Option – The Code Broken


Gene Therapy and Mutations

Complete the following sentences using appropriate words or short phrases

a) / Inherited disease causing the build-up of excess mucus in the lungs / Cystic Fibrosis
b) / The mutation, deletion of the bases CTT causes the amino acid ………… not to be produced in CF patients / Phenylalanine
c) / This mutation is called ……………… / ΔF508
d) / The treatment of a disease by replacing, switching or correcting faulty genes is called / Gene therapy
e) / Gene therapy always involves……………………… technologies / Recombinant DNA
f) / In CF patients the vector used to move the gene into the lungs / A virus
g) / Mutations can be either ……………………. or ……………………… / Chromosomal or gene
h) / XYY individuals are called and XXY are called / Jacob and Klinefelter syndrome
i) / Turner syndrome XO is caused by the ………………. of a sex chromosome / deletion
j) / When part of a chromosome joins onto another / translocation
k) / The big fat cat ate the rat à The big bat cat ate the rat / Base substitution
l) / The big fat cat ate the rat à The igb atc ata tet her at / Deletion causing frameshift
m) / Cells that become gametes are called ……………. cells / Germ
n) / These cells undergo …………….. to make gametes / meiosis
o) / Mutations in germ cells or gametes may be passed onto next ……………….. / generation
p) / Body cells are known as ……………………. cells / somatic
q) / The presence of extra sets of chromosomes is called / Polyploidy
r) / This occurs more common in …………………. than in animals / plants
s) / DNA segments that can move from one position to another on a chromosome / Transposable genetic elements
t) / These elements are commonly called………………… or “…………………….” / Transposons or “jumping genes”
u) / These elements were discovered by American biologist ………………….in the 1940’s / Barbara McClintock
v) / Her ideas were too advanced for the time and she was not recognised until 1983 when she was awarded the …………………. prize for her work / Nobel
w) / Mutations are 1 source of variation that is essential for …………………. / Evolution
x) / DNA has the ability to …………………… itself / repair
y) / DNA damage …………………. as we age / increases
z) / Scientist have discovered that there are approx …………. genes whose job it is to repair damaged DNA / 130