Emerging Leaders Application

1.  Contact Information:
First Name: Enter first name
Last Name: Enter last name
Email: Enter email
Phone: Enter phone number / Street Address: Enter street address
City: Enter city Province: Enter province
Postal Code: Enter postal code
What federation or regional do you represent?
Enter federation or region
2.  Availability:
We require that participants actively attend all sessions in the program. The sessions are:
·  Tuesday, October 24th, 2017 - 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm EDT (virtual)
·  Tuesday, November 28th, 2017 - 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm EST (virtual)
·  Tuesday, January 30th, 2018 - 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm EST (virtual)
·  Friday, February 23 and Saturday February 24, 2018 - 2 full days (Toronto)
Please confirm that you will be able to participate in all of these sessions: / YES ☐ / NO ☐
3.  Diversity and Inclusion:
We believe that the future leaders of the co-operative movement should reflect the full diversity of co-op members. We strongly encourage applications from:
·  First Nations, Inuit, and Métis individuals
·  People of colour
·  LGBTQ2S+ people
·  People with disabilities
·  New Canadians
·  People with experience of poverty and/or homelessness
·  Other members of marginalized groups
If there is information you’d like us to know about your experiences and background, please share below:
Please share…
What accommodations would you need in order to participate? Accommodations could include (but are by no means limited to):
✓  Closed captioning on webinar presentations
✓  ASL interpretation
✓  A venue that is accessible to mobility devices
✓  Gender -neutral washrooms
Please indicate any accommodations you require:
4.Your Background Experience:
1.  Are you a member of a housing co-op or work in a housing co-op?
YES ☐ NO ☐ Not currently, but I have been in the past ☐
2. Have you ever taken part in:
a.  ☐ Regional co-op housing federation events
b.  ☐ CHF Canada’s regional events
c.  ☐ CHF Canada’s AGM
Please add any details you would like about these experiences. Comments:
3.  Have you ever participated in any of the following? (check all that apply)
☐ Volunteered on a housing co-op’s Board of Directors
☐ Volunteered on another organization’s Board of Directors
☐ Volunteered in your co-op
☐ Volunteered in another non-profit organization
☐ Taken part in an organization’s strategic planning process
☐ Organized a community event
Please add any details you would like about these experiences. Comments:
5.  Your Knowledge & Understanding of Co-operatives:
Ranking Guide
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
I do not know anything
about this topic / I know very little
about this topic / I know some things
but have more to learn / I’m very interested in this and have looked into it in some detail / I have studied this and/or have a lot of first-hand experience
On a scale of 1 (low) to 5 (high)…
1.  How much do you know about the co-operative model?
1 ☐ / 2 ☐ / 3 ☐ / 4 ☐ / 5 ☐
2.  How much do you know about the structure, mission, values and history of the co-op housing movement in Canada?
1 ☐ / 2 ☐ / 3 ☐ / 4 ☐ / 5 ☐
3.  How much do you know about housing co-ops around the world?
1 ☐ / 2 ☐ / 3 ☐ / 4 ☐ / 5 ☐
What is your experience with co-ops in Canada and around the world? OR What aspects of this topic would you like to learn more about?
6.  Your Knowledge & Understanding of Housing Issues:
Ranking Guide
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
I do not know anything
about this topic / I know very little
about this topic / I know some things
but have more to learn / I’m very interested in this and have looked into it in some detail / I have studied this and/or have a lot of first-hand experience
On a scale of 1 (low) to 5 (high)…
1.  How much do you know about housing needs and demographics in Canada?
1 ☐ / 2 ☐ / 3 ☐ / 4 ☐ / 5 ☐
3.  How much do you know about social housing models and values?
1 ☐ / 2 ☐ / 3 ☐ / 4 ☐ / 5 ☐
4.  How much do you know about non-profit housing in Canada?
1 ☐ / 2 ☐ / 3 ☐ / 4 ☐ / 5 ☐
What is your experience with non-profit and social housing in Canada? OR What aspects of this topic would you like to learn more about?

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