Republic of Turkey


European Union Coordination Department




Meeting on the 13th of December 2007 at 15:00h, at the EUSG premises


The Shadow Sectoral Monitoring Committee for the Human Resources Development Operational Programme (SMC HRD OP) was held in Ankara, on 13 December 2007, at 15:00 pm, at the premises of the Secretariat General for European Union Affairs.

All participants [DG for Labour, Social Security Institution, Turkish Employment Organisation (İŞKUR), Vocational Qualifications Authority, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Education (Projects Coordination Unit), Ministry of Industry and Trade, State Planning Organisation, Centre for European Education and Youth Programmes, Undersecretariat of Treasury, Board of Treasury Controllers, National Fund, Central Finance and Contracting Unit, EUSG, DG for Social Assistance and Solidarity, DG for Social Services and Child Protection, DG for Women’s Status, DG for Family and Social Studies, Board of Higher Education, KOSGEB (Small and Medium Industry Development Organization), European Commission (Delegation of the European Commission to Turkey and Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities DG, Brussels), TİSK (Confederation of the Turkish Employers' Unions), Türk-İş (Confederation of Turkish Trade Unions), DİSK (Confederation of Progressive Trade Unions), Hak-İş (Confederation of Turkish Real Trade Unions), KESK (Confederation of Public Employees Trade Unions), BASK (Independent Confederation of. Public Servants Trade Unions), TOBB (Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey), TESK (Confederation of Turkish Tradesmen and Craftsmen)] are listed in the Annex 1.

1. Opening Statements

The meeting took place under the co-chairpersonship of the European Commission (EC) and Ministry of Labour and Social Security (MoLSS) which is the Operating Structure of the Human Resources Development Operational Programme.

At the beginning of the meeting, the Co-chairperson from the Ministry of Labour and Social Security, Head of the EU Coordination Department Unit, Mr Cafer YILMAZ, opened the session and gave brief information about the Shadow Sectoral Monitoring Committee and the Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance – IPA.

The co-chairperson from the European Commission, Head of Unit from DG Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities, Ms. Antonella SCHULTE-BRAUCKS, stated that a comprehensive and good quality Operational Programme has been prepared in a very productive working period together with the MoLSS and that this Operational Programme has been approved by the European Commission on 7 December 2007. She emphasized the role of the SMC, and stated that the Committee is currently informal, or “shadow”, as the Framework Agreement and the Financing Agreement have not been signed yet. She added that the nation-wide dissemination of the OP is important and in this context, the regional conferences that are going to be organised in the first quarter of 2008 will be a very good opportunity. She stated that whereas similar structures are established in each member state and candidate countries benefiting from EU funds, the composition of each committee varies with respect to the nature of the Operational Programme. In this context, she stated that the “partnership principle” and the “interactive participation” are essential for the Commission. Therefore, a balanced participation from both national and local partners and geographic concentration on less developed regions is required, where the participant’s involvement in the SMC may be ensured through a rotation system. She said that details regarding this system can be developed later.

2. Approval of the Agenda

After the opening statements of the co-chairpersons, the agenda was approved by the members of the SMC. It was stated that the working language of the SMC was English but where necessary translation to and from Turkish may be provided by the MoLSS.

3. Provisional composition of the 'shadow' Sectoral Monitoring Committee. Consideration and adoption of the Draft Rules of Procedure

Mr. Cafer YILMAZ gave brief information about the institutional structure under IPA and the role of the sectoral monitoring committee in the system and explained some basic concepts.

Then he asked whether there would be comments or questions from the committee concerning the Draft Rules of Procedures.

At this stage Ms. Antonella SCHULTE-BRAUCKS stated that the Turkish translation of the Draft Rules of Procedures had been provided to the members of the SMC. She emphasized that especially the second section of the document regarding tasks of the committee requires careful examination. She summarized the functions of the committee as follows:

·  Reviewing OP’s targets,

·  Ensuring the sound implementation and management of the OP,

·  Establishment and approval of sub-committees and working groups, examining evaluation activities,

·  Informing itself about Programme implementation,

·  Taking corrective actions when necessary and possible,

·  Make modifications on the programme according to the changes that may arise throughout implementation,

·  Reporting to the IPA Monitoring Committee

·  Being in conformity with ethical rules and impartiality, to keep the content and decisions of the meeting confidential.

She finally underlined that the committee will meet at least twice a year and that the MoLSS will establish a dedicated website.

Mr. Cafer YILMAZ indicated that the mentioned rules derive from the EU’s acquis and the IPA Implementing Regulation, and that official views of the participants can be taken into consideration as soon as the committee is formally established.

At this stage, a member of the committee drew the attention to the word “vicdan - conscientiously” in the translation of the first paragraph of article 16 of the Rules of Procedure and emphasized that this criteria is too subjective. It has been explained that this wording derives from a mistranslation. Ms. Antonella SCHULTE-BRAUCKS explained that the word “conscientiously” does not refer to any philosophical or religious view, but it rather connotes concepts such as responsibility, dedication; and translation can be reviewed.

Finally, Mr. Cafer YILMAZ submitted the Rules of Procedure to the committee’s approval and, as no comment has been made, he stated that the Rules of Procedure were provisionally approved.

4. Institutional set-up

Mr. Hüseyin Ali Âli TANGÜREK, assistant EU Expert, provided a short presentation on the general framework of IPA and the institutional set-up, the content of the Human Resources Development Operational Programme and issues concerning implementation.

5. Information on the role of the Committee and on current IPA legal set-up

Ms. Petra CORTI, representative from the European Commission, DG Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities, made a presentation concerning the Implementing Regulation, the Framework Agreement, the OP adoption procedure, conferral of management, the draft Financing Agreement and related issues.

In her presentation Ms. CORTI stressed important points concerning IPA and the SMC in line with the IPA Implementing Regulation. The Human Resources Development Component is a precursor of the European Social Fund (ESF). She indicated that the OP has been prepared through a consultation process, and it has been approved on 7 December 2007 following the positive opinions of two Member States Committees, the Structural Funds Committee and the European Social Fund Committee. She presented different aspects of the IPA Implementing Regulation, and she underlined that the funds will be available only after the signature of the Financing Agreement. She stressed that the Financing Agreement will be signed after the approval of conferral of decentralized management which will delegate implementation tasks to the Turkish authorities following the National Accreditation of IPA structures.

6. Phases in the Accreditation Process

The representative of the National Fund, Mr. İbrahim SEPİCİ, made a presentation on the accreditation process. In this framework, information was provided regarding the national structures required in order to implement IPA, the legal framework, trainings, the preparation of implementation manuals and technical assistance.

Mr. SEPİCİ noted that in the new structure, there is a “Competent Accrediting Officer”, who will accredit the relevant Turkish institutions to implement IPA. In this context for a transitional period, a cooperation agreement between operating structures and CFCU is required so that the CFCU can fulfil functions of the Operating Structures during the implementation of the OPs. Mr. SEPİCİ also said that the first Prime Ministry circular concerning the establishment of the Competent Accrediting Officer and the audit authority was issued and the second circular dealing with other bodies of the IPA system is expected. On the other hand, Mr. SEPİCİ specified that the Budget and Personnel Law of the CFCU came into effect and more than thousand officers have been trained within the framework of the “Support to State Planning Organisation” Project. Moreover, internal audit units were established. In his statement, Mr. SEPİCİ expressed that the implementation manual of the National Fund will be completed in the following days and the inception report of the compliance assessment is in its final stage. (Besides, persons responsible for irregularities have been assigned, guidelines have been prepared and disseminated, a network regarding irregularity officers has been established.

He stated that there are some remaining issues, including the second version of the Prime Ministry circular, the appointment of heads of all Operating Structures, the signature of the Cooperation Agreement between the CFCU and Operating Structures while technical studies about these are going on.

At this stage, Mr. Cafer YILMAZ asked how the heads of the Operating Structures will be appointed and Mr. SEPİCİ said that a written appointment from the Minister is sufficient.

Commission Representative Ms. Petra CORTI enquired about the issues which remained to be resolved with regard to the cooperation agreement between the CFCU and the Operating Structures. Mr. SEPİCİ indicated that draft agreements are ready but the issue of the control of invoices is still under discussion.

7. First exchange of views on OP implementation

At this part of the meeting, Mr. Cafer YILMAZ stated that the OP is approved and now preparations for the implementation of the priority axes and measures need to advance. Mr. Cafer YILMAZ also stated that implementation of the OP will start with “umbrella projects” including Grant Schemes; and that all necessary information and documents will be shared with relevant actors in the framework of a communication action plan.

Ms. Antonella SCHULTE-BRAUCKS underlined that IPA has a different approach compared to earlier financial assistance instruments. IPA component IV has been structured through Operational Programmes, by taking into account socio-economical priorities of the country, defining eligible actions and implementation of operations in conformity with the programme. She indicated that there is a hierarchical structure where on the top priority axes are defined, on which measures are based and at the bottom there are operations (macro projects). In this framework, beneficiaries such as NGOs, Municipalities, Universities and Trade Unions will have crucial roles.

At this stage, DISK’s representative Ms. Özge Berber AĞTAŞ asked about the role of the NGOs and trade unions in practical terms. In his answer, Mr. Cafer YILMAZ emphasized that NGO’s and trade unions will be final beneficiaries of the grant schemes and they will be important actors in the implementation of the intervention areas.

After the exchange of views, Ms SCHULTE-BRAUCKS emphasized that the SMC is not a decision-making body involved in the selection of project proposals. It is a platform where results regarding the implementation of the OP will be shared and monitored. She has also underlined that active participation of social partners is expected.

8. Presentation of the Commission's draft MIPD (Multi-annual Indicative Project Document) revision for the period 2008-2010

Mr Antonio Marquez CAMACHO from the European Commission (DG Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities) provided a presentation regarding the revised Multi Annual Indicative Planning Document. In his presentation, Mr. Camacho emphasized that the MIPD is not a legal document but a strategic one which has been adopted by the EC after consultation with Turkish authorities. The first MIPD was adopted in April 2007 which shaped Operational Programmes. He indicated that the new document covering 2008-2010 is a revision of the 2007 – 2009 MIPD. The three intervention areas in the Human Resource Development area, the priorities and measures of the HRD OP such as attracting and retaining more people in employment, enhancing investment in human capital, increasing adaptability of workers, enterprises and entrepreneurs and promoting an inclusive labour market remain unchanged. Only some ratios in some intervention areas will be altered. No major changes are included in the revised MIPD.

No comments or questions have been received from the SMC regarding the draft 2008 - 2010 MIPD.

9. Sectoral Monitoring Committee’s first formal meeting in 2008

Mr. Cafer YILMAZ underlined that there are many remaining issues. The legal framework and accreditation are required. For this reason, the Committee did not specify a date for its first formal meeting. As no representative made any comments, Mr. YILMAZ stated that any development regarding the first formal meeting of the Committee will be announced. He closed the session by thanking the participants.


EC / European Commission –
Avrupa Komisyonu
ECD / European Commission Delegation –
Avrupa Komisyonu Türkiye Delegasyonu
EUSG / Secretariat General for European Union Affairs
ABGS – Avrupa Birliği Genel Sekreterliği
HOS / Head of Operating Structure –
Yürütme Makamı Başkanı
IPA / Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance
Katılım Öncesi Mali Yardım Aracı
IPA MC / IPA Monitoring Committee –
IPA İzleme Komitesi
CFCU / Central Finance and Contract Unit - MFIB –
Merkezi Finans ve İhale Birimi
MIPD / Multi Annual Indicative Planning Document
Çok Yıllı Endikatif Programlama Dokümanı
MoLSS / Ministry of Labour and Social Security
Çalışma ve Sosyal Güvenlik Bakanlığı
NGOs / Non-Governmental Organizations – STK –
Sivil Toplum Kuruluşları
HRDOP / Human Resources Development Operational Programme
İnsan Kaynaklarının Geliştirilmesi Operasyonel Programı
SMC / Sectoral Monitoring Committee –
Sektörel İzleme Komitesi
SPO / State Planning Organization –
DPT Devlet Planlama Teşkilatı

HRD OP Shadow SMC Meeting Minutes Page 6 / 26

(Draft Version)

Republic of Turkey