English Worksheet

Parts of speech

Nouns – Adjectives – Verbs


Nouns are the names of people, e.g. man – woman – John – Caesar; or animals, e.g. horse – dog; or things, e.g. house – tree – car – blackboard.

*Underline the nouns in the following:-

1-The boy saw his brother.

2-The teacher speaks to her pupils.

3-There is a pen on the desk.

4-Put the chalk on the table.

5-Look! The cat caught a mouse.

6-Mary lives in London.


There are some words that go with nouns and tell us something about them. These words are called adjectives.

*Underline the adjectives in the following:-

1-They live in a big, red house.

2-Peter is a clever boy.

3-An elephant is a big animal , a mouse is a small one.

4-Lions are strong, fierce animals.

5-The teacher gave us an easy lesson.


Verbs are the most important words in the language; we can’t make a sentence without a verb.

Verbs are used to say what people do; they express an action.

Underline the verbs in the following:-

1-The girls are dancing.

2-The teacher gave us a lesson.

3-The boy ran away.

4-The man opened the box.

5-We learn grammar.

Punctuation marks

1 – Capital letters :

A ) Names of persons , countries and cities .

Ex : Mona – Ramy – Dina – Ahmed .

Egypt – America – Italy - Cairo – Paris – Alexandria .

B ) Adjectives describing nationalities

Ex : English – Arabic – French

C ) Days of the week and months .

Ex : Sunday , Monday ......

January , February ......

D ) At the beginning of the sentence .

Ex : This is a big car .

We are playing football .

E ) Short forms of titles

Ex : Mr. - Mrs. - Miss. – Dr.

2 – Full stop :

A ) At the end of the sentence .

Ex : Ramy does his homework everyday .

B ) After abbreviations .

Ex : Dr. Samy - Mrs. Nancy

3 – Question mark :

A ) At the end of the questions :

Ex : What is your name ?

Is he a doctor ?

Note : The question sentences begin with :

{ Who – Whose – What – When – Why – Where – Am – Is – Are – Was – Were - Has – Have – Do – Does – Did – Will – Can – Could – May }

4 – Comma : ( , )

A ) Used to separate items in a list but not before ( and ) or ( or )

Ex : I always buy oranges , apples , bananas and pears .

B ) After ( Yes ) or ( No ):

Ex : Do you like apples ?

Yes , I do .

C ) Before ( Please ):

Ex : May I borrow a pencil , please ?


Punctuate :

1 – how are you , hany


2 - yes ali and samy are at the cinema


3 - no rana and I don’t visit nahla


4 - when did ashraf go to luxor


5 - noha bought milk cheese and eggs last Friday


6 - where does ahmed go on sunday


7 - what did you do on saturday , dina


8 - mona goes with sara to giza


9 – fady visited italy with his uncle adel last july


10 – can i have a chocolate please


Negative Form ( helping verbs )

Verb to Be:

1 – Add ( not ) after the helping verb.

2 – Some any

3 – Helping verbs are ( am – is – are – was – were – have – has – can and will )

Eg : 1 – Ramy has got some balls.

Ramy hasn`t got any balls.

Interrogative form ( helping verbs )

1 - I am am I / are you

2 – I was were you

3 – my your

4 – some any

Eg : I am a teacher.

Are you a teacher? / am I a teacher?

Verb to be

Do as asked:

1-I am reading a book.( Negative )


2-The girl is playing with her doll. ( Interrogative )


3 – The boys are playing football.( Negative )


4-The door is shut. (Negative)


5- There are some pens on the desk. (Interrogative)


6-There is some water in the bottle. (Negative)


7- I am playing with my friends. (Interrogative)


8- There is some cheese in the fridge.( Interrogative )


9- Noha/ hungry. (Yes) (Ask and answer)



10- Boys /playing. (No) (Ask and answer)



11- We are watching TV. (Interrogative)


12- There are some pupils in the class. (Interrogative)


13- They/running. (No) (Ask and answer)



14- Omar /swimming. (Yes) (Ask and answer)



16- You / riding a horse. ( Yes ) ( Ask and answer )



17- Hend/wearing a red dress. (No) (Ask and answer)



Verb to DO

Long Form / Short Form
Do not / Don't
Does not / Doesn't


1)I, you, we, they, ----> DO

2)He, she, it ----> Does

3)After do, does ----> verb stem

4)After do, does ----> Have


1) Does Mona watch T.V every day?

2) Does Ramy have a bike?


Do as asked:

  1. (Do- Does) Ahmed (has- have) a ball? NO, (he- she - it) (doesn’t- does- has). (Choose)
  2. (Do- Does) the boys (have- has) black shoes? Yes, (we- they- he) (does- don`t- do). (Choose)
  3. (Do- Does) Rana (wash- washes- is washing) the dishes every day? No, (he- she- they) (don`t- doesn`t- does). (Choose)
  4. (Do- Does) the children (plays- are playing- play) football every week? (Choose)
  5. (Do- Does) Hany (brushes- is brushing- brush) his teeth every day? Yes, (she- he- it) (doesn`t- don`t- does). (Choose)
  6. ______Mona have a doll? No, she______. (V. to Do).
  7. ______Omar go to the cinema every week? Yes, he ______.

(V. to Do).

  1. ______the pupils write many exercises every day? Yes, they ______. (V. To Do)

Verb to Have


1) I, You, We, They have got

2) He, She, It has got

Long Form Short Form

Have got ‘ve got

Has got ‘s got

Have not got haven’t got

Has not got hasn’t got

Verb can

Long Form Short Form

Cannot can`t


1-Can + and + can

2- Can + but + can`t

3- After can / can`t verb stem

Do as asked:

1-We / big house. ( Yes ) ( Ask and answer )


2-Noha / a doll. ( No ) ( Ask and answer )


3 – Randa has got a doll. {Negative}


4 – The pupils / black shoes. ( Yes ) ( Ask and answer )


5 – I have got some toys. {Interrogative}


6 – Omar has got a white cat. {Negative}


7 – We have got some marbles. {Interrogative}


8 – Nahla can swim. {Interrogative}


9- Mother / a car. ( No ) ( Ask and answer )


10 - Children / toys. ( Yes ) (Ask and answer )


11- Mona / pink dress. ( No ) ( Ask and answer )


12 – Randa ------swim and she ------sing. {Can – can’t}

13 – Birds ------fly but they ------swim. {Can – can’t}

14 – Omar can play football {but – and} {she – he – it} can`t play tennis. {Choose}

15 – I can {run} ------but I can`t {hop} ------{Correct}

16 – Penguins {can – can`t}{fly – flies – is flying}{but – and} {we – they – it} {can – can`t } {swims- swim- are swimming}.


17 – Ahmed can runs and he can`t plays football.

{Correct the mistakes}


18 – Hend can`t dances and she can swims.

{Correct the mistake}



Subject pronoun / Possessives
Adjectives / Possessives pronouns
I / My / mine
You / Your / Yours
He / His / His
She / Her / Hers
It / Its / -
We / Our / Ours
They / Their / Theirs

Do as asked :

1- This is my book. It is ……...... …..(Possessive)

2- Ramy and Hala are pupils. This is ……………..class.


3-Tamer is wearing a tie, ……………….tie is green.


4- Tom and I are wearing boots …………….boots are black.


5- That is not your book. It is (yours –mine –my).


6- Is this (hers –her – yours) dress?(choose)

7- (Mine –yours –My) shoes (is –are –am) clean, but

(their –your-ours) shoes are dirty.(choose)

8- This is Hanan's pen .It is ……………. (possessive)

9- The cat is sleeping , ……………….tail is long. (possessive)

10- Ours house is near the school.

(correct the mistake)


11-Does you always wash yours face in the morning?

(Correct the mistakes)


12- I have a brother .Her name is Ramy.

(Correct the mistake )


13- You and Tom have a cat .It are ours cat.

( Correct the mistakes )


Present Continuous Tense:

Key words:

1) Now am, is, are

2) Look +

3) Listen Verb

4) At the moment +

5) Still ing

Remark 1:

Cross {e} and add {ing}


1) The children {watch} are watching T.V. now.

2) Ramy {ride} is riding a horse at the moment.

Remark 2:

1) One vowel double the last letter.

2) Two vowels don’t double the last letter.


1) Sit sitting

2) Shout shouting


1) Open opening

2) Visit visiting

3) Listen listening

Remark 3:

Verb to be {am, is, are} + still+ verb + ing


Omar {still sleep} is still sleeping.

Do as asked:

1) The birds {sing} ------now. {Correct}

2) Father {write} ------a letter but mother {listen}------to the music at the moment. {Correct}

3) Look! Omar and Hany {swim} ------but Hala {sit}------under an umbrella. {Correct}

4) Father {watches – watchs – is watching} TVbut mother {baking - is bakeing - is baking} a cake now. {Choose}

5) Look! Ahmed {is ride –is riding –is rideing} a horse but I {am feed- am feedding- am feeding} the giraffe. {Choose}

6) It {rain} ------at the moment and the weather {be} ------cold. {Correct}

7) The children {be} ------at the zoo. They {still ride} ------the elephant. {Correct}

8) Look! Mona {is opening –is open – is openning} the window. {Choose}

9) The teacher is shouting. {Negative}


10) The girls are dancing. {Interrogative}


11) I am doing my H.W. {Interrogative}


12) The birds are flying. {Negative}


Wh. Questions:-

1) Who people

2) Where Place

3) Why Reasons {because/ To}

4) What Things/ Animals

5) When Time

Remark 1:

1) Name

2) Time What

3) Doing

Remark 2:

1) Time: It is seven o’clock- half past------

2) Seasons: summer – autumn – winter – spring

3) Months: July- December------When

4) Morning – noon – afternoon – evening

5) Date: 26th of April ------

Do as asked

1) ------is watching TV? Father.{Wh.}

2) ------is father’s car? In the garage. {Wh.}

3) ------is in the kitchen? Mother. {Wh.}

4) {Who –Where –What} are the pupils? In class. {Choose}

5) ------is your name? Heba.{Wh.}

6) ------did you go last summer? To Alex.{Wh.}

7) {Where –What –Who} {are- am- is} these? These are lions. Choose}

8) {What –When –Who} do you get up? I get up at half past six in the morning. {Choose}

9) ------do you like to drink? Orange juice. {Wh.}

10) {When- What- Where} do you go to the beach? In summer.{Choose}

11) ------is the time? It is quarter to six.{Wh.}

12) ------did you go to the doctor? Because I was ill. {Wh.}

13) ------do you watch T.V.? In the afternoon. {Wh.}

14) {Where- What- When} is Hala doing? Playing with her doll.


15) ------is your birthday? On the 27th of May. {Wh.}

16) ------does your mother go to the market? To buy meat.{Wh.}

17){What- When- Where} is Ahmed’s birthday? In August. {Choose}

Present simple tense:

Key words:

1) Always

2) Usually He, she, it

3) Often

4) SometimesVerb stem {I, you, we, they}

5) Every

Remark 1:

* He, She, It add (s) Eg: Sleep Sleeps

* He, she, it {s , ss , sh , ch , x , o} add (es)

1) Watch watches 2) go goes

Remark 2:

He, she, it + {a, e, i, o, u} + Y add (S)


1) Buy buys 2) Stay stays

Remark 3:

He, she, it + {b- l- k ------} + Y cross (Y) and add (ies)


1) Cry cries 2) Study studies

Do as asked:

1) Everyday Randa {drink} ------milk and {eat}------eggs. {Correct}

2) Ramy always {finish} ------his H.W. in the afternoon. {Correct}

3) Randa sometimes {hurry} ------to school. {Correct}

4) Father always {stay} ------at home in the evening. {Correct}

5) The pupils always {carry} ------their bags. {Correct}

6) I often {watches, watch, is watching} TV in the afternoon. {Choose}

7) Hala and you always {brush, brushes, are brushing} your teeth everyday. {Choose}

8) Every week, mother {go} ------shopping and {buy} ------meat.


9) Sometimes father {fixs, is fixing, fixes} his car. {Choose}

10) The servant is washing the dishes every day. {Correct the mistake}


11) Ramy studys English now. {Correct the mistake}


12) I always prays in the morning. {Correct the mistake}


13) Do mother watches T.V. every day? {Correct the mistake}


14) Does Hala and Hoda wears blue shoes at school?

{Correct the mistake}


15) Does the moon {shine – shines – isshining} at night? {Choose}

Present simple tense: {Negative}


1) I, you, we, they Do not

2) He, she, it Does not

3) Cross {s, es, ies}

4) After do, does verb stem


1) We drink milk every day.

We do not drink milk every day.

2) Ahmed carries his bag every day.

Ahmed does not carry his bag every day.

Present simple tense: {Interrogative}


1) I, you, we, they Do

2) He, she, it Does

3) Cross {s, es, ies}

4) After do, does verb stem

5) Put {?} at the end of the sentence.


1) I watch TV every day.

Do you watch TV every day?

2) The baby cries at night.

Does the baby cry at night?

Do as asked:

1) I want to drink a cup of tea. {Interrogative}


2) Amr lives in a big flat. {Negative}


3) Omar goes to the club everyday. {Negative}


4) Nader studies English everyday. {Interrogative}


5) We watch TV everyday. {Interrogative}


6) My father fixes his car every week. {Interrogative}


7) Ahmed flies his kite in the afternoon. {Negative}


8) Hoda hurries to school everyday. {Negative}


9) We play football every week. {Interrogative}


10) The man drives his car everyday. {Negative}


Do as asked:

1) Hany always {go} ------to school at 7 o’clock. Look! He {stillsleep} ------{Correct}

2) Mother sometimes {washs- washes- is washing} the dishes in the morning. She is {listening- is listening- listen} to the radio at the moment. {Choose}

3) Sometimes Hala {walk} ------to school. She {run} ------now.


4) {Do- Does} Amr {goes- go- is going} to the club everyday? No, {he- she- it} {don’t- does- doesn’t}. {Choose}

5) Nader always {studys- studies- is studying} at night. He {visits- is visiting- is visitting} his uncle now. {Choose}

6) Nadia and Amr always {goes- go- is going} to school at half past seven. They {still are making- are still makeing- are still making} their beds.


7) Youssef always {plaies – plays –is playing} football. He {is swim- is swimming- is swiming} now. {Choose}

8) Omar sometimes is going to school by car. He rides his bike at the moment. {Correct the mistake}


9) I often am visitting my granny at the weekend. {Correct the mistake}


10) The children always walks to school. We run now. {Correct the mistake}



{12} It is ------o’clock {sharp}

{6} It is half past ------

{9} It is quarter to ------

{3} It is quarter past ------

What is the time?



What is the time?





Singular / Plural
This / These
That / Those
Am, Is / Are
He, She, It / They
I / We
A, An / X
Does / Do
Has / Have
Her, His, Its / Their
Colours {red, blue, green ...... } / No change
Adjectives {tall ...... } / No change
The, There / No change
My / Our

Irregular Plural

Singular / Plural
Man / Men
Policeman / Policemen
Fireman / Firemen
Fisherman / Fishermen
Postman / Postmen
Woman / Women
Ox / Oxen
Mouse / Mice
Goose / Geese
Tooth / Teeth
Foot / Feet
Child / Children
Fish , sheep , deer / Fish , sheep , deer

Remark (1):

* Vowels (a, e, i, o, u) + y add (S) only.


1) Boy boys

2) Key keys

*Consonant (f- l- m- ………..) + Y cross (y) and add (ies).


1) Lady ladies.

2) Story stories.

Remark (2):

Cross (F , Fe ) and add (ves)


Shelf → shelves

Knife → knives

Remark (3):

1) Roof roofs.

2) Giraffe giraffes.

Remark (4):

Nouns ending in (ch , sh , x , o , s , ss ) add (es)

Eg. :

Glass → glasses / brush → brushes / tomato → tomatoes

Remark (5):

a)Photo photos.

b)Radio radios.

c)Piano pianos.

d)Video videos.

Remark (6):

To form plural change (He , She , It ) into (they) + (verb stem)


  1. She washes the dishes every day.

They wash the dishes every day.

Remark (7):

Homework →Homework( no change)

Change into Plural

1-That man is playing the piano.


2-She always carries her bag.

 …………………………………………………………………………………………………

3-This is a green leaf.

 …………………………………………………………………………………………………

4-My mother is a housewife.

 …………………………………………………………………………………………………

5-The mouse is hiding in that box.

 …………………………………………………………………………………………………

6-I can see a sheep, an ox, a cow on this farm.

 …………………………………………………………………………………………………

7-There is a chimney on the roof.

 …………………………………………………………………………………………………

8-He wears a new brown hat.

 …………………………………………………………………………………………………

9-The child is playing with his toy.

 …………………………………………………………………………………………………

10-My baby has got a white tooth.

 …………………………………………………………………………………………………

11-She has got a new watch.

 …………………………………………………………………………………………………

12-I am a clever pupil. I never forget my book.

 …………………………………………………………………………………………………

Choose :

1-( A – An) ( mouses – mice – mouse ) ( live – lives ) in a

( hole – holes ) .

2-There ( is – are ) ten ( shelfs – shelves – shelf ) in the library .

3-The ( men – mans – mens ) ( are – is )(help – helps – helping )

( their – its – his ) ( wifes – wives – wife ) .

4-There ( is – are ) ( some – any ) ( mangoes – mangos ) in the tree.

5-( This – These – That ) boys ( is – are ) ( plays – play – playing ) with their ( toies – toys – toy ) .

6-A ( doges – dogs – dog ) ( doesn’t – don’t ) ( eat – eats – eating ) warms .

7- ( Dictionaries – Dictionarys – Dictionary ) are ( useful – useless – usefuls ) .

8-( Giraffes – Giraves – Giraffe ) have ( long – short – longs )

( neck – necks ) .

Revision (1)

Do as asked:

1-Birds / wings. ( Ask and answer )



2) The children are at school. {Negative}


3) My book is on the desk. {Interrogative}


4) Salma always {carry} ------her heavy bag. {Correct}

5) This lady makes my dress. {Plural}


6) {Do- Does} Peter {goes- go- is going} to school on foot?


7) There {isn’t- aren’t} {any- some} lollipops in my bag.


8) ------do you go to school? To learn.{Wh.}

9-You / a doctor. ( No ) ( Ask and answer )



10) This is Mary’s cat, it is ------{Possessive}


Do as asked:

1-The boys ( don’t – doesn’t – aren’t ) ( like – likes )

( playing – plays – play ) chess ( choose )

2) I sometimes {play} ------football at the club. {Correct}

3) I have got some English stamps. {Negative}


4) I have got some money in my pocket. {Interrogative}


5) That child has got a tooth. {Plural}


6) Ali {don’t- doesn’t} {carry- carries- carrying} a heavy bag every day. {Choose}

7) They eat some sweets. {Negative}


8) My mother usually {watch} ------TV but now she {cook} ------. {Correct}

9) {This- These- That} {women- woman} are {wear- wearing} {nice- nices} {hat-hats}. {Choose}

10- Mona ( like – likes ) ( eat – eats – eating ) apples .
( choose )


Do as asked:

1-I ( `s - `m - `re ) ( tidy – tidies – tidying ) ( my – his – its ) room .

( choose )

2) There is some milk in the bottle. {Interrogative}


3) Noha often {do} ------her H.W. in the evening. {Correct}

4) He reads stories in the summer holiday. {Negative}


5) Tamer always {visit- visits- visiting} his grandma on Friday but now he {go- goes- is going} to the cinema. {Choose}

6) There {is- are} many {ox- oxen- oxes} and some {geeses- goose- geese} on the farm. {Choose}

7) {Do- Does} he {has- have} {some- any} flowers? {Choose}

8) She puts the key on the shelf. {Plural}


9) {Who- What- Where} is this woman? My mother. {Choose}

10) This isn’t {my- mine} pen, it is {your- yours}. {Choose}

11) The boy is playing with his ball. {Circle the nouns}

12) She has a nice, blue dress. {Circle the adjectives}

Revision 4

Do as asked:

1) Father sometimes {wash} ------his car. I always {help} ------him. {Correct}

2) The pupils read their books loudly. {Negative}


3) Ahmed usually {brushes- brush- brushing} his teeth. {Choose}

4) That lady has a beautiful baby. {Plural}


5- Rana ( 's got –'s –'re ) ill . ( He – She – You ) ( 's –'s got –'ve)

absent today .

6-My sister ( cann`t – can`t ) ( making – makes – make ) paper