Capital Outlay Committee

Thursday, March 19, 2015 / 7:00 P.M.

Bourne Veterans’ Memorial Community Center

239 Main Street, Buzzards Bay

Members present: Mary Jane Mastrangelo, Bill Ware and John O’Brien

Excused: John Redman and Rick Mastria

Others present: Town Administrator Thomas Guerino, Selectman Meier, Finance Director Linda Marzelli, Facilities Director Jon Nelson (left at 7:37), DPW Superintendent George Sala

If anyone in the audience is recording or videotaping, they need to acknowledge such at this time.

Handouts: Capital Outlay Technology Request

Taylor Point Marina bid price from P.J. Keating Company

Chairman Mastrangelo called meeting to order at 7:00 PM

Additional Information on FY2016 Capital Plan

Road Improvement Plan:

·  Power point and presentation by BETA Engineers to get a better understanding of Road Repair Program. Town receives Chapter 90 monies for maintaining, repairing, improving and constructing town roads.

Project Process:

·  Establish roadway inventory

·  Rate each roadway and establish repair bands

·  To understand the “Big Picture” you need to Network Condition, establish backlog and analysis and forecasting

·  Prioritize Repairs and this will save the town money

Pavement Repair Toolbox:

·  Routine Maintenance includes crack seal, potholes and utility patching

·  Preventative Maintenance includes micro-surfacing, shim and overlay and cape seal

·  Rehabilitation/Reconstruction includes mill and overlay, reclamation and reconstruction

Pavement Management:

·  Need to be Proactive rather than Reactive

·  Worst First vs. Timely maintenance

·  Example: 1 mile of roadway; average width of 26’; approximately 15,250 sq. yards


·  Worse First Approach

·  Graph showing reconstruction in 20 years and 40 years at a cost of approximately $1 million over 40 years


·  Performing Timely Maintenance

·  Timely maintenance in years, 5,11, 14, 23, 28,334, 37 will cost approximately $520,000 over 40 years

Chapter 90 Funding:

·  FY2014 apportionment of $613,216 has been apportionment for past 3 years

·  FY2015 apportionment increased to $919,895

·  FY2016 apportionment is expected to be $613,216

·  There are 97.91 road miles in the Town of Bourne

Existing Conditions Summary:

Current Backlog by repair type

Pavement Reconstruction: 9.95 miles – estimated cost $4,221,870 or 10.22%

Pavement Rehabilitation: 27.06 miles – estimated cost $5,438,630 or 27.80%

Preventative Maintenance: 28.52 miles – estimated cost $2,871,010 or 29.31%

Routine Maintenance: 21.14 miles – estimated cost $134,900 or 21.72%

No Maintenance Required: 10.66 miles – estimated cost -0- or 10.96%

TOTAL: 97.33 miles – estimated cost $12,666,410 or 100%

Capital Planning

·  Priority Roadway Projects

  1. Williston Road
  2. Old Plymouth Road
  3. Scraggy Neck Road
  4. Barlows Landing

Capital Project – Shore Road

  1. Estimated Engineering Cost - $250,000
  2. Estimated Construction Cost - $1.1 million

Discussion on the Road Improvement Plan. Prices are based on contract road that would require prevailing wages. $1million would keep the town at the average not including drainage/sidewalks. Administrator Guerino supports the concept but there are different types of roads: high traffic, medium roads and no high traveled roads. Need to look at the cost breakdown. Some roads won’t need much work compared to heavy traveled roads. Will take report into consideration. Capital Outlay needs to plan or add an additional $300,000 over the Chapter 90 monies. Chapter 90 monies is an aide but not to cover the cost of the roads.

Chairman Mastrangelo would like a 5-year plan of on what roads would be done first and knowing this may change each year and how much the cost is.

School Technology Plan:

Disaster Recovery Program: This will address recovery of electronic files through daily operations use of current network devices. Schools currently use “tape” backup system that is antiquated and inadequate. Originally submitted for $30,000 and know increased to $35,000

Replacement Straight Throw: Ceiling mounted projectors remains the same at $30,000

Replacement Short Throw: Wall mounted projectors remain the same at $20,000

Chrome Base Google Drive Workstation at Bourne Middle School: Replacement cost to remain the same at $89,750

Town Administrator recommended total cost for Technology Plan is $175,000

Town Administrator recommends $32,800 for the backup system for the IT Department

Capital Outlay Committee to present final recommendations to the Board of Selectmen on April 7, 2015

Bill Ware made a MOTION and SECONDED by John O’Brien to approve the Capital Outlay recommendations with changes as discussed in the amount of $4,669,700. VOTED 3-0

Approval of Minutes

John O’Brien made a MOTION and SECONDED by Bill Ware to approve the minutes of February 12, 2015 as corrected. VOTED 3-0

Bill Ware made a MOTION and SECONDED by Mary Jane Mastrangelo to approve the minutes of February 19, 2015 as corrected. VOTED 2-0-1 (John O’Brien abstained)

John O’Brien made a MOTION and SECONDED by Bill Ware to adjourn meeting at 7:58 P.M.

Respectfully submitted by:

Debbie Judge

Recording Secretary