Created by Kerry Moody

Early Years Foundation Stage/Year 1Termly overview
PLC2 learning overview
Year Group: EYFS/Y1 / Term: Spring 3 & 4 (2 weeks) / Teacher: / Class:
(3 days) / LC2
9.1.2012 / LC3
16.1.2012 / LC4
23.1.2012 / LC5
30.1.2012 / LC6
Primary Learning Challenge:
What can I see at night?
Space / What can we find beyond the sky? What’s in Space and how will we get there?
  • Introduction to space themeusing story “Whatever Next”.Create Story sack and classroom space station role play area.
  • What shall we take on our picnic to the moon?
  • What does an astronaut do? Explore clothing and function of astronaut’s clothing.Explore materials used for clothes, helmets, the spaceshuttle.
  • Investigating Space shuttles – designing and making own rocket for role play – Large scale collaborative project.
  • History of space travel. (Yuri Gagarin/ Animals – Able & Baker)
  • What do people need to survive in space?
  • Virtual tour and letters from NASA
  • Design and make telescopes, moon boots, food, flags for when you land, lasers, fuel tanks…
  • Design a space suit
/ Which planet do we live on? What makes Earth special?
  • What does the Earth look like? Exploring spheres.
  • Does the Earth move? Why does it rotate?
  • Discuss and explore ways of looking after our planet: recycling/energy saving.
  • Talk about how the Earth spins to create day and night – find out about nocturnal animals. People who help us at night.
  • Explore features on Earth e.g. mountains, hills, oceans, deserts.
/ What would it be like to visit the moon?
  • Exploring astronauts/ 1st moon landing - ‘Was Neil Armstrong really the 1stman on the moon?’
  • What must it have felt like to be the first man on the moon?
  • How do people travel across the moon? Exploring a space buggy.
  • Journey to the moon – things we will need. Comparing the conditions on the moon with Earth,
  • Does the moon really have a face? Investigate full, half and new moons – simple exploration of phases of the moon.
/ What are stars? Which star is the most important for our planet?
  • What is the Sun?
  • Why is it yellow?
  • Importance of sun for providing heat and light?
  • Why do our shadows change throughout the day?
  • Why is the Sun important to plants?
  • Exploring constellations in the Milky Way
/ What would it be like to live on a different planet?
  • Exploring the Solar System and planets.
  • Naming and ordering the planets.
  • Which planet is nearest the sun and which is the furthest away?
  • Discuss the features of a planet – how far from the sun it is, how big, how hot or cold, whether it has moons or rings or both
  • Chn focus mainly on Mars – appearance and atmosphere.

Eng / Whatever Next Jill Murphy
Poem – My Rocket
Roaring Rockets – Tony Mitton
Living in Space / Space Poems
Bob the Man on the Moon – Simon Bartram
A Grand Day Out - Wallace & Gromit
Baboon on the Moon
Hey Diddle Diddle
Poem – The Moon
On the Moon
Aziza and the Pelican / Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star
Laura’s Star
How to Catch a Star / Aziza and the Pelican
Baby & the Rocket
The Solar System
Math / NLC/ Calculating / NLC, SSM / Calculating / NLC, SSM / Calculating
ICT / Developing Mouse Skills / Developing Keyboard Skills / Using a Tape Recorder

Early Years Foundation Stage/Year 1Termly overview
PLC2 learning overview
Year Group: EYFS/Y1 / Term: Spring 3 & 4 (2 weeks) / Teacher: / Class:
20.2.2012 / LC8
Primary Learning Challenge:
What can I see at night?
Space / What would an alien/ UFO look like?
  • Stimulating imagination: A space ship crash lands on the field. investigating the site, chn invent own aliens who have come to visit.
  • What would an alien look like?
  • What would an alien eat?
  • Create a moon dance/alien dance
  • Select sounds to represent aliens movements/speech,for example ‘The Clangers’
  • Design and make an alien mask
  • Design an alien 2D and 3D projects – e.g. vegetable aliens
  • Early emergent descriptive writing
  • Investigating sorting and data handling using variety of aliens.
/ Reflection and Presentation
  • Bringing it all together – planning a Space Party
  • Design a Space Tshirt: using fabric crayons, sticky shapes etc…
  • Create an atmospheric environment by turning the classroom into Planet X
  • Food: Circular planet biscuits, astronaut biscuits, space drinks, moon rock cakes etc..
  • Space themed games: pass the stars, musical planets, pin the nose on the alien, keep the planet in space.
  • Learn and perform space songs.

Eng / Here come the Aliens.
We’re off to look for AliensAliens loveunderpantsBob's Alien Spotter Guide. Beegu
The Way Back Home / Q Pootle 5
Aliens Love Smelly Jelly
Math / NLC, Calculating / NLC
ICT / Using 2Animate – Purple Mash