Breakfast and After School Club

Also available to




Please keep this information for your records and return the attached forms.

Crawley Green & Wenlock Pre-School. Beaconsfield, Luton, Beds, LU2 0RW.
Tel: 01582 727651 or Email:


Breakfast and After School Club

Dear Parents/Carers,

Please find attached information regarding our Breakfast and After School Clubs. Clubs are available to children from our Pre-School and to the adjoining schools.

Please find enclosed in this information pack:

·  Prospectus

·  Application Form

·  Medical Form

·  Parental Consent

·  Responsible Adult Collection Form

·  Fees Agreement

·  Internet user agreement

The club will be run within Crawley Green & Wenlock Pre-School, therefore we follow the Pre-School policies. If you wish to see a copy of these please ask a member of staff.

A booking form is enclosed with this pack. Please be aware that all sessions booked must be paid for even if your child does not attend.

All payments must be made in advance via internet banking or by cheque (£2.00 admin charge). Fees are due on or before the 1st of the month, late payments will be charged at £2.00 per day for a maximum of 5 days, after which if payment is not received in full sessions will be cancelled. A full months deposit is payable in advance, this will be deducted from your first months fees. Please put cheques in an envelope and clearly mark your child’s name, the amount and the month that the fees apply to e.g. Tony Masters, £8.00, June 2013. If paying by internet please use your child’s name and surname as a reference. Please make cheques payable to Crawley Green & Wenlock Pre-School B&A club.

Many Thanks

Staff at Crawley Green & Wenlock Pre-School


Breakfast and After School Club


Welcome to Crawley Green & Wenlock Pre-School Breakfast & After School Club. Please find below details of our clubs.

Breakfast Club will run from 7.45 -9.00am (or your child’s start time at infants or juniors, Monday – Friday Term time only). Children will be offered cereals, toast, fruit or yoghurts. (Please note we finish serving breakfast at 8.30am prompt to ensure children are delivered to their schools on time). Children will be offered a drink of milk, water or fruit juice to accompany their breakfast. Please remember to inform us of any medical or dietary requirements your child has.

After School Club will run from 3.00pm – 5.00pm, you may choose to do one hour or two. Children will be collected from their respective schools at the appropriate times. Please ensure that you inform your child’s school that we will be collecting them.

We will offer the children activities at the After School Club:

·  Arts and Crafts

·  Outside Play

·  Homework Club

·  Board Games

We have a register system which we will use for the club, your child will be ‘timed’ in and out as they arrive and depart. An application form is enclosed.

Fees (as of April 2016)

Breakfast Club 7.45am – 9.00am £4.25

After School Club 3.00pm – 4.00pm £4.25

After School Club 3.00pm – 5.00pm £8.50

Please Note: Lateness at the end of your chosen club will be charged for at £10.00 for every 10 minutes or part of. If you decide to collect your child earlier than indicated on your booking form, no refunds will be given. A minimum of one weeks’ notice must be given to inform of cancelation of sessions and all booked sessions must be paid for whether your child attends or not.

Please ensure that if your child is going to be absent from our clubs that you call a member of staff to inform them on a daily basis.


Registered Charity Number: 1063066

Agreement and Acceptable Use Policy for Internet Use in Crawley Green & Wenlock Pre-School

Dear Parents/Carers,

As part of your child’s learning and development opportunities there are times when it would be beneficial for children to have access to the internet. While on the internet children will be supervised by an adult at all times. Any websites the children access will be evaluated by staff for their suitability for young children before they are used in Crawley Green & Wenlock Pre-School.

The setting will have an Internet Service Provider (ISP) that uses the latest screening techniques to prevent access to all categories of unsuitable, offensive and inflammatory Internet materials.

In Crawley Green & Wenlock Pre-School, we believe that both staff and children benefit from access to internet resources. Nevertheless, we respect the right of Parents/Guardians to decide whether or not to agree internet access for their children.

Please read the guidelines below and return the form in the application pack.

Yours sincerely

Kirstie Cain

Pre-School Leader/E-Safety Officer

Guidelines – Internet Acceptable Use Policy for children within Crawley Green & Wenlock Pre-School

1)  Only children whose parents have signed an agreement form to give permission for internet access will be allowed to use the internet.

2)  Children will be supervised by an adult at all times when accessing the internet.

3)  Crawley Green & Wenlock Pre-School has a parental control filtering system and does not allow any content intended for children above the age of 12 years (This is to include our Breakfast & Afterschool Club children).

4)  Any websites used with children will have been previously evaluated by an adult to assess its suitability for young children.

5)  Pre-School children accessing the internet will only do so for educational purposes.