General Membership Meeting Minutes

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Welcome, Call to Order

President’s Report: Megan Haas & Sally Porter

·  The meeting was called to order at 12:36 p.m. The attendance sign-in sheet is attached to these minutes.

·  Council Updates: The superintendent discussed the proposed new bell times and said that he is leaning towards adopting them. He also talked about the new schools the district is planning to build. He said that an ambitious plan would be four years to build new high school. They are currently in a bidding war with developers to acquire the land.

·  The PTSA is funding an update of emergency supplies for the school.

·  We need to create a nominating committee. We would love to have someone from each feeder elementary school, and we would like to vote them in at the November meeting.

Secretary’s Report: Susan Hansen

·  The September 22, 2016 General Membership Meeting Minutes were approved as presented.

Treasurer’s Report: Tracy Drake

·  The September budget came in on track.

·  We received approximately $8500 from membership and Pass the Hat. That puts membership on budget and we are close on Pass the Hat.

·  There were various expenses such as $500 to Council, $300 to PayPal, and donations of $1800 to ISF, Echo Glen, and others.

VP & Committee Reports

Fundraising: Lynda Nielsen

·  Lynda was not present, but Megan reported that we are on track with fundraising.

Membership: Jen Fredrick & Cheryl Furey

·  Update: We have 843 members which puts us close to 100%. We would love to achieve 100% membership.

·  We are working on the directory.

Programs: Kammy Lull

·  Grants: After reviewing all of the grant requests and discussions with Dana Bailey, the Board recommends the following curriculum enrichment grants: Museum of Flight Portable Universe Program for 7th grade ($1045), molecular module sets ($433.57), Makerspace Day materials for the library (requested $400, decided to give $100), MLK assembly speaker ($975), renew teacher subscriptions to for 6th and 7th grade humanity students ($525.34), 40 health books for 7th grade health ($548.39), 3 VGA video splitters and 3 SVGA cables for science students ($143.73), Inventors Lab (STEM) elective course materials (Mr. Nichols requested $2672.67, but we decided to give him $300 because there are only 20 students enrolled right now). The total comes to $4071.03 We have $8900 in our budget, which leaves us some money for another round of grants.

MOTION #1: Carolyn Kennedy moved that we accept the fall 2016 curriculum enrichment grants as

presented by the Board at the General Membership meeting. The motion was

seconded and passed unanimously.

·  Reflections: 10/24 is the last day to turn in submissions. The judging will be on11/9. We are looking for judges, and we will send out an email soon. The reception is on 11/15. We had a PCMS student last year who came in second in the state.

Volunteers: Lisa Small

·  Dana really needs parent volunteers for the lunches. Please spread the word and sign up to do the walk-abouts. There are three 30-minute lunch periods. Come for as much or as little as you can.

·  There are no big events coming up, but we need chairs for 8th grade promotion (6th/7th grade parent) and 8th grade party (8th grade parent).

·  Marion Zidar talked about doing a Scholastic Book Fair. There will be no cutesy gift, only middle school books. She will send out a google doc for volunteers. The book fair will be the week of 11/28, Mon, Tue, Wed. We need two parent volunteers and three student volunteers per shift, plus volunteers for set up and take down. There will be a sign-up sheet for student volunteers too. The book fair won’t cost any money. Scholastic Book Fair takes care of everything, including a promotional kit of display books to set up in the library to advertise. There will be author talks in the morning announcements. Librarian Mike Flemming has reviewed the books.

Communications: Carolyn Kennedy

No report

ASB: Nicole Garcia & Tracie Jones

·  We are hosting a Halloween party (all school social) this year during the last hour of school. Parent volunteers are needed (a minimum of eight additional parents). ASB asked PTSA to help find snacks. We need about 1000 snacks to make sure every kid gets something. The school cannot buy these types of food, but we can donate it. All items must be individually wrapped and store bought. This is in lieu of the usual November social. We will announce this in the eNews.

Student Outreach Cami Blumenthal & Marie Hardy

·  The Angel Network has met the needs of three students this year. There is one more request going out today or tomorrow.

Legislative/Advocacy: Lisa Callan

·  Ballots are arriving soon. Please remember to vote for all bonds, initiatives, etc. Lisa is going to the legislative assembly this weekend for PCMS.

·  The Supreme Court ruled the legislature is still in contempt on McLeary and the fine will continue. They will report to the court again once the budget is signed.

ISF: Lisa Small

·  ISF’s All in For Kids campaign is happening right now and Click for Kids is today. There will be two calling nights coming up to those who have not yet donated. There will be a Honk and Wave at PCMS on 11/4 to support the ISF fundraising campaign.

Parent Ed: Ms. Van More: Communication: Parents & Staff

·  Jenny Juang reported that the counselors will be doing the next parent ed talk.

Upcoming Dates:

·  Next General Membership Meeting is Thursday, November17th at 12:30 pm in the PCMS Library.

The meeting adjourned at 1:45 pm.

Issaquah PTSA Pacific Cascade Middle School

March 19, 2015