Article I


This chapter of the international honor society shall be known as Sigma Lambda Chi

at Iowa State University

Article II

Purpose and Requirements

Sec. 1. The purpose of this organization is to provide recognition to the students in

the Construction Engineering Program at Iowa State University who are in the top 20

percent of their Junior or Senior Class. Activities may include Outreach for CCEE

department (i.e. Hotel Lego) and Social Activities for members (i.e. Dinner, Softball

with CE Honor Society)

Sec. 2. Objectives of Sigma Lambda Chi shall include:

a. The rendering of service to the field of construction.

b. The development of good relations between academia, industry, and the


c. The recognition of outstanding professionals in construction and allied fields.

Sec. 3. Sigma Lambda Chi abides by and supports established Iowa State University

Policies, State and Federal Laws.

Article III


Sec. 1. Membership shall be open to all registered students at Iowa State University.

Iowa State does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, age, religion, national

origin, sexual orientation, gender identity, sex, marital status, disability or status as a

U.S Veteran.

As a member, one is required to attend organization meetings regularly, pay dues,

and actively support organization projects.

Sec. 2. The classes of membership shall be defined as follows:

a. Active membership shall consist of undergraduate and graduate students,

subject to Section 3a.

b. Faculty membership may be conferred by chapters upon faculty and

administrative personnel, subject to Section 3b.

c. Alumni membership shall automatically follow active membership upon


d. Chapter honorary membership may be conferred upon anyone whom the

chapter deems to have merited such an honor, providing that they receive

three‐fourths affirmative vote by secret ballot from the chapter's active and

faculty members.

e. International honorary membership may be conferred by a three‐fourths

affirmative vote of the International Executive Committee upon anyone

whom said committee deems to have merited such an honor. International

honorary members shall be installed at an international Convention, or by a

specific chapter delegated by the International Executive Committee to do so.

Sec. 3. Requirements for Membership:

a. College students pursuing a curriculum in construction may be installed by

their local chapter provided that:

(1) Undergraduate students shall have completed the equivalent of two

academic years of study toward their degree, shall have done resident

study at the present institution for the preceding six months, and

shall have an overall scholastic average in the upper 20 percent of

qualified students in their program.

(2) Graduate and post‐baccalaureate students shall have completed the

equivalent of one‐half of full time study toward their graduate

degree, shall have done resident study at the present institution for

the preceding six months, and shall have an overall scholastic average

in the upper 30 percent of qualified graduate students within their


(3) Doctoral students who have finished 50 percent of qualifying

coursework shall be eligible for SLC membership at the discretion of

the SLC chapter faculty advisor.

(4) They have participated in one or more extra‐curricular activities.

(5) Their merit is demonstrated through leadership, character, and

personality traits that give promise of reflecting credit upon Sigma

Lambda Chi.

(6) They have worked in some phase of construction, or its allied fields.

(7) They have an affirmative vote by secret ballot of three‐fourths of the

chapter's active members present, quorum required.

b. Faculty members (unless already a member of Sigma Lambda Chi prior to their

faculty status) may be installed by their local chapter as a faculty member

provided that:

(1) They are currently serving on the construction faculty or

administrative staff and have had this status for not less than two

academic years, or have tenure. Under extenuating circumstances,

the two‐year specification can be waived by filing a request to the

International Executive Committee.

(2) They receive three‐fourths affirmative vote by secret ballot of the

active and faculty membership of the chapter.

Sec. 4. All members shall strive to fulfill in good faith the objectives of Sigma Lambda

Chi and the charge given them at the time of their installation.

Sec. 5. Resignation: Any member may resign his or her membership in Sigma Lambda

Chi by submitting a signed resignation to the Secretary of his or her chapter and to

the International Secretary.

Article IV


Sec. 1. The officers of SLC must meet the following requirements:

a. Have a minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) as stated below and

meet that minimum GPA in the semester immediately prior to the

election/appointment, the semester of election/appointment and semesters

during the term of office. For undergraduate, graduate, and professional

students, the minimum GPA is 2.00. In order for this provision to be met, at

least six hours (half‐time credits) must have been taken for the semester

under consideration.

b. Be in good standing with the university and enrolled: at least half time (six or

more credit hours), if an undergraduate student (unless fewer credits are

required to graduate in the spring and fall semesters) during the term of

office, and at least half time (four or more credits), if a graduate level student

(unless fewer credits are required in the final stages of their degree as defined

by the Continuous Registration Requirement) during their term of office.

c. Be ineligible to hold an office should the student fail to maintain the

requirements as prescribed in (a) and (b)."

Sec. 2. Chapter officers shall be President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer,

and any other officers the chapter shall deem necessary. The duties of the officers

shall be stipulated in the Chapter Constitution.

Sec. 3. Chapter officers shall be elected majority vote in a secret ballot and shall serve in the same office not more than one year. Elections will be held during the first meeting of the fall semester. The term of office will be one full year. All officers shall comprise the Executive

Committee of the organization, the President serving as chair. The Executive

Committee shall appoint such committees that are needed to carry out organization


Sec. 4.1 Officer duties are as follows:


* Preside over all meetings

* Represent organization on campus

* Ensure that the organization is operating in conformity with the standards

set forth by Iowa State University and Student Activities Center

* Maintain communication with organization adviser

* Represent SLC at various campus meetings as requested by the Executive



* Preside over meetings in the absence of the President

* Schedule meetings/events with appropriate University offices

* Coordinate organization promotion and publicity of events

* Arrange fundraising opportunities for the organization

* Represent SLC at various campus meetings as requested by the Executive



* Maintain an accurate record of all organization meetings and post for


* Maintain membership directory

* Correspond when necessary with University administration and other

recognized organizations

* Represent SLC at various campus meetings as requested by the Executive



* Maintain accurate record of organization transactions

* Collect dues if required

* Cosign organization checks along with the Adviser

* Solicits additional funding if needed from the Student Government

* Represent SLC at various campus meetings as requested by the Executive



The chapter shall have a Faculty Advisor, duly accepted by the active chapter

members and faculty members, to serve until a replacement is accepted. The Faculty

Advisor shall have been installed as a member of the Society. The duties of the

Faculty Advisor shall include:

* Maintain communication and meet with officer(s) regularly

* Awareness and approval of financial expenditures

* Representing the chapter to the administration as required by Iowa State

* Rendering counsel to the chapter regarding qualifications of prospective

members, expediting reports and correspondence, and keeping records of chapter


* Serving as custodian of the installation manual and regalia.

* Maintaining the line of communication between the chapter and the

international organization.

* Providing chapter continuity during periods of academic inactivity.

Removal of Officers or Adviser

Officers or advisers may be removed from office by majority vote of the other officers and general membership if actions are deemed inappropriate by the membership. The officer is permitted to speak before the Executive Committee and the general membership about the charges made concerning his/her performance. The officer is not permitted to participate in the deliberation of the Executive Committee regarding the charges.

Replacement of Officer of Adviser

If an officer or adviser is removed, the replacement procedure is the same as the election procedure described in Section 3. It shall take place at the first meeting following the removal of the previous officer/adviser.

Article V


Sec. 1. All monies belonging to this organization shall be deposited and disbursed

through a bank account established for this organization at the Campus Organizations

Accounting Office and/or approved institution/office (must receive authorization via

Campus Organizations Accounting Office). All funds must be deposited within 48

hours after collection. The Adviser to this organization must approve and sign each

expenditure before payment.

Sec. 2. Dues Statement: Each Candidate member, prior to installation, shall pay to

the chapter a one-time membership installation fee of $50.00.

International Standards

Article VI

Officers and Directors

Sec. 1. The International Officers shall be President, Vice President, and Secretary‐

Treasurer. There shall be six Directors, one of whom shall be the last preceding

International President.

Sec. 2. Election of International Officers and Directors:

a. The officers and directors shall be members in good standing, properly

recorded in the rolls. They shall be nominated in accordance with the

following paragraph b and elected at an international Convention; or in lieu

thereof, nominated and elected in accordance with paragraph c.

b. A committee consisting of the Past President as Chair, and two current

executive committee members, shall be appointed by the President to

nominate a slate of officers and directors. The slate of nominees shall be sent

to all chapters with the call for the International Convention. Chapters may

nominate officers and directors from the floor of the International

Convention, providing that a second to the nomination is received, and that

the nominee has acknowledged, in writing, his or her willingness to serve.

c. Should an international Convention be constituted with less than one half of

the total number of active chapters having representation in attendance, the

International President may request a formal mail ballot from all active

chapters in good standing. Nominations from the floor of the International

Convention shall be added to the nominating committee's slate.

Sec. 3. Elected officers and directors shall serve for two years or until a successor is

named, whichever is later.

Sec. 4. There shall be no salaried officers. Members may be reimbursed for expenses

incurred while on Society business approved by the International Executive


Article VII

Duties of Officers and Directors

Sec. 1. It shall be the duty of the International President to:

a. Preside at the International Convention and the International Executive

Committee meetings.

b. Communicate matters pertaining to the welfare of the international

organization to the membership.

c. Appoint special committees not otherwise designated.

Sec. 2. It shall be the duty of the International Vice President to assume the duties of

the International President in his absence, and to chair committees as directed by the


Sec. 3. It shall be the duty of the International Secretary‐Treasurer to:

a. Keep a record of the proceedings of the International Convention and of the

International Executive Committee meetings, and to report to each active

chapter the action taken at those meetings.

b. Direct the activities of the International Executive Director. Annually audit the

International Manager's financial records. Present a financial report to the

chapters at least annually, coinciding with the International Convention,

either directly or through the International President.

Sec. 4. It shall be the duty of the International Directors to perform duties as

prescribed by the International Executive Committee.

Article VIII

International Executive Director

Sec. 1. An International Executive Director shall be appointed by the International

Executive Committee to serve until removed by that committee. The location of the

office of the International Executive Director is considered to be the Executive Office

of the International Society.

Sec. 2. The duties of the International Executive Director shall be:

a. To maintain a record of the actions of the Society at large: the reported

addresses, installation dates, and deaths of members, and other data received

from the chapters.

b. To receive all funds of the Society; to keep permanent records thereof; to

make such disbursements as the International Executive Committee shall

direct through the International Secretary‐Treasurer; and to report same to

the International Secretary‐Treasurer.

c. To have charge of the purchase, storage, and distribution of all jewelry,

certificates, membership cards, etc., for each chapter. To purchase office

supplies as necessary.

d. Prior to each International Convention, to make all International Society

financial records available to the International Secretary‐Treasurer for audit.

e. To publish a newsletter to all chapters at least once a year.

Sec. 3. The International Executive Director shall be bonded.

Article IX

International Executive Committee

Sec. 1. The International Executive Committee shall be composed of nine members.

They shall be the three current elected Officers and the six current Directors.

Sec. 2. The International Executive Committee shall be the governing body of the

society between International Conventions and shall have the power to act upon all

matters of interest to the society. Such action shall remain effective unless rescinded

by the International Convention.

Sec. 3. At any regular or special meeting of the International Executive Committee

that requires presence of members, there shall exist a quorum of at least five

members in order for action to become effective. Effective decisions require five