The first part of the title of my presentation is also the title to a book by Mr. Ian Ferguson that goes into considerable detail about the Pan Am 103 bombing, and who is really responsible for it. And why they perpetrated the mass murders of 270 innocent men, women and children! Even more disgusting are the facts concerning the resulting Cover-up by our Federal Authorities and the abject refusal by our political leaders to even discuss this sinister event. Let alone do anything to bring the real perpetrators to Justice! The only efforts any of them make is to prevent the exposure of these crimes.

The entire story of my involvement in a number of similar Federal Frame-Ups takes several hours to recount. Very briefly, in 1989, after more than thirty years of working to support our country’s military and civilian law enforcement operations, I became the unwitting (and most unwilling) victim of an extensive series of efforts by such Federal Agencies as the FBI, BATF, U S Customs and the US Attorney, with able assistance from several US District Judges, to put me behind bars for many years, if not the rest of my life. Their actions were so bizarre that they attracted the attentions of several investigative reporters. Fortunately for me, as the reporters (who were simply looking for the truth) quickly uncovered these Agents’ plot to fabricate and plant fake evidence, file false court documents, threaten & intimidate witnesses and suborn their perjured testimony, lie to the Courts and generally act like (or even worse than) some of the real criminals they were supposed to be investigating, arresting, charging and prosecuting.

In fact, the reporters told me that they even had a name for people like me. I was a “Fryer” – someone who becomes the target of less-than-legal Federal Agents who then proceed to do anything necessary to get him convicted in order to discredit him and prevent him from exposing their own criminal activities. One of their more bizarre plots was attempting to frame myself and two other equally innocent and unknowing persons as Scapegoats in their plan to assassinate Mrs. Corazon Aquino, then President of the Philippines. This plot was exposed in a three page article in “The San Francisco Examiner” on Nov. 20, 1990 titled: “A Plot Right Out of Soldier of Fortune”. It was also covered in “Burning Rage”, a book by Mr. Barry Clausen, who also experienced similar illegal activities by the same FBI Agent. The US Congress even has a name for these types of illegal Federal Activities – “Coin-Tel-Pro” (Counter Intelligence, Pro-Active), which was declared illegal years prior to the above noted conspiracies. The seriousness of these charges can be judged by the fact that none of our Senators or Congressmen will do anything to even remotely bring these perpetrators to justice. If it can even be done? Certainly not if the present situation is permitted to go unchallenged!

The reasons behind the Feds’ efforts to “Get” Chuck Byers are that some of the “Special Ordnance Devices” that Accuracy Systems sold to “a U S Government Intelligence Agency” were being resold to International Terrorists. These were utilized in the Mass Murders of hundreds of American Citizens and Soldiers as well as other countries.

The initial incident was the bombing of the U S Army-Chartered Arrow Air DC3 that went down on take-off at Gander, Newfoundland on Dec. 12, 1985. That aircraft was deliberately blown up with a non-nitrate based incendiary explosive that Accuracy Systems designed and furnished exclusively to a U S Government Intelligence Agency. Over 250 Americans, mostly Army soldiers, died in that horrible Mass Murder.

Sgt. Arleigh McCree, the head of the LAPD Bomb Squad, determined the real facts behind the Gander Bombing and was shortly after set up and murdered with a booby-trapped pipe bomb. A couple of weeks after a similar (fortunately unsuccessful) attempt on my life. An additional later attempted bombing intended for me also failed. Whew!

My involvement with the Pan Am bombing started when an aid to an Arizona US Senator introduced me to a former BATF Explosives expert who was experiencing the same type of Federal Attention that was being inflicted on me. This man had investigated some captured terrorist equipment and had given a unique electronic timer/detonator to the CIA. This Agency apparently had it copied and made it available to their Agents in the field. The BATF Agent was also involved in the Lockerbie Bombing Investigation and he showed me a picture of this timer and illustrated the corner of the circuit board that had been recovered from the ground under the Pan Am Bombing site. It is different than the two other photos of similar circuit boards that I have seen reported as supposedly factual illustrations of the timer that detonated the Pan Am 103 bomb..

The real reason for the bombing was that two U S Government employees, one from the CIA and a U S Army Major, had discovered that Rogue Agents were selling weapons of war to International Terrorists and these two were on this flight to bring their evidence back to their respective agencies. A decision was made that their return to the USA would not be good for the guilty Agents’ retirement, so they blew up Pan Am 103 and then, just like with myself and Mr. Clausen, fabricated evidence to get someone else blamed for their crimes. This time they succeeded! Families of the Pan Am victims are concerned about a “deal for oil”, but perhaps the threat of a new trial, was involved in the decision to free the Libyan who was questionably convicted of the bombing?

Prior to the Pan Am Trial, I met with two of the trial’s prosecutors here in Phoenix and gave them the evidence that I had concerning this Mass Murder. This was exculpatory evidence that they promised to turn over to the attorneys working for the Libyans’ defense. Apparently the Prosecutors forgot to do this, and subsequent efforts on my part to bring this omission to light resulted in yet more attention from our local Federal Agents, Prosecutors and District Court Judges. In August 1990, I (and two other persons who were going to substantiate my evidence and provide some of their own about additional criminal activities of local Federal Agents) met in Congressman Bob Stump’s local office with two Internal Affairs (supposedly) Investigators from a U S Government Intelligence Agency. I told the Investigators that I was going to record the transmittal of this evidence, but they refused to accept it under those conditions and became a bit irate that I would not turn it over to them “free & clear”. I told them “NO WAY” and if they didn’t accept it now, they could read about it in the papers, see it on TV and listen to it on the radio. I was told in no uncertain terms that I had better not do that. By some apparently odd coincidence, it was only a short time later that the BATF raided and seized the Starflash Ranch in New River. That was the location where for many years Accuracy Systems (fully licensed, inspected and approved by BATF) had designed, tested and produced the life-saving munitions for our Government SWAT Teams. We also conducted numerous training classes to teach SWAT Officers to properly and safely utilize these advanced life-saving devices.

While the BATF falsely claimed that they were there to remove “dangerous explosives”, the real reason was to destroy the evidence there that linked the Felonious Federal Agents with the illegal sale of these munitions to International Terrorists and the murders of a lot of innocent persons. The BATF was there for a year and a half. This was the longest illegal seizure and occupation of private property in the history of our Country. During this time they intimidated, frightened, endangered and enraged the citizens of New River and totally wasted over $4,000,000 of US Treasury funds. Then they just cut and ran, leaving their mess for others to clean up. Exactly similar to Ruby Ridge and Waco (another story of a major Cover-Up): ATF – Another Total Foul-up!

In spite of my efforts to inform the US Attorney and some US District Court Judges, they all refused to do anything to stop this shameful Cover-Up and to preserve the incriminating evidence located on the premises. Let alone start any investigation.

I personally met with the U S Attorney and provided her with some of this incriminating documentation, but she refused to take any action VS the criminal activities covered in the evidence. In fact, as AZAG she seemed to take an active lead in perpetrating the destruction of this incriminating evidence. Isn’t this a Misprision of a Felony?

There are a significant number of Court Documents in the local USDC that will go into much greater detail if anyone is interested in further studying this matter.

Had the Government not destroyed Accuracy Systems (ASI) and effectively denied it’s SPLLAT (Special Purpose Low Lethality Anti Terrorist) Munitions to our Country’s defenders, a lot of cops and soldiers would be alive today. Had US Army RANGER Pat Tillman had a single one of ASI’s M359 Instant Obscuring Smoke Grenades, he could be alive today. And Squaw Peak would still be known by that name. At least four local police officers (Snedigar, Hontz, Wolfe & White) would likewise have benefited from ASI’s products. And those are just local people who lost their lives due to the Feds.

Since ASI was destroyed by the Feds back in 1989, to the best of my knowledge, there has not been a single new effective design of “Non-Lethal” munitions developed. A couple of ASI’s products have been copied, but even they do not seem to work as well as the ones ASI furnished for many years. At least one grenade designed by Sandia Labs, under US Government contract, has, in fact, proven itself to be a bit dangerous, having seriously injured a number of our troops. Exactly as I had predicted it would do.

If ASI’s products and technology (even the products then in current production, not even considering the significantly more advanced and effective devices that were under final development) had been utilized during the Sand Box Wars and saved even 1% those killed and/or injured in those altercations, a lot of pain and suffering would have been prevented. Not to mention the hundreds of millions of dollars in death and injury expenses incurred by the US Taxpayers. This sorry situation will go on and on for many more years, with lots of additional (and totally preventable) casualties yet to come.

The above events have been covered by Unsolved Mysteries, Sixty Minutes, A&E Cable, The Crusaders and numerous other investigative reporters. To a person they have all said: “Chuck, someone is lying and it is not you”! That should be obvious to all.

The above information has been taken from “THE LUCIFER DIRECTIVE”, a book yet to be published, with the names to be kept the same, in the hope of bringing indictments.

Charles M. Byers Copyright October 1, 2009 Phoenix, AZ

Phoenix Rotary 100 has my permission to print and provide copies of this document for distribution to their members at their Nov 6, 2009 meeting in Phoenix, AZ.

Any Rotarians wishing to furnish copies of others also have my permission to do so.

Charles M. Byers. Oct. 1, 2009