1.(a)3 (L4)

all four lines are required for three marks
any three lines are required for two marks
any two lines are required for one mark
if more than one line is drawn from a symbol, do not give credit for that symbol

(b)battery1 (L4)

accept ‘cell’ or ‘cells’
accept ‘power supply’ or ‘power pack’

(c)1 (L4)

series / parallel
circuit 1 /
circuit 2 /

both ticks are required for one mark
if more than one box is ticked in any row, award no mark

(d)copper1 (L4)

accept ‘aluminium’
accept ‘gold’

do not accept any other metal


2.(a)(i)•1 (L5)

accept a switch drawn and labelled A marked on any part of the circuit highlighted

do not accept a switch at either function

the switch must be labelled for the mark

(ii)•1 (L5)

accept a switch drawn and labelled B marked on any part of the circuit highlighted

do not accept a switch at either junction

the switch must be labelled for the mark

(b)•they are absorbedaccept ‘they are blocked or1 (L6)
filtered out’

‘they are filtered’ is insufficient

(c)•chemicalanswers must be in the correct order1 (L6)

•electrical1 (L5)

•light1 (L5)

•thermal1 (L5)

‘heat’ is insufficient as the question asks for a word from the box


3.(a)•E1 (L5)

(b)2 (L5)

P / Q / R
off / off / off
• / on / off / on
• / off / off / off

award one mark for each correct row

(c)•*0.8 0.8 1 (L6)

if more than one box is ticked, award no mark


4.(a)pick-up wire1 (L5)

metal wheelanswers must be in the correct order

both answers are required for the mark

(b)One mark is for drawing the two motors connected in parallel.
One mark is for drawing one switch in series with each motor.
Both marks should only be awarded if the circuit is correct.

2 (L5)

the switches may be drawn either side of the motors

(c)any one from1 (L5)

it completes the circuit

it acts as a switch

accept ‘because the circuit is not complete’
‘the pedal connects the motor’ is insufficient

accept ‘the pedal connects the motor to the power supply’

(d)any one from1 (L5)

he does not complete a circuit

accept ‘the circuit is not complete’

he does not connect the floor and wire mesh ceiling

accept ‘he is not touching the ceiling’

accept ‘he wears trainers’ or ‘he has rubber shoes’

(e)(i)it stops1 (L6)

(ii)it is not affected or it keeps going1 (L6)

accept ‘it goes slightly faster’


5.(a)switches 1 and 2if more than one box is ticked,1 (L5)

award no mark

(b)no because switch 1 must be on or closed1 (L5)

both the answer and the reason are required forthemark

accept ‘there is no switch in the motor section ofthe parallel circuit, so it cannot be isolated’

(c)it would go upaccept ‘it would get hotteror very hot’ 1 (L5)

do not accept‘it would be hot’

(d)any one from1 (L5)

no effectaccept ‘the motor speeds up slightly’

it would stay on


6.(a)•both picked up the same number or four paper-clips1 (L5)

accept ‘they both picked up the same number’

accept ‘same amount of paper-clips’

accept ‘there were 5 out of 9 paper-clips left for both’

accept ‘the same mass of paper-clips’

‘they hold the same clips’ is insufficient

(b)any one from1 (L6)

•it does not stay magnetised

•it can be turned off

accept ‘you cannot turn steel off’

•objects do not stay attached to it

•iron loses its magnetism

•steel stays magnetised

(c)(i)any one from1 (L6)

•the greater the distance the lower the reading

•the further away the smaller the reading

accept the converse

accept ‘at big distance the field is weaker’ or the converse

accept ‘at 50 mm the reading is lower’

accept the converse

do not accept ‘the bigger the distance the smaller the amps or current’

(ii)•the greater the current the stronger the electromagnet1 (L6)

(iii)any one from1 (L6)

•change the number of turns

•change the thickness of the wire

•change the diameter of the core

accept ‘use more coils’

accept ‘use fewer or less coils’

accept ‘put the coils closer together’ or the converse

accept ‘change the metal of the coils’

accept ‘use a different sized core’

accept ‘use nickel or cobalt core’

accept ‘use a different core’

‘use bigger coils’ is insufficient

‘use more wire’ is insufficient

do not accept ‘add more batteries’


7.(a)the motor runs backwardsaccept ‘the crane lowers the load’1

or ‘the crane drops the load’
or ‘the load goes in the other direct ion’

(b)any one from1

it will not runaccept ‘nothing’

it will stop

(c)any one from1

it shorts out the batteries or cellsaccept ‘it is a short circuit’

the batteries or cells or wires will get hot

the batteries or cells will go flat quickly

accept ‘the battery or wires will bum out’

(d)(i)no difference or noneaccept ‘the crane lifts the load’1

or ‘the resistor will notdo anything’

(ii)any one from1

the motor turns more slowly

accept ‘it will stop the motor working’

it lowers the load more slowly

there is a smaller currentaccept ‘it moves the load more slowly’

accept ‘it gives it less power’
or ‘it will slow down the flow of electrons’


8.marks may be awarded for part (a) if the magnets are correctly labelled in part (b) and no answer is given in part (a)

(a)•Magnet Aboth poles are required for the mark1 (L4)

•Magnet Cboth poles are required for the mark1 (L4)

(b)•repelanswers must be in the correct order1 (L4)
attractboth answers are required for the mark

(c)•1 (L4)

both arrows are required for the mark

(d)•it is attractedaccept ‘it gets faster’1 (L4)

•nothingaccept ‘it is not attracted or repelled’1 (L4)
accept ‘it is not attracted’
accept ‘it is not repelled’
‘they stick together’ is insufficient

do not accept ‘it repels’


9.(a)1 (L4)

all four poles must be correct for the mark

(b)1 (L4)

all four poles must be correct for the mark

(c)any one from1 (L4)
nothingaccept ‘they would not point to the aluminium’
they would both point towardsaccept ‘they would all point north or up or down’
magnetic northaccept ‘they would point the same way or in the
same direction’
accept ‘they would go back to how they were’

do not accept ‘the compasses or the experiment or it would not work’


10.(a)gravityaccept ‘weight’1 (L5)
magnetic force or magnetismaccept ‘repulsion’ or ‘upthrust’1 (L5)

answers may be in either order

do not accept ‘air resistance’

(b)(i)121 (L5)

(ii)any one from1 (L6)
the paper cup stoppedaccept ‘it hit the bottom’
the paper cup reached theaccept ‘the paper cup could not go any further’
bottom magnet

(c)any one from1 (L6)
iron is magneticaccept ‘aluminium is not magnetic’
iron nails are attracted to aaccept ‘the rivets are not attracted to a magnet’
there is a magnetic force on the iron

do not accept ‘aluminium or rivets are less magnetic’
do not accept ‘iron or nails are more magnetic than aluminium or rivets’


11.(a)iron or steelaccept ‘nickel’ or ‘cobalt’1

(b)any one from1

because the poles are at the ends

that is where the field is strongest

accept ‘that is where the magnet is strongest’ accept ‘the magnet is weakest in the middle’
or ‘there is more magnetism at the ends’
do not accept ‘that is where the magnetism is’

(c)any one from1

in a north-south directionaccept ‘North’ or ‘South’

with the north pole pointing North

with the south pole pointing South


all three poles are required for the mark

(ii)Could be in any direction if more than one box is ticked,1

award no mark


12.(a)any one from1 (L4)

a magnet would repel one end of the bar magnet

‘accept ‘a magnet would be repelled by oneend’

it did not repel either end

it attracted both poles

accept ‘a magnet would not attract both poles or both ends’

(b)iron or steel or an alloy of ironaccept ‘nickel’ or ‘cobalt’1 (L4)

(c)any one from1 (L4)

it would attract itaccept ‘attract’

the same effect as before

accept ‘the bag would have no effect’
or ‘thebag would make no difference’ or’nodifference’
do not accept ‘no effect’

(d)any one from1 (L4)

the coins which are attracted contain iron

accept ‘some of the coins contain iron or steel’
or ‘some of the coins are made from a magnetic material’

some of the coins do not contain iron and some do

accept ‘some coins do not contain iron’
do not accept ‘the coins are made from different metals’


13.(a)any one from1 (L5)

•the clock works

accept ‘when the light goes on’

‘it is making electricity’ is insufficient

•the time on the clock

accept ‘it shows 12.30’

(b)•voltmeter1 (L6)

‘multimeter’ is insufficient

(c)•any one from1 (L6)

•the fruit or lemon

do not accept ‘the acid’

•condition of metal

accept ‘the size or surface area of the metal’

accept ‘the distance between them’

accept ‘the amount of metal’


accept ‘how far they push them in’

(d)•copper and magnesium1 (L5)

accept ‘most reactive with least reactive’

(e)any one from1 (L6)

•no difference in reactivity

accept ‘there would be no reaction between


•they produce zero voltage

accept ‘it would not work’

accept ‘there would be no difference’


14.(a)3 (L6)

A / B / C / D
off / off / off / off
off / off / off / off
on / on / on / on
on / on / off / off

award a mark for each correct row

(b)any one from1 (L6)

close S4 and S5

only leave S3 open

accept ‘close 4 and 5’

accept ‘only leave 3 open’

‘leave switch 3 or 3 open’ is insufficient


15.(a)any two from:2 (L6)

manufacturing differences or bulbs are different

accept ‘different resistances’

accept ‘different ages’

reading error

dirty contactsaccept ‘bulbs were not screwed in properly’

unreliable or inaccurate meteraccept ‘faulty ammeter’

accept ‘different wires’ or ‘differences in the wires’

(b)0.751 (L6)


both axes must be labelled correctly with both the variable and the unit

Y axis : current, in amps or A or milliamps or mA1 (L7)

accept ‘I , in amps’

X axis : time, in hours or minutes or seconds

accept ‘t, in hours’

a line or curve from top left to bottom right1 (L7)


16.(a)there is a wire missing between the battery and the bulb1 (L3)

accept ‘there is a wire missing’ or ‘the bulb is not connected to the battery’

accept ‘it is not a complete circuit’ or ‘the circuit is broken’

(b)two wires are connected to one end of the battery1 (L3)

accept ‘the battery is wrongly connected’

accept ‘the battery is not in the circuit’

accept ‘the circuit is wrongly connected’

do not accept ‘there is an incomplete circuit’

(c)the bulb is broken or blown1 (L3)

do not accept ‘the circuit is not complete’

donot accept ‘because the light is not on’

(d)the circuit is connected correctlyaccept ‘it is set up right’1 (L3)

accept ‘there is a current’

accept ‘there is a complete circuit or path’


Bishop Challoner Catholic School1