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Wirral south social isolation fund application form

Before filling in your application for this funding, please ensure you read the funding eligibility criteria on page 1. Please also complete the new supplier form to ensure that we have an up to date record of your bank account and other details – it is important we receive this whether you have completed it previously or not. This will ensure that there are no delays in processing your funding if you are successful.

This form should be used by organisations and groups wishing to apply for the Wirral South Social Isolation fund. You may only apply for one project per group; the maximum amount you can apply for is £2000. Projects must be complete with evidence showing completed spend by the 1st of October 2018.

Completed applications must be received by 12 noon on Friday 8th September 2017.

If you have any questions or need support with your application please do not hesitate to contact Shannon Kennedy on 0151 666 3076 or e-mail

Grant Eligibility Criteria

To be eligible for a grant you must be applying on behalf of one of the following organisations or groups below and based in the Wirral South Constituency area:

·  Registered Charity or Charitable Incorporated Organisation

·  Fully Constituted Community or Voluntary Group (including Parent Teacher Associations)

·  Faith Group

·  Social Enterprise or CIC

The fund cannot be used for:

·  Core staff salaries or core administrative costs

·  Costs which have already been incurred (i.e. retrospective funding)

·  Religious worship – applications are welcomed from religious or faith groups for projects that are designed to benefit the wider community. However, projects that are deemed to promote a particular religion are excluded

·  Party political activity i.e. fundraising, campaigning or any other activity associated with any political party.


This fund has been developed with the overarching aim of preventing and reducing the

complex range of harms associated with being socially isolated. In order to achieve this your project must include at least one of the following aims:

• Raise awareness

Raise awareness of both the existing opportunities available to those at risk of becoming isolated and the associated health risks of being socially isolated

Increase action to support individuals

Social isolation and its links to lack of regular contact with others, means that those who will

be most isolated will have little or no contact with services, therefore creative solutions are

needed to identify those who would benefit most from initiatives

Community Action

Community action is particularly important in building and harnessing capacity within

neighbourhoods to tackle social isolation

Applications will be assessed against the above 3 aims. Please make it clear in Question 5 of this application how your proposal meets any of the above aims


A full evaluation of your project will be completed at the end of your project deadline (question 9 below) or after the overall deadline for spend (1/10/18). We may ask you to carry out some wellbeing assessments throughout your project (depending on the nature/duration of the project and the amount awarded). Any such request will not be labour intensive and any necessary training will be provided by Wirral Council.

Following receipt of funds successful applicants will be sent all relevant evaluation documents detailing what must be recorded throughout the life of the project. This will then form part of the final evaluation form.

The evaluation of all funded projects is extremely important to ensure:

·  Social Return On Investment (SROI) can be established for each project.

·  Did the award of funding offer value for money?

·  Best practice can be identified for future funding opportunities

·  Applicants can receive feedback to help shape future projects/funding applications

Q1. What is the name of your organisation / group?

Q2. What does your organisation / group do? Max 500 words

Q3. What type of organisation / group are you?

Our organisation is:




I have enclosed the following document(s):


A Registered Charity

/ /

Charity Number (please state number):


Charitable Incorporated Organisation

/ /

Constitution/Bank Statement (please tick):


A fully Constituted Community, Voluntary or Faith Group

/ /

Constitution/Bank Statement (please tick):


A Social Enterprise/CIC

/ /

Social Enterprise/Community Interest Company (please state number):


Other (please give details)

Please note you must provide a copy of at least one of the above documents/numbers as evidence of your organisation’s status.

Q4. Please tell us the name of your project:

Name of Project:

Q5. Please explain how your project will meet two or more of the project aims and what you hope that will mean in real terms for your community? Max 1000 words (Please see aims on page 2)

Q6. Where in Wirral South will your project take place?

Ward / Please tick as appropriate / How many volunteers will be involved in this project
Please tell us the exact location of your project:

Q7. How much are you applying for? £ ______

(Please note that the maximum amount you can apply for is £2000)

Q8. What is the overall cost of your project?

(Please note that the total amount you are applying for must not exceed the total

cost of the project)

Q9. What are the start and end dates of your project?

(Please note funding may not be distributed until the 1st of October 2017 and all projects and associated spend must be complete by the 1st of October 2018)

Q10. How will this funding be spent?

Item & Details / Cost / Amount Requested
Example: Room hire for regular meetings throughout project duration / £20 per hour / £360


Position in Group:
Email Address:
Contact Telephone Number:


On behalf of my organisation or group, I declare that I accept the following terms and conditions:

§  The grant will be used wholly for the purpose described in this application form;

§  The grant must deliver a benefit to one or more of the aims of the funding.

§  We will ensure that all relevant health and safety requirements / public liability insurance / DBS checks and / or any other relevant policies are in place in relation to the project;

§  The grant from Wirral Council will be acknowledged in any promotional materials;

§  The funding will be spent by 1st October 2018;

§  We will make any requests to change how the funding is spent in writing and we will not at any stage request that the funding is increased;

§  We will record all relevant evaluation data as requested and will submit the associated form no later than the 1st of October 2018 to show how the grant has been spent and what have been the outcomes of the project, and to include photographs following permission being obtained;

§  We will retain all original receipts / invoices relating to expenditure on the project and are aware that Wirral Council may request to see these at any time for a period of up to 12 months following the submission of our project evaluation form;

§  We accept that, if the funding is not fully spent, or is spent for another purpose than described in this application, Wirral Council has the right to claim this grant back.

Please note that if you return this form by e-mail (with a printed signature / without signature) you are deemed to have accepted the declaration detailed above.

Signature: / Date:
Secondary signature: / Date:
Name of secondary signature (must be included):
Position in group:
Email address:
Contact telephone number (must be included):

Before you return the application form please use the list below to ensure you have completed the form correctly. Have you:

·  Read the information on pages 1 & 2 to confirm that your project meets the criteria for funding
·  Answered ALL of the questions on the application form
·  Included evidence of your organisation’s status e.g. Bank Statement or Constitution (Q3) if applicable
·  Checked that the total amount applied for (Q7) does not exceed the total cost of the project (Q8)
·  Included a breakdown of costs for the project (Q10)
·  Understood and signed the declaration (Q11)
·  Completed the separate supplier form which will ensure that we have your bank account details to process the funding should you be successful

Follow us on Twitter to find out about the work of Wirral South Constituency Team @Wirralsouth

If you would like @wirralsouth to follow you on Twitter, please include your Twitter account below:

Would you like to automatically receive information by email about local initiatives in Wirral South as well as other council information i.e. highways work?

Your application form and the supplier form must be received by 12 noon on Friday 8 September 2017.

Please return your application and supporting documents by email to or to Wirral South Constituency Team, Pennant House, The Village, Bebington, Wirral CH63 7PL (it is the applicant’s responsibility to check receipt of the document prior to the deadline. This can be done by contacting Shannon Kennedy on 666 3076)


Wirral South Social Isolation Fund – Application Form