Cumulative Short Story Test 3

Study Guide

1. In what country does “The “Sniper” takes place?

2. Describe Sniper #1 (see text).

3. What is the first thing Sniper #1 does to risk his life?

4. Who is the first person killed Sniper #1?

5. Who shoots Sniper #1?

6. What does Sniper #1 do that almost gets him shot accidentally?

7. Do you under stand that the “brother” could be his literal brother, or it could represent the

sniper’s realization that his “enemy” is a fellow man, a fellow Irishman, another human?

8. What is General Zaroff’s main reason for hunting human beings rather than animals?

9. When does Zaroff tell Rainsford that makes him realizehe is going to be Zaroff’s next prey?

10. What does Zaroff say that shows he is aware of his own viciousness and cruelty?

11. Is the primary conflict of “The Most Dangerous Game” internal or external? Is it violent or subtle?

12. What type of conflict is it when Rainsford has difficulty sleeping the night before the hunt?

13. What are Gradwitz and Znaeym feuding about?

14. Who is in the forest at the beginning of the story?

15. What is the first thing that happens to the two men when they meet in the forest?

16. What happens after the two men have spoken bitterly to one another, and a little bit of time passes?

17. As the men continue talking, what happens to their relationship?

18. What do the men assume as figures approach them from the distance?

19. Why is the story’s ending is a surprise?

20. What makes a surprise ending such a fun surprise?

21. Why is Mathilde envious of the social class and wealth of others?

22. During the story, when does Mathilde seem happiest?

23. What can you tell me about the ten years of suffering the Loisels endured?

24. In one sentence, summarize “The Necklace.”

25. What is the one object you would HAVE to mention when discussing “The Necklace”?

26. Which character’s thoughts are show to us through the third-person limited point of view?

27. Define third-person limited point of view

28. According to Montresor, revenge would not be successful if what happened?

29. What are some of the clues that indicate Montresor is insane.

30. (a) Does Montresor tell us HOW Fortunato has insulted him?

(b) DoesMontresor tell Fortunato that he is upset with him?

(c) Is Montressor rude to Fortunato at the beginning of the story?

31. Give an example of dramatic irony from the story.

32. What can you determine about Montresor’s mental health?

33. What can you conclude about Montresor’s feelings toward people who have allegedly wronged him?

34. Why does Della decide to sell her hair?

35. Does Della hesitate just before her hair is cut?

36. What does Jim’s expression upon seeing Della’s cut hair suggest?

37. What does Jim’s suggestion that he and Della put away the Christmas presents show?

38. Which situation best illustrates the Youngs’ financial state?

39. Which of these statements about love is reinforced in this story?

a. Love fades quickly in a relationship.

b. Actions can reveal love as strongly as gifts.

c. To receive love, sacrifices must be made.

d. Love is displayed through material objects.

40. Which of the following items refers to an ironic situation in the story?

a. Della has only one dollar and eighty-seven cents.

b. The Youngs have a lower weekly income than they used to have.

c. Della does not need combs for her short hair.

d. Jim arrives home on time, despite heavy traffic.

41. Why does Eckels take this trip with Time Safari?

42. What political even happened at the beginning of the story?

43. What warning are the men who travel back in time given?

44. What does Eckels do when he sees the Tyrannosaurus?

45. Why does Travis become angry with Eckels?

46. What is one even that is affected by this trip into the past?

47. What happens as a result of Eckels stepping off the path?

48. Who wrote “The Sniper”?

49. Who wrote “The Most Dangerous Game”?

50. Who wrote “The Interlopers”?

51. Who wrote “The Necklace”?

52. Who wrote “The Cask of Amontillado”?

53. Who wrote “The Gift of the Magi”?

54. Who wrote “A Sound of Thunder”?

Words to Own – Save these for later


55. annihilate

56. teeming

57. expendable

58. resilient

59. subliminal

60. undulate

61. revoke

62. paradox

63. primeval

64. remit

65. scrutiny

66. depreciate

67. coveted

68. instigates

69. precipitous70. acquiesced

71. marauders

72. succor

73. languor

74. privations

75. disconsolate

76. exorbitant

77. pauper

78. incessantly

79. endeavored

80. obstinate

81. recoiling

82. retribution

83. succession


85. immolation

86. impose upon

87. impunity

88. precluded