PROCESS SKILLS: Biology equipment (id and use)

Observation and inference Scientific method

Basic units of measurement: length, volume, mass Independent vs. dependent variable

Interpreting data and graphs


4 groups of organic compounds

Carbohydrates –basic unit, examples of dissacharides and polysaccharides

Lipids –basic unit, hydrophobic vs. hydrophilic, saturated vs. unsaturated

Proteins – basic unit, structure of basic unit, enzymes

Enzymes -- how do they work? What are types of inhibitors?

Protein structure -- primary, secondary, tertiary, quaternary

Nucleic Acids -- what are examples? Basic unit?


Microscope (label and functions)

Cell theory (what is it and how was it developed?)

Cell diversity (shape, size, internal organization)

Why are cells small (re: video demo)

Cell membrane/cell wall


Organelles (know functions) ribosome, rough ER, smooth ER, golgi apparatus, mitochondria, lysosomes, microtubules, microfilaments, cilia, flagella, nucleus, nuclear envelope, nucleolus, vacuole.

Plant vs. Animal cells



Concentration gradient (equilibrium)

Concentration (what is it? How to increase? How to decrease?)



Permeable, semipermeable, impermeable

Osmosis (hypertonic, hypotonic, isotonic)

Turgor pressure (plasmolysis, cytolysis)

Contractile Vacuole

Active transport

Facilitated diffusion

Endocytosis and exocytosis

Cellular Respiration

What is cellular respiration

What does our body use as energy? How is energy obtained from this?

Structure of ATP

Know the overall equation of cellular respiration

Glycolysis, what is it and where does it occur?

Kreb’s cycle, what is it and where does it occur?

Electron transport chain, what is it and where does it occur?

Chemiosmosis, what is this? how does it work? How is ATP made from this?

How many ATP’s are made from one glucose molecule in aerobic respiration

Anaerobic vs. Aerobic respiration…what is the difference and why do they both occur?

Lactic acid fermentation

Alcoholic fermentation


Know the three sets of reactions for photosynthesis and where each takes place

What absorbs light in plants?

How does light travel? What is this relationship to color?

What are the three things that can happen when light is absorbed?

Know the different pigments: chlorophyll a and b, carotenoids, accessory pigments

Structure of a chloroplast

What is made from the light reaction? How is it made?

What goes on in the following: Carbon fixation, reduction, regeneration


DNA structure: how discovered, antiparallel, nucleotide

DNA history: Chargaff, Watson, Crick, Franklin, Wilkins (know how each of these contributed)

DNA replication: which model…how discovered, leading and lagging strand, Okazaki fragments, replication bubble, enzymes involved

RNA structure- differences than DNA, the 3 types and their function

Protein synthesis- Why proteins? Transcription, Translation

Mutations: point vs. frameshift (effect on protein)

Genetic technology: DNA analysis, restriction enzymes, charge on DNA, which travel where and why, how plasmids are used, gel electrophoresis.