Kirkstyle’s Newsletter

December 2012


Pr.1 and 2 Tuesday 18th December – 1.20pm – 3.00pm

Pr.5 and 6 Wednesday 19th December – 1.20pm – 3.00pm

Pr.3 and 4 Thursday 20th December – 1.20pm – 3.00pm

Primary 7 Thursday 20th December – 6.30pm – 8.30pm

Pupils can bring party clothes with them to school in the morning of their party and they will be given time and help to get changed during lunch time. OR Pupils can go home and get changed but should return to school for 1.20pm, not earlier. Primaries 3, 4 ,5 and 6 would like to hold a break in the middle of their party afternoons to allow the pupils a chance to sit down in between their dancing schedule. Therefore we are providing the pupils with their own party plate, which they will decorate in school, to bring home and add any snacks they wish for the break time.

Snow White at the Palace

The pupils, staff and friends of Kirkstyle volunteers enjoyed their seasonal outing to the Panto this week. Everyone enjoyed the performance, but our budding actors and singers are keen to show they can do better in their own up and coming performances of ‘It’s a Cracker’ and January’s winter warmer of ‘Cinderella and Rockerfella’.

APFS- Arts projects for Schools

I hope you were impressed by the standard and quality of artwork sent home for you to view as part of the Christmas card project. The orders were collated and paid for on Friday 30th November and sent to the printer for Monday 3rd December to ensure the orders were printed and returned to the school for 17th December 2012. The project raised over £100.00 in commission of the school funds to go towards art materials and resources.

Singing for charity

Primary 3 pupils entertained the Christmas shoppers this week in ASDA and have been such a success that they have been invited back for second helpings next week on Tuesday 11th December at 10.00am.

Primary 4 and Primary 4/5 pupils are invited to sing at Morrisons on Thursday 13th December at 11.00am, to help raise much needed funds for Hansel.

Please come along and support our pupils or just join in while you shop!

Shiny Golden Time

Pupils in Primaries 1- 4/5 had a festive feel to their Shiny Golden Time with a panto workshop. We were overwhelmed with the number of children who achieved their target on our new tracker system and due to this we were able to offer the four workshops, spread across the whole day, to seven classes with an alternative reward scheduled for the other four classes before the holiday break is ‘Funky cones and Reaction Wall’.


We are offering a final Chrissy pressie opportunity for all the last minute shoppers among our friends and family, this is an enterprise venture in the form of a Kirkstyle 2013 calendar. The pupils in each class have had their photos taken and this will be printed as the main illustration within each calendar with tear off pages for each month to add your family’s events and appointments.

The photographs will be on display in the Gym Hall on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday next week so feel free to come in and view the class photos before you place your order.

Viewing times : before school and at the end of the day.

(The pupils are only in the photo if they had parental permission slips for photos returned at the start of the session.)

Church Service

We are also pleased to confirm that our traditional last day walk to the Riccarton Church for Christmas is due to take place on Friday 21st December 2012 at 10.00am. Family and friends of Kirkstyle are more than welcome to come and join in the festive service led by Reverend Strong.

Afterschool classes

We are trying to arrange the New Year and to kick it off to an active start we have booked after school classes for Street Dance with ‘All Stars’ on a Monday, Taekwondo on a Tuesday, Orchestra on a Thursday and Rugby on a Friday. Letters for each will be issued and as always parental permission is required.

Diary Dates

10.12.12 – Week 5 After school Arts & Crafts

10.12.12 – Nativity rehearsal for school pupils and Riccarton Nursery

11.12.12 - Food Standards Agency/Football for Primary 5

12.12.12 – Pr.1- 3 Nativity performance – 9.30 am

12.12.12 – School Christmas Lunch

13.12.12 – Pr.1-3 Nativity performance – 1.45pm

13.12.12 – Primary 4 pupils (including Pr.4 from composite Pr.4/5) singing at Morrisons

13.12.12 – East Ayrshire Schools Orchestra Christmas Concert – 4.00pm

14.12.12 – Massage in Schools; Parents session in Gym Hall 11.00am

17.12.12 – Week 6 After school Arts & Crafts

18.12.12 – Primary 1 and 2 Christmas Party – pm

19.12.12 – Primary 5 and 6 Christmas Party – pm

20.12 .12 – Primary 3 and 4 Christmas Party – pm

20.12.12 – Primary 7 – Fish & Chip tea and Party – evening

21.12.12 – Church Service 10.00am

21.12.12 – School closes for Christmas at 2.30pm

28.01.13- Panto dress rehearsal (infant dept. and school visitors watching)

29.01.13 – Panto afternoon performance

30.01.13 – Panto evening performance