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National Alliance for Partnerships in Equity Education Foundation
PIPELINE PRESS / November 2010
Quick Links
STEM Equity Pipeline Project
National Alliance for Partnerships in Equity
Google RISE Awards provide awards to organizations working with K-12 and university students to provide STEM enrichment programs in these fields.
The STEM Academy is pleased to announce the establishment of the STEM Corporate Matching Grant Fund for high schools throughout America that want to improve STEM literacy for all students.
NASA's Kids in Micro-g challenge is accepting proposals from students in fifth through eighth grades to design a classroom experiment that also can be performed by astronauts aboard the International Space Station.
The International Journal of Gender, Science, and Technology focuses on gender issues in and of science and technology, including engineering, construction and the built environment, and aims to explore the intersections of policy, practice and research.
Explore The Council on Women and Girls Resources page, where you can find information about resources that the Obama Administration has available for women and girls.
Nerd Girls want to encourage other girls to change their world through STEM, while embracing their feminine power.
Advanced Technological Education Television features a new episode every Monday and networking capabilities to connect ATE students and educators with prospective employers in technical fields.
The Earthwatch Institute offers educators fully funded fellowships for hands-on learning with leading scientists doing field research and conservation on one of 130 projects.
The CareerWISE project has two major thrusts with the goal of increasing women's persistence in STEM doctoral programs: the development and testing of Internet-delivered resilience training and a comprehensive research program to characterize the experiences of women who are pursuing and leaving PhD programs in STEM disciplines.
The Honeywell Educators at Space Academy Program funds five-day scholarships for middle school math and science teachers at the U.S. Space & Rocket Center in Huntsville, Alabama.
Save the Date
Webinar: ENGAGE Research-based Strategies to Retain Undergraduates in Engineering
Part 2: Using Everyday Engineering Examples in the Classroom, December 2, 2010 - 2:00-3:00 pm EST
Part 3: Improving Spatial Visualization Skills January 27, 2011, Time TBD
AAUW National Convention: Breaking through Barriers--Advocating for Change, Washington, DC, June 16-19, 2011
Any opinions, findings, and conclusions, or recommendations expressed in the material published in the NAPE Update are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of NAPE. Furthermore,inclusion of a product, program, or practicein the NAPE Update does not implyits endorsement by NAPE.
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Funded by a grant from the
National Science Foundation,
GSE/EXT: STEM Equity Pipeline Project,
Grant No. HRD-0734056

NAPE 2011 Professional Development Institute
"Equity Matters in College and Careers"
April 11-14, 2011
Doubletree Crystal City, Arlington, VA
Highlights from This Year's Agenda:
1. Two 3-hour opening sessions: "Defeating Deficit Ideology and the 'Cultures' Obsession" and "Pink Brain, Blue Brain?" 2. STEM Equity Pipeline Pre-Conference 3. Washington, DC, Monuments by Moonlight Trolley Tour
Proposals to present at the PDI are due December 17, 2010.
Registration and hotel room reservations are now open!
Learn more at the NAPE website.
News from Iowa
Technology Association of Iowa Unveils 2010 Award Finalists
The Technology Association of Iowa (TAI) has announced the finalists for the third annual Iowa Women of Innovation Awards Presentation - a premier event to honor women leaders in science, technology and engineering. Ten awards will be given to showcase women in Iowa's workforce who are pioneers and role models in their fields. Students at both the high school and college levels will also be recognized for their studies and accomplishments. Read More
Women and Non-Traditional Occupations in Central Iowa: Attitudes and Opinions
This report of focus groups of women and what they think about careers in Construction, Electrical, and Utilities was funded by the Central Iowa Works. Access Report
Obama: Our Best Scientists Are Helping the Economy The Oval
President Obama awarded science and technology medals today, and said the work of the winners also has important economic implications for the United States. Improved math and science education will help the U.S. create the new products and forge the new industries needed to compete with other nations in the global economy. Read More
Leading Companies, Universities Urge Senate to Pass COMPETES Act Eric Robelon, Education Week
A collection of some 250 corporations, universities, and professional associations are urging Senate leaders to hurry up and complete work on legislation to reauthorize the America COMPETES Act, which includes a strong emphasis on improving STEM education. They call on lawmakers to act in time that a bill could reach President Obama's desk before the 111th Congress comes to a close in early January (and presumably Congress would have to start over). Read More
Push for Math, Science Education Stumbles Amid Beleaguered Districts' Pressures Joe Robertson, The Kansas City Star
Five years ago, alarms sounded over America's rapidly falling stature in STEM education. But after a wave of new programs and initiatives formed in response to the news, signs are emerging that the momentum of the mid-2000s is slipping away, even as students' needs continue to grow. The economic recession and budget cutbacks mean hard times in particular for schools trying to keep up with the urgent need for stronger STEM programs. Read More
Rock-Star Campaign Aims to Raise Profile of Science Achievement Dan Vergano, USA Today
A campaign debuting in the December issue of GQ magazine features the "2010 Rock Stars of Science," as part of an annual effort by the Geoffrey Beene Foundation to interest more people in science. The campaign pairs top scientists with famous musicians to raise the profile of the scientists and draw attention to their achievements. Read More
Study: 99% of U.S. Teens Believe Math and Science Are Important Curtis Silver, Wired
Recently Intel Corporation, along with Penn Schoen Berland conducted a study related to science and math that have yielded some interesting results. The first stat of the study is the one in the header. 99% of U.S. teens believe math and science is important. This is all well and good, until you look at the stats beneath it. The most outstanding of these being the mere 10% that think that the U.S. is best when it comes to math and science. So there is a serious lack of confidence in the math and science teaching skills of the U.S., at least in the eyes of 1,000 teens. Read More
Science 'Dorks' See Need Regina Garcia Cano, The Columbus Dispatch
MythBusters should be in and Jersey Shore, out. At least that's what students at Metro Early College High School say. Students from the Northwest Side school discussed high-schoolers' attitudes toward math and science education in a town-hall setting yesterday. The discussion among 150 students followed the live streaming of an online town-hall meeting on science, technology, engineering and math education that was moderated by former Vice President Al Gore. The goal was to find new ways to attract American youths to the sciences. Read More
Electronic Brain Stimulation Can Improve Math Skills ABC News
Stimulating the brain with a very low electric current can enhance a person's math ability for up to six months, British neuroscientists said on Thursday... For this study, 15 student volunteers aged 20 and 21 were taught symbols that represented different numerical values, and then timed to see how quickly and accurately they could complete a series of math puzzles based on those symbols. Read More
Why There Are So Few Women in Tech Vinita Gupta, Bloomberg Business Week
Women with engineering or computer science degrees often disappear just as they are within grasp of reaching career peaks....Why such a deficiency? Several explanations are typically proffered, many of them simplistic. A dearth of role models for women in engineering and science is one. Another is the meager encouragement that parents and teachers offer grade-school-aged girls to pursue math and science. A third is often the matter of women's decisions to have children at the prime of their careers, which makes them less desirable to tech companies filling demanding roles. These explanations are all true-and insufficient. Read More
Gender Equity in Mathematics Education
This report summarizes gender equity in education in terms of its challenge and the approaches recommended to promote women's access to education in math and science. Read Report
National Alliance for Partnerships in Equity | 3157 Limestone Road | PO Box 369 | Cochranville | PA | 19330

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Oregon Department of Education 12/7/10 Page 5