Dear Fourth Grade Families,

We are about to begin our 4th module in mathematics. In this letter we will share grade-specific overview of the year and information about the current module your child is working on.

Summary of the Year

(1) developing understanding and fluency with multi-digit multiplication, and developing understanding of

dividing to find quotients involving multi-digit dividends

(2) developing an understanding of fraction equivalence, addition and subtraction of fractions with like

denominators, and multiplication of fractions by whole numbers

(3) understanding that geometric figures can be analyzed and classified based on their properties, such as having

parallel sides, perpendicular sides, particular angle measures, and symmetry.

A Story of Units

Module 1: Place Value, Rounding, Fluency with Addition and Subtraction Algorithms of Whole Numbers

Module 2: Unit Conversions: Addition and Subtraction of Length, Weight, and Capacity

Module 3: Multiplication and Division of up to a 4-Digit Number by up to a 1-Digit Number Using Place Value

Module 4: Addition and Subtraction of Angle Measurement of Planar Figures

Module 5: Order and Operations with Fractions

Module 6: Decimal Fractions

Module 7: Exploring Multiplication

Module 4 Overview

Module 4 focuses on solving unknown angle problems using letters and equations and on building, drawing, and analyzing two-dimensional shapes in geometry. Students have already used letters and equations to solve word problems in earlier grades. In Grade 4, they will apply problem solving strategies by building and solving equations to find unknown angle measures. Students will learn how to measure angles in degrees using a protractor. They will learn the following facts about angles, which are necessary to recall when solving problems about angle measures:

1. Vertical angles are equal.

2. The sum of angle measurements on a line is 180 degrees

3. The sum of angle measurements around a point is 360 degrees.

Using this information, students will be able to solve problems similar to the example below:

Find the unknown angle x.

x + 240 + 90 = 360
x + 330 = 360
x = 30

Armed only with these three facts, students are able to generate and solve equations that make sense, as in the example above. Unknown angle problems help to unlock algebraic concepts for students because such problems are visual. The x clearly stands for a specific number: If a student wished, he could place a protractor down on that angle and measure it to find x. But doing so destroys the joy of deducing the answer and solving the puzzle on his own.


MUFSD 4th Grade Teachers

Module 4 Objectives:

The following objectives will be addressed in Module 4, however many are ongoing and will reappear in future modules.

·  Identify the parts of an angle (vertex, common endpoint, rays) and define an angle

·  Explain that an angle is measured in degrees related to the 360 degrees in a circle

·  Measure an angle using a protractor in whole-number degrees

·  Sketch angles with a given measurement

·  Use a protractor to create a given measurement

·  Explain that the angle measurement of a larger angle is the sum of the angle measures of its decomposed parts

·  Write an equation with an unknown angle measurement

·  Use addition and subtraction to solve for the missing angle measurements

·  Solve word problems involving the unknown angles

·  Draw an example of point, line, line segment, ray, right angle, acute angle, obtuse angle, perpendicular lines, and parallel lines

·  Look for and identify the following in a given two-dimensional figure: point, line, line segment, ray, right angle, acute angle, obtuse angle, perpendicular lines, and parallel lines

·  Classify two-dimensional shapes into the following categories: those with parallel lines, those with perpendicular lines, those with both parallel and perpendicular lines

·  Classify two-dimensional shapes into categories based on the presence of absence of acute, obtuse, or right angles

·  Identify a right triangle

·  Identify line-symmetric figures

·  Define line of symmetry, explain how to identify it in a two-dimensional figure, and explain how folding along the line of symmetry results in matching parts

·  Draw a line on a figure to create two symmetric figures

Module 4 includes the Common Core Standards for Measurement and Data: 4.MD.6, 4.MD.7; Geometry 4.G.1, 4.G.2, 4.G.3; and Mathematical Practices: 4.MP.2, 4.MP.3, 4.MP.5, 4.MP.6.