Builders Association of Northwestern PA

Board of Directors Meeting – Thursday July 15th, 2010



Glenn Cessna

Jason Hewitt

Mike Corsi

Tom Montagna

EJ Chernicky

Matt Krol

Bob Tanner

Jack Mehler

Kevin Raines

Chris Robertson (absent)

Julie Zillman (absent)

Lou Bruno (absent)

Judy Gerlach (absent)

Dan Francoeur (absent)

Barb Gorny (absent)

President Glenn Cessna called the meeting to order at 4:34

Secretary’s Report – E.J. Chernicky

Glenn called for an approval of the minutes from 06/17/10 Board Meeting – Jack made a motion and Tom made a 2nd, all were in favor with none opposed.

Treasury’s Report – Judy Gerlach

Judy was absent. Jason reported that there is $2,080 in the dues account and $36,181.49 in the general account. These balancesare reflective after all accounts payable have been paid. The board reviewedall Receivables and Payables as of this date.

Jason stated that Allstate paid $2250 of $4500 settlement amount, $2250 due 60 days from May 25th, 2010 - otherwise Jason received judgment against Allstate in the amount of $7,763.00 on 05/27/10, Jack stated that he is not worried about theirfinal payment on time.

President’s Report – Glenn Cessna

Glenn reported that Bob Herbstritt has resigned from his board position. Glenn reported that Bob will look for a replacement for the IEC.

Board shared general concern about declining membership and number of companies on receivables for dues. Mike stated that we should look to create value in membership first before looking to recruit. Board in agreement that we need more free news coverage on the industry – Jason to contact Erie Times-News (and other news media) to discuss sprinklers in new residential construction in 2011. Kevin made a motion that we look into the least expensive radio and tv advertising to promote our website and association, Mike made 2nd, all in favor with none opposed.

Executive Officer’s Report – Jason Hewitt

Jason reported that per the bylaws there is to be 9 director positions in addition to the executive committee. Kevin suggested that Jason contact Barb Gorny about her attendance, Jason agreed to do so. If Barb is still on Board there is room for 2 building directors and a member at large. Jason reported that attending Home Show & Membership Recruitment Classes in conjunction with PBA Board Meeting next weekend. Jason reported that working to complete website, sent a lot of information to graphic designer who is on vacation this week. Jason reported that there is still space available for EPA RRP class.

1st Annual Summer Family Picnic & Classic Car Cruise-In – Tuesday August 10th, 2010

Glenn stated that every Monday at the Bayfront there is a Classic Car Show, thought Chris/Julie were to distribute BA’s flyer. Jason reported that he will contact them and if unavailable he will distribute flyer himself.

4thAnnual Clay Shoot – Friday September 10th, 2010

Jason reported that ProSource to be the major sponsor. EJ stated that Superior Walls also interested in major sponsorship but not aware of the amount. In absence of the Gun Raffle tickets board discussed idea of prize raffle at shoot. Kevin suggested idea of an “amo sponsor”; EJ suggested that we also have a T-Shirt sponsor. Kevin suggested that Jason create a colorful poster to hang at local business to promote.

51st Annual Home Show – April 7th-10th, 2011

Jason reported that 9 companies took advantage of $100 discount for sign-up by June 30th. There is a $50 discount per 10’x 10’ valid until September 30th.

Membership Committee

There were no membership applications for approval at this meeting.

Old Business:

- Board discussed if willing to sell building at any cost – general discussion heard and willing to accept offers in writing but maybe not able to sell because those that donated land would need to sign off. Board in agreement that financial situation of the association is not that dire. Mike reported that he has not found a “qualified” tenant to date.

New Business:

- Jason asked about signage of area businesses on our property – Allstate removed and Bonded Services has approached us to put back up. Board agreed Bonded would need to get permit approved, all proposals in writing approved by us first, the BA would need compensated monthly/annually, and there would need to be a space available for our “new” tenant. Kevin made a motion that Jason to contact Millcreek Zoning (Julie Maggio) and find out what we can do or are limited to. General discussion continued and no 2nd to the motion had been made.

- Jason suggested that the basement doors need to be looked at for potential replacement. Board members went to basement and reviewed.

Meeting Adjournmentat 6:54

Upcoming Schedule:

PBA Board Meeting – July 23rd – 24th, 2010 – State College, PA

RRP Training Class – July 29th, 2010, 8:00-5:00

BA August Board Meeting – August 19th, 2010 – 4:30

BA 4thAnnual Gun Shoot – September 10th, 2010 – 12:00noon registration – Titusville, PA

BA September Board Meeting – September 16th, 2010 – 4:30