To: Parents of Physical Education Students
From: Norwayne Physical Education Department
Parent Letter
This is to inform you of the requirements of physical education, which is a required course of study for students in grades sixth – eighth. The program is designed to focus on skill and knowledge basic to healthful living. In order to accomplish the OBJECTIVES of our program we have set certain rules and standards, which we believe are necessary to facilitate the education of each individual.
This school year, students will have physical education and electives for 1 ½ hours (90 minute blocks) on alternating days. The school calendar is broken down into an A schedule and B schedule (this is located in your child’s agenda book). Parents need to be aware of which schedule your child is assigned. This will help to make sure that your child is prepared for class.
MEDICAL HISTORY FORM: Your child was given a medical history form on the first day of Physical Education class. This form must be completed by the parent or guardian and returned to his/her Physical Education teacher. This information gives the teacher a better understanding of the needs of their students.
DRESS: Each student is required to dress out in appropriate P.E. clothes. Students can wear gym shorts (no denim) or warm-up pants/suits, a tee-shirt with sleeves, and tennis shoes. Tennis shoes are required for the student’s safety and to protect the gym floor. Students will be given time to dress before and after class. Students can use small gym bags or plastic bags to carry gym items for physical education class.
*NO bookbags are allowed in the building due to limited space in the locker rooms.
Pocketbooks, headphones, CD players, cell phones or cameras should not be brought to the gym or locker room.
PARTICIPATION: All students are expected to participate to their full capability. Failure to do so will lower the nine weeks grade. A note from the doctor is required for illness or injury to inform the teacher of special needs and when the student may safely resume physical activity. The student will be excused from dressing out during this time period, but he/she will be expected to complete an alternative assignment/activity. A note or phone call from the parent will be honored in an emergency. If the student is sick or injured for more than a week, a note from the doctor is needed. Any student without a note from a parent or doctor is expected to dress out and participate in class.
GRADING: (P.E. & Health)
Physical Education and Health grades receive the same emphasis and value as grades in any other subject. Students are graded daily on dressing out, participation, exercising, running and physical fitness/skills tests. Health grades will be determined by daily class work, quizzes, tests, projects, and notebook checks.
*Progress reports will be sent home by child if he/she nine week’s grade drops lower than a
90 during each nine weeks.
**Every child’s PE/Health grade will be updated online every 3rd, 6th, and 9th week of each
grading period.
NINE WEEKS INCENTIVE: At the end of the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd nine weeks, every child who maintained a P.E./Health grade of 95 or above with a conduct grade of satisfactory will receive an exercise pass.
DISCIPLINARY PROCEDURES: Any student who requires minor disciplinary action will be dealt with by the physical education teacher. Infractions of the disciplinary rules set forth by the Wayne County Schools will be dealt with by the school administration.
LOCKER ROOM: Each student will be assigned a locker to use during class. All students must remove all items from his/her locker each day. To reduce the risk of vandalism, do not leave valuables in the locker room. There will be no horseplaying, food/drinks, cameras or cell phones allowed in the locker room. Students may bring a combination lock for his/her gym locker but the locks must be removed after each class every day.
ACTIVITIES: The activities planned for this year are beneficial to the students at their present stage of maturity. The areas taught at Norwayne will include, but are not limited to; flag football, soccer, basketball, softball, volleyball, rope jumping, bowling, track and field, dance, physical fitness test, tumbling, speedball, and other recreational games.
Health Class: Components of Health Personal Fitness Anti-bullying
Nutrition/Weight Management Substance Abuse Sex Education
Stress Management Emergencies/First Aid
Note: The Physical Education and Health curriculum/classes may alter due to a
scheduling or unforeseen activity at school.
WARNING: Students will be under the supervision of an instructor during physical education class. Any activity involving movement creates the possibility of serious injury, however the risk is greatly reduced when the equipment is used under the supervision of an instructor and rules are followed. Parents are urged to caution their children to follow the rules listed below.
1. Show respect to the coaches, teachers, and classmates at all times.
2. When the whistle is blown; stop, get quiet, and listen to the teacher.
3. Use the equipment only under the supervision of the teacher and return all equipment at the end of the class period.
4. After dressing for class, sit down on the gym bleachers in your designated area.
5. Water or bathroom breaks will be allowed before and after class. Always ask permission to get water or go to the bathroom during class. No one should be in the front lobby of the gym without permission by the physical education teacher.
6. To participate in class, the students must wear tennis shoes.
7. No candy/food, drinks, gum, cameras or cell phones allowed in the gym or locker room.
8. No horseplaying in class (this includes the locker room).
9. Do not hang or swing on the basketball nets/rim or climbing rope.
10. Do not enter the locker room unless you are changing clothes for class.
11. Do not leave valuables in the locker room.
12. No bookbags will be allowed in the building during physical education class. Leave bookbags, pocketbooks, and other personal items in your classroom or locker.
13. Be on time to class. The school tardy policy will be enforced.
14. Do not go under the gym bleachers without the teacher’s permission.
15. No defacing school property.
16. If a student leaves the gym during class, he or she must have a hall pass.
Infractions of the physical education rules and school-wide rules could cause disciplinary actions. *Example: A discipline referral will be written if a student is seen by the teacher using a cell phone in the locker room.