
Instructions for completing form NDUS-CND-011

This form is to be used for requests for access to TouchNet. Please complete this form electronically, to enable it to be emailed and attached to a help ticket.

·  Indicate the requested environment that pertains to your request by placing an ‘X’ on the line after Production or Test.

·  Indicate type of request being made. (Examples are a request to add a new user, request a change for a user, or request to delete the user’s access.)

·  Indicate the request date.

·  Indicate the requestor’s full legal name, including middle initial. (No nicknames such as Bob for Robert or Judy for Judith.)

·  Indicate the requestor’s phone number.

·  Indicate the requestor’s EmplID (required).

·  Indicate the requestor’s Email address.

·  Indicate the requested date of completion for this request.

·  Indicate if access to a U.Commerce Central Account is needed.

·  Merchant Manager’s signature is required along with date and Merchant Manager’s email address.

·  Indicate the type of access needed:

Payment Gateway: Accountant, Cashier, and Bursar. Enter the Merchant(s) needed. If you do not know what to enter for Merchant(s) contact the Campus Solutions Business Analyst for Student Finance.

NOTE: If the requestor is requesting access to use Payment Gateway, the requestor must take the NDUS Data Privacy Training and sign that the training has been completed.

Bill+Payment Suite: TBP Customer Service or TBP Customer Service View Only

Marketplace Suite: Merchant Manager . Enter the Merchant(s) needed. If you do not know what to enter for Merchant(s) contact the Campus Solutions Business Analyst for Student Finance.

·  Requestor’s signature and date is required. (If an electronic signature cannot be obtained, indicate the requestor’s name.)

·  For approval, email this form to your Campus TouchNet Representative.

·  Your Campus TouchNet Representative, if approving, will:

a.  Email this form to the Campus Access Control Officer.

b.  If not approving, your Campus TouchNet Representative will return the form to the requestor.

·  The Campus Access Control Officer will create a help ticket, with the form attached, and assign it to the NDUS Security group.

·  When the request has been processed, the user will be notified by email by the NDUS Security group, the ticket will be resolved, and the originator of the help ticket will be notified by email.