FBG Sensors applied for Offshore Platform Monitoring

Dr.Bi Xiangjun, State Key Laboratory of Structural Analysis for Industrial Equipment, Dalian University of Technology, Dalian, 116023, China.


Offshore oil platforms have to resist severe environmental conditions, such as wave, wind, and sea ice, etc., which could incur risks or disaster. As the design theory is not well developed, it is necessary to adopt monitoring system to guarantee the safety of the platforms.

The research on safety monitoring for the platforms under the effect of ice force in Bohai has been carried out in the last ten years. As well as we known, strain is a useful data, which can reflect the important information of structure. If we can gain the real-time information of strain, the behavior of whole platform can be evaluated. However, the traditional sensor can not be applied well in bad ocean environment; we need to look for more advanced sensors.

Fiber Bragg sensor, which resists interference, endures corrosion, and has high sensitivity, can be adopted for long-term and real-time monitoring of the strain under the complex condition such as the platforms. In our two platforms, this new technology was successfully applied and we had a prospective collection of accurate strain measurements. However, this technology has just been emerged, there are still many problems for its effective applications. In our laboratory, we plan to do some experiments to master its performance in order to apply well for the platform in the future.

To work on this project, the REU student is encouraged to focus on the following topics:

1.  Read references about FBG sensor to learn about their basic theory.

2.  Do some experiments about FBG sensor.

3.  Deal with the data of the lab experiments.

4.  Complete a report on the research project.


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