade
(The balance of trade is the difference between the value of exports and imports over a certain period. A positive trade surplus if it consists of exporting more than is imported; a negative or unfavorable balance is referred to as a trade deficit .) /
Major Industries
Lesson 5.04
/ 5.04 / United States / Country #1 / Country #2

  1. What industries are most prominent in the country?
  1. Based on your research, through which products or industries might the country enjoy comparative advantage?
  1. Does the United States already have a trade relationship with the country?
  1. If so, list products of exchange. You may leave the box for the United States blank on this one.

Free Trade Zones
Lesson 5.05 / 5.05 / United States / Country #1 / Country #2

  1. Compare and contrast the economic freedoms of your chosen countries
(go to and put then name of your country in the top right corner and click Go. Then discuss 3-4 of the freedoms)
  1. Describe what trade barriers exist within your chosen countries
  1. Is the country a member of any free trade zones?

Free Trade Zones
Lesson 5.06 / 5.06 / United States / Country #1 / Country #2
Inflation Rate
Lesson 5.06 /
  1. What is the current rate of inflation for the united States and your chosen countries?

5.6 Current Events

5.06 Questions: Current Events

Read your article and complete the following steps:

  1. Include a brief summary of the economics topics discussed in the article. Identify the specific economics vocabulary that is used in the article and include it in your summary.
  1. For each economics vocabulary word you identify, write the definition of that word. There should be a minimum of three vocabulary words per article summary.
  1. Explain how the news being presented could impact an economic decision that you may have to make.
  1. Provide a properly written citation of where you found the article.

5.08 Culminating Questions

Respond to the following culminating questions. For details on how this assessment will be graded, refer to the directions on 05.08.

Short Response—10 points each

  1. Which country do you think would have the best chance in meeting their economic goals from expanding trade with the United States? Incorporate a minimum of three economic indicators from 05.03 in your response.
  1. Based on your information about comparative and absolute advantage, explain which country the United States would benefit from trading with the most and why.
  1. Considering the economic systems of your chosen countries, which country do you think would be the most open to trade with the United States and why?
  1. Considering your research and data on barriers to trade and free trade zones, which country would be easier for the United States to trade? Explain including a minimum of two pieces of evidence.
  1. How does inflation impact the society of your chosen countries?

Extended Response—25 points each

  1. What other issues should the United States consider before entering trade negotiations? Examples may be human rights concerns, war, geography, other political issues, malnutrition or disease, transportation, or climate. In a minimum of one paragraph, discuss why these issues should be considered before beginning trade negotiations.
  1. To finalize, which country do you think would be a better trade partner for the United States at this time? Identify at minimum of three pieces of evidence thatsupports your decision. Explain.

III. Citation List

Maps can go here: