SEN Information Report


What types of SEN do we provide for?

In January 2017 there were 47 pupils identified on our Special Educational Needs (SEN) register. This was 8.8% of the school population compared to 14.4% nationally.

12.7% of SENpupils had a statement or Education, Health and Care Plan

87.2%were recorded asSEN Support

19.1% were girls

80.8% were boys

We supported children with the following needs: Speech, Language and Communication, Autism, ADHD, hearing impairment, visual impairment, physical disability, global developmental delay, specific learning difficulties and anxiety issues

How do we identify and assess pupils with SEN?

On-going observations by school staff in class and through-out the school day

Completion of an ‘Identification of Needs’ form if there are concerns; which will be discussed with parents

Use of an 'Identification Criteria' to gain a clearer understanding of the pupils’ needs

Discussions with parents about their knowledge of their child

Tracking of data through formal / informal assessments e.g.

  • Teacher assessment– data is collated half termly
  • Phonics screening test / KS1 and KS2 SATs tests
  • A range of standardised screening assessments either used for all pupils or identified pupils e.g. NFER, Salford, Single Word Spelling, Verbal / Non Verbal reasoning etc.

Outside professional reports

Information provided by the previous school / setting

Who are the key contacts for pupils with SEN?

Mrs Gemma Didcock is our Inclusion Leader. She holds a non-teaching post and works Monday, Thursday and Fridays. Appointments can be made via the school office or at .

Mr Kevin Wooldridge is the SENGovernor and he can be contacted via the

What is our approach to teaching pupils with SEN?

We aim for all our pupils to be fully included within class lessons and differentiate our curriculum according to ability and need; however we are mindful that some children either for all or some of their time at Loddon may require provision which is additional to their peers.

This may be additional provision in the classroom or targeted intervention with the aim of closing the gap.

How do we adapt the curriculum and learning environment?

The curriculum will be differentiated based on each individual’s needs, taking into account teacher assessment, information from school staff, advice from outside professionals, the need for small group or 1:1 teaching or specific targeted interventions and resources available to the school at the time. We use ICT when possible to support children’s learning.

How do we work with parents of pupils with SEN and involve them intheir child’s education?

On-going teacher assessments are shared with parents

SEND Profiles (previously Individual Provision Plans - IPPs) which include strengths and needs, progress and standardised test data, provision and outcomes are discussed with parents

Review meetings will be held with school and / or outside professionals as appropriate

Person-centered Annual Reviews for children who have an Education, Health and Care Plan(EHCP) are held annually

Class teachers and / or Inclusion Leader are always happy to arrange meetings to discuss progress at a mutually convenient time.

How do we consult pupils with SEN and involved them in their education?

We recognise that pupil voice is important and aim to listen to the children’s views whenever possible

Pupils complete a Pupil Passport which forms part of the SEND Profile

Where appropriate the SEND profile outcomes / provision will be discussed with the child and they will be invited to make a comment onthe profile

Pupils with an EHCP complete an annual questionnaire in preparation for their review and whereverappropriate they will be invited to the review

The Inclusion Leader holds anSEND pupil forum which gives pupils the opportunity to have their say about their education at Loddon

How do we assess and review pupils’ progress towards their outcomes?

All pupils have targets which are set and worked towards

We use discussion and assessments to help us work out gaps in children’s learning to support us in setting achievable outcomes

We use formative assessmentsand standardised tests to track progress over time

Pupil Progress Meetings are held termly with the class teacher and senior leaders to ensure children are on track to make progress

The SEND Profile will be reviewed on a termly basis to see how children are progressing with their short term outcomes

Professionals that come into school also set outcomes for pupils; which the staff then work towards e.g. Speech and Language, Occupational Therapy, Educational Psychology and Foundry College

Children with an EHCP have all objectives reviewed annually – although short term outcomes are set as required

How do we support pupils moving between different phases of education?

A variety of actions may take place for pupils with SEN whether they are transferring in or out of Loddon. The transition arrangements we offer are:

  • Home visits may be arranged with Foundation Stage staff
  • Consultation meetings / phone conversations / visit to current pre-school / setting if needs are significant / concerns expressed
  • Planned transition visits to school
  • Meetings with parents / outside professionals if involved
  • Additional transition visits to new classroom / teacher
  • New teacher to see the child in their current setting / class
  • Opportunity for current / receiving teacher to discuss child’s progress / provision / needs etc.
  • Photo books for children who may struggle with transition
  • Y6 Transition projects
  • Foundry College may be commissioned to support individual children with transition if necessary
  • Vulnerable children visits are arranged by the Secondary schools
  • Secondary colleagues are invited to school to meet the child / be part of a review meeting if necessary to answer parent / child questions
  • Joint projects with local secondary schools on curriculum topics or to support activities such as sport and music

How do we support pupils with SEN to improve their emotional andsocial development?

We are dedicated to improving our pupils emotional wellbeing needs and may do that in the following ways:

  • Nurture Assistants offering weekly 1-1 / group support
  • A nurture group run by the IL offering more intensive provision
  • Use of specific interventions e.g. Circle of Friends, social skills groups, 1-1 time with an adult during the school day where necessary,social stories etc.
  • Access to a lunchtime club to support children who may struggle socially on the playground
  • Support for parents through our Parent Support Advisor either through discussions / workshop sessions / signposting
  • We are a Values-based school and through the values we use a whole school approach to develop each child’s full potential socially and academically.
  • Use of assessments which included the Boxall Profile, Wellbeing and Involvement scales and an EmotionalLiteracy assessment enable us to identify specific areas of difficulty and track progress of already identified pupils, whilst also identifying other pupils at risk

How will we engage external professionals?

The Inclusion Leader is able to refer children to a range of professionals who will be able to provide advice to school staff and parents usually through consultation meetings. Some professionals provide direct input with pupils:

-Educational Psychologist – referral following discussion at the School Planning Meeting leading to consultation

-Learning Support Service - referral following discussion at the School Planning Meeting leading to assessment

-Foundry College – online referral usually leading to consultation and observation

-Speech and Language – referral leading to assessment and therapy plan

-Occupational therapy / physiotherapy -referral leading to assessment and therapy plan

-Sensory Consortium – referral leading to staff / pupil support

-CAMHS – referral leading to assessment

How will we secure equipment and facilities to support pupils with SEN?

Following discussions with outsideprofessionals it may be necessary to purchase equipment to support a child’s needs. When budgeted for and affordable the school would purchase this from their SEN budget

If the cost is not able to be met it may be necessary to take the child’s case to the exceptional needs funding meeting to ask for additional funding or loan the equipment from specialist services

How do we evaluate the effectiveness of ourSEN provision?

Progress of teacher assessment data and standardised tests is monitored by senior leaders

Outside professionals review objectives set and progress made towards these

We look at start and end points of interventions to see if there has been an impact

Discussion with children as appropriate and parents

SEN is monitored and discussed at governing body meetings e.g. curriculum

How do we handle complaints from parents of children with SEN about provision made at the school?

An annual survey is offered to all parents to offer feedback in general terms.

The school invites open dialogue and parents are welcome to speak to us in person, e-mail or use the comments box held in theschool office for this purpose.

Procedures for complaints are outlined within the school’s Complaints Policy which is available via the school office or on theschool website.

Who can pupils and parentscontact if they have concerns?

If parents and pupils have concerns in the first instance they should contact the class teacher. If this is not appropriate then parents could contact the Inclusion Leader or the Team Leader.

What support services are available to parents?

Signposting to voluntary agencies and community projects is available on the school’s website.

Our Parent Support Advisor also has literature and knowledge of many local agencies and can support parents in accessing their services.

Alongside other members of staff, the school’s Parent Support Adviser can signpost parents and carers appropriate to their specific needs. Parents and carers may be signposted to information, workshops, courses, events, local services. This includes local Borough services or local/national voluntary agencies. The school operates within a cluster of seven local schools and some workshops and events are offered to parents and carers across the cluster.

Where can the LA local offer be found?

The school’s Local Offer and Wokingham’s Local Offer can be found on the school website under SEND. The school local offer was last reviewed in September 2017. The DES accessibility plan, SEND, Equality and Community Cohesion and Supporting pupils with medical conditions policies can all be found on our website.

The following resources were purchased during the academic year – Clicker 7 license; nurture resources to include toys, arts and crafts, Boxall profiles, 60 mindful minutes, Overcoming your child’s fears and worries book, refreshments; Sensory resources to include chewy pencil toppers, fiddle toys, weighted objects, therapy putty; equipment to support personal care; spinning chair and large ball; communication folders; Alphablocks reading intervention; Sand Tray toys; furniture and large puzzles for Sensory room; iPad insurance

The following SEN training took place –Clicker 7, Attention Autism, Emotional Wellbeing workshop, The effective guide on the side, Autism Awareness, SENCo Network, Team Teach, Overcoming childhood anxiety, Precision teaching

There were no exclusions in the academic year 2016-2017. However a number of pupils were supported through behaviour plans. Behaviour is monitored across the school.

FourSEN pupils were also eligible for pupil premium funding. The Pupil Premium Strategy can be found on the school website.

Outcomes for SEND pupils 2016-2017

Our tracking and evaluation systems indicate the following progress:

Reading – 81%5 steps or more
Writing – 78%5 steps or more
Maths – 89%5 steps or more / Reading – 70%6 steps or more
Writing – 62%6 steps or more
Maths – 65%6 steps or more
41% (15pupils) made accelerated progress in reading (more than 6 steps)
35% (13 pupils) made accelerated progress in writing (more than 6 steps)
30% (11 pupils) made accelerated progress in maths (more than 6 steps)
SEND (Year 1-6) Summer 2 2016 – Summer 2 20 / 17
37 pupils / Reading / Writing / Maths
Progressed by 6 steps / 26 (70%) / 23 (62%) / 24 (65%)
Progressed by 5 steps / 4 (11%) / 6 (16%) / 9 (24%)
Progressed by 4 steps / 5(14%) / 3 (8%) / 3 (8%)
Progressed by 3 steps / 1 (3%) / 5 (14%) / 1 (3%)
Progressed by 2 steps / 1 (3%) / 0 (0%) / 0 (0%)
Progressed by 1 step / 0 (0%) / 0 (0%) / 0 (0%)
No steps progress / 0 (0%) / 0 (0%) / 0 (0%)

NurserySENpupils made on average 5.0steps progress compared to non-SEN pupils who made 4.8

ReceptionSENpupils made on average 3.0 steps progress compared to non-SEN pupils who made 3.5

Y1SENpupils made on average 5.1 steps progress compared to non-SEN pupils who made 5.5

Y2SENpupils made on average 4.5 steps progress compared to non-SEN pupils who made 6.0

Y3SENpupils made on average 5.6steps progress compared to non-SEN pupils who made 6.0

Y4SENpupils made on average 5.9 steps progress compared to non-SEN pupils who made 6.0

Y5SENpupils made on average 7.7 steps progress compared to non-SEN pupils who made 6.0

Y6SENpupils made on average 7.2 steps progress compared to non-SEN pupils who made 6.4

Average steps progress for all SEND pupils is 5.5 steps progress

Average steps progress – progresscompared to NOT SEND / Reading / Writing / Maths
Nur / SEND / 4.6 / 4.8 / 5.4
Rec / SEND / 3.8 / 2.0 / 3.2
Not SEND / 3.6 / 3.4 / 3.5
All pupils / 3.6 / 3.3 / 3.5
Y1 / SEND / 5.1 / 4.9 / 5.1
Not SEND / 5.8 / 5.3 / 5.3
All pupils / 5.7 / 5.3 / 5.3
Y2 / SEND / 4.0 / 4.0 / 5.3
Not SEND / 5.8 / 6.1 / 6.0
All pupils / 5.7 / 6.0 / 6.0
Y3 / SEND / 5.8 / 5.8 / 5.2
Not SEND / 6.0 / 6.2 / 6.0
All pupils / 6.0 / 6.1 / 5.8
Y4 / SEND / 6.0 / 5.3 / 6.3
Not SEND / 6.1 / 6.0 / 5.9
All pupils / 6.1 / 6.0 / 5.9
Y5 / SEND / 8.0 / 7.7 / 7.4
Not SEND / 6.0 / 6.1 / 6.1
All pupils / 6.3 / 6.3 / 6.3
Y6 / SEND / 7.2 / 6.8 / 7.7
Not SEND / 6.3 / 6.5 / 6.5
All pupils / 6.4 / 6.6 / 6.6

Action plan for 2017-2018

A review of SEN provision is being completed to ensure that we achieve good outcomes for all SEND pupils

A review of the most effective use ofteaching support staff is being undertaken

The school will continue to applyfor Education, Health and Care Plans or Exceptional Needs funding for the pupils with the most complex needs

Staff will continue to be offered CPD opportunities to enable them to support pupils with SEND in our school

Prepared by Gemma Didcock (Inclusion Leader) September 2017