Office of Stewardship

MEMO – Office of Stewardship

PHONE (856) 583-6102 † FAX (856) 338-0766 † Email:


TO: All Pastors/ Administrators

FROM: Deacon Russell Davis, Director

CC: James J. Lanahan

DATE: December 10, 2015

RE: JANUARY Stewardship Bulletin Reflections

The attached information is provided as a way of presenting the message of Stewardship and is recommended for use for the five weekends in January 2016.

These monthly Stewardship Bulletin Reflections will be forwarded as an attachment to the diocesan weekly batch email each Wednesday of the month.

Please review the Stewardship Prayer of the Faithful Petitions provided. These petitions are dated and provided to match the weekly scripture readings.

These weekly Stewardship Reflections & Prayer of the Faithful Petitions are available in Spanish. Please contact Robin Carpenter @ 856-583-6125 or

Thank you for using Stewardship materials in your parish liturgy. For further information or assistance, please feel free to contact the Office of Stewardship.

You can now find copies of the Stewardship Bulletin Reflections and Prayer of the Faithful Petitions (in Word and PDF formats) on the Diocesan website

go to:

The Diocese

Development ►Stewardship Office

Stewardship Bulletin Reflections

Note: Bulletin Announcement Concepts and Scripture associations are used with permission from the Saint Louis Archdiocese Stewardship Office.

Weekly Bulletin Announcements

Please insert the appropriate weekly bulletin announcement for the five weekends of JANUARY.

January 3, 2016

Epiphany of Our Lord Stewardship Unity

“…the Gentiles are co-heirs, members of the same body, and co-partners in the promise in Christ Jesus through the Gospel.” (Ephesians 3:6)

Today we celebrate that Christ came to all of us, not just the Hebrews. He made us all one body with Him. We were all given different gifts; we all have different yet equally valuable roles to play in the Body of Christ. Stewards ask God how He wants them to use their gifts so that they may all “be one” in this Year of Mercy.

January 10, 2016

Baptism of the Lord Baptized Stewards

“John answered them all, ‘I baptize you with water; but he who is mightier than I is coming…he will baptize you with the Holy Spirit... ’” (Luke 3:16a)

The Catholic Catechism states that “Jesus’ immersion in the water is a sign for all human beings of the need to die to themselves to do God’s will.” In other words, as baptized Stewards there is only one gift that we need to give to Jesus – the gift of ourselves. Once we surrender ourselves to God, we will know in our hearts what God calls us to do.

January 17, 2016

2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time Stewardship Gifts Irreplaceable

“To each individual the manifestation of the Spirit is given for some benefit.” (1 Corinthians 12:7)

St. Paul tells us that God has blessed each of us for a reason. How has God blessed you? Are you using your Stewardship gifts according to God’s plan; helping to do His work here on earth? Remember that if you don’t do the work God planned for you, no one else can do it.
January 24, 2013

3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time Stewards Share

“Go, eat rich foods and drink sweet drinks, and allot portions to those who had nothing prepared…” (Nehemiah 8:10 a)

Ezra’s instructions to the people show us that God does not forbid us from enjoying the good things in life, he wants us to be happy! However, He expects us in Stewardship to generously share our blessings with those who are in need, without expecting anything in return.

January 31, 2016

4th Sunday in Ordinary Time Stewardship Love

“Love is patient, love is kind. It is not jealous, it is not pompous.” (1 Corinthians 13:4a)

Do you get jealous? Do you focus more on the things that other people have than on the gifts that God has given to you? Are you pompous? Do you acquire more possessions to impress others? At times we are all guilty of these things. Pray for more humility. Pray to become a Steward who is less self-centered and more God-centered.

Note: Bulletin Announcement Concepts and Scripture associations are used with permission from the Saint Louis Archdiocese Stewardship Office.

Weekly Prayer of the Faithful Petitions

January 3, 2016

We pray that each of us as Christian Stewards use our unique gifts to help build the Body of Christ.

January 10, 2016

We pray that as Christian Stewards we may fulfill our own Baptismal call by giving ourselves entirely to God and answer His call to holiness.

January 17, 2016

We pray that as Christian Stewards we open our hearts and allow the Holy Spirt to work God’s plan through each of us.

January 24, 2016

We pray that as Christian Stewards we balance our lives by enjoying the gifts we have been given and generously sharing with those in need.

January 31, 2016

We pray that as Christian Stewards we may live more God-centered lives and become less self-centered.