1. How do I Sign-In

  1. You need to have a campus IP address to login to My ILL Requests. If you are not on campus, first logon to your campus VPN or Proxy and then login to My ILL Requests.
  2. Enter your library card/account number. If your home campus requires a PIN, you must enter it to access My ILL Requests. The "more info" link in the My ILL Requests page contains a list of the campuses that require a PIN.
  3. Choose your home campus
  4. Hit ENTER on your keyboard –or–Click on the LOGIN Button

2. How do I Create a New ILL Request?

Use one of the SEARCH options on the My ILL Requests page to create a new ILL request.

If you do not have a complete citation, search for the item in the Melvyl Catalog.

If you have a complete citation, use Citation Linker to create your ILL Request

3. How do I See My Requests?

Once you have signed-in to My ILL Requests, your Requests will appear on the screen. After 15 minutes of inactivity, your session will automatically end. You will need to login again to use My ILL Requests.

4. How do I Start Over?

Click the Restart link. You will need to sign-in again. Any changes you have made to the sort options will be lost.

5. How do I Change the Record Display?

Requests Displayed Per Page

My ILL Requests automatically displays 10 items per page. You can use the menu next to the Records per page label to change the number of items. The options are 5, 10, 15, or 20 records per page.

Show Everything

Click the checkbox to see all your active ILL requests, plus ILL items you have returned in the past 60 days.

6. How do I Sort My Requests

Earliest Due Date First / Due date
Oldest Requests First / ILL No (low to high)
Most Recent Requests First / ILL Number (high to low)
Alphabetically By Author Last Name / Author
Alphabetically By Title / Title

7. How do I find a description of the ILL Status?

The ILL Status list has been expanded to show the progress of the request in the ILL system. The default display shows the following ILL Statuses

New / The request has not yet been authorized or processed. ("NEW" replaces the system status "IDLE".)
Pending / The request has been sent to a lending library and either:
1.  The request has been forwarded to another lending institution
2.  A lending institution has indicated the item will be sent to the borrowing library
Conditional / The lending library will only fill the ILL request if the borrowing library supplies additional information about the request and/or agrees to meet specified conditions.
Request No Longer Required / The user has initiated cancellation of the ILL transaction but no response has been received from potential suppliers.
Request No Longer Required / The user initiated cancellation of the ILL transaction has been acknowledged by potential suppliers and the request has been cancelled.
Shipped / The lending library has shipped the item to the borrowing library.
Received / The item has been received at the borrowing library
Renewal Requested / The borrowing library has asked the lending library to renew the item.
Overdue/Renew Requested / A request was made for the renewal of an item that is now overdue.
Overdue / The borrowing library has been notified that the item is overdue.
Not-Received/Overdue / The lending library has sent an overdue notice for an item that has not yet been received by the borrowing library. Please check with your local interlibrary loan office about status
Recall / The item has been recalled by the lending library
Returned / The item has been shipped back to the lending library.
Lost / The item has been reported lost.
Completed: Pending / User has successfully terminated the request.

7. How do I find a description of the ILL Status? - continued


In addition to the above ILL statuses, you will see items with a CANCELLED, COMPLETED, or a PENDING status. Requests with a COMPLETED status will remain on your requests list for 60 days from the date of completion. Requests with a PENDING status are still active.

Completed: Cancelled / The cancelled request has been deactivated by ILL staff.
Completed: New / The borrowing library did not submit this request to potential suppliers. This could happen for several reasons:
·  The request may have been a duplicate.
·  The material is owned and available at your home campus.
·  The material is available online.
·  The material is not available from potential suppliers
Check with your local interlibrary loan office if you have questions.
Completed: Pending / Supply of the material requested was not possible.
Check with your local interlibrary loan office if you have questions.
Completed: Pending
Request No Longer Required / The user no longer requires this item; the ILL staff de-activated the request.
Completed: Recall / The record for an item recalled by the lending library has been de-activated by ILL staff.
Check with your local interlibrary loan office if you have questions.
Completed: Received / The copy request was received from the lender over 30 days ago. The ILL record is inactive.
Completed: Returned / The borrowing library has returned the item to the lender. The lender has received the item and it has been checked-in.
Pending / The ILL transaction could not be filled by the current lending library and is being sent on to another lending library.
Request No Longer Required / User has cancelled the request before a lending library was located.

8. How do I find my request, it has not been filled, but it has disappeared from My ILL Requests

Unfilled active requests may be missing from the default display for a couple of reasons:

·  When the ILL transaction could not be filled by the current lending library and your request is being automatically sent on to another lending library.

·  When the item needs attention from your library ILL staff, e.g., if the first set of lending libraries could not supply the item your campus ILL staff needs to add another set of lending libraries that could supply item you need.

You can see items in this state by checking the "Show Everything" box and redisplaying your ILL items. The ILL Status will be Pending. Requests with a PENDING status are still active.

When you choose "Show Everything" you will also see items with a CANCELLED, or COMPLETED,. Requests with a COMPLETED status will remain on your requests list for 60 days from the date of completion.

9. How do I Cancel My Request?

Click on the CANCEL link to stop your ILL transaction.

Note, this link will only appear if the item can be cancelled, for example, it will not appear if the item has been shipped to your library. If you want to cancel an item and the link does not appear, check with your library’s Interlibrary Loan department.

10. How do I Renew My Request?

Click on the RENEW link to send a message to your home library asking to renew the item.

The RENEW link only appears if the item is eligible for renewal. If the item is Overdue or the lending library has indicated the book may not be renewed the RENEW link will not appear.

11. How do I View My Document?

Documents appear as hyperlinks in My ILL Requests, simply click the link to view your document. Documents are available for 30 days after the date the email notifications is sent.

Some documents do not display in My ILL Requests for technical reasons.

If this happens, your library will email you, supplying a link to the document and a User ID and Password to use for accessing the document.

Click the link, and then enter your User ID and Password.

If you are having problems accessing your document using either of these methods, go to

Web Delivery Troubleshooting.

12. How do I find information about ILL services on my campus?

Go to the UC Interlibrary loan page on the CDL website: UC Interlibrary Loan Services

My ILL Requests Help last updated 4 Nov 2010saw 2