Clinical Inquiry PREliminary Search SteP Form


Congratulations! The FPIN CI Question you submitted has been reviewed by the FPIN CI Question Management Panel (CI QMP), has been determined to be a question that is relevant to family medicine, and has been approved with the wording below and assigned an FPIN CI Question Number. This number should be used in all communications regarding your manuscript.Text fields will expand with typing.
1. Approved FPIN CI Question: / Note: CI QMP approval and assignment of a new Question number is required for any change from this wording.
2. FPIN CI Question Number:
Instructions: Now that your CI Question has been approved by the CI QMP you can now go to the next step, which is to complete and submit this form, the CI PREP FORM. Should you have any questions about completing this form, please contact the Clinical Inquiry Project Manager at or the FPIN Office at 573-256-2066. Please complete the following items or modify any that have already been completed, but are incorrect.
Corresponding Author Contact Information
1. Name:
2. Organization:
3. Email:
4. Alternate Email:
5. Office Phone:
6. Cell Phone:
7. Pager:
FPIN Medical Librarian Information
8. I have commitment from an approved FPIN Medical Librarian co-author: / Yes
9. Librarian Name:
(if yes above)
10. Librarian Email:
Search Result Information
Please indicate the top three proposed reference citations below along with the study type and Step. For information about the CEBM table, visit LINK. Submissions without the following information will be returned. Your librarian, you and your co-authors will be collaborating on a comprehensive search and there is no need to complete that search at this step. However, in order to move to the next step in the approval process, the editors want to know that there is likely acceptable evidence available to answer this CI Question. They are looking for up to three references that you can find without completing the comprehensive search that give adequate assurance that a comprehensive search is highly likely to turn up adequate evidence.
Reference 1
Step (LOE)
Study Type / Meta-AnalysisSystematic ReviewRandomized Control TrialCohort StudyCase Control StudyGuidelineCase ReportOther
If other, explain:
Reference 2
Step (LOE)
Study Type / Meta-AnalysisSystematic ReviewRandomized Control TrialCohort StudyCase Control StudyGuidelineCase ReportOther
If other, explain:
Reference 3
Step (LOE)
Study Type / Meta-AnalysisSystematic ReviewRandomized Control TrialCohort StudyCase Control StudyGuidelineCase ReportOther
If other, explain:

Comments for Editor:

Once you have completed your form, save with the document name: question For Example: 27403.What’s the best treatment for FPIN CI Editors will review this CI PREP FORM and make a final decision about whether this CI Question will be approved as having adequate evidence to justify doing a comprehensive search and writing the manuscript for peer review and editorial review.
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