Award Memo & Checklist

Contract 00314 – Non-Disposable Plastic Serving Ware

Award Memo & Checklist

Contract #00314- Non-Disposable Plastic Serving Ware

Procurement Coordinators: Jessica Smith

Contract Type: / New Rebid Replacement WSCA Enterprise General Use
Restricted to:
Contract Duration: / Initial Term: two years (06/01/14 thru 05/31/16)
Maximum life: Six years
Maximum Date: 06/01/2020
Estimated Value: / Estimated Term Worth: $80,000.00
Estimated Annual Worth: $40,000.00
Bidders: / Number of Bidders notified: 136
Total Minority & Woman Owned 1
Total Minority Owned 2
Total Veteran Owned 2
Total Woman Owned 2
Total Washington Small Business 15
Bids received: 4 Bids Rejected: 0
Notification Method: / WEBS
1.  Notified existing contractors for Contracts 07207 via email distribution list of the upcoming opportunity, and also when the actual RFP had been posted to WEBS
NIGP Commodity Codes: / 240-14, 240-84
Summary: / The purpose of this IFB is to establish a statewide master contract for Non-Disposable Plastic Serving Ware. This contract will replace this existing category of Contract #07207, scheduled to expire May 30, 2014 or when a new contract is awarded.
Bid Development
Stakeholder work: / Receiving no response to the broadcast request for feedback and stakeholder participation, primary customer agencies DOC & DSHS were contacted directly to seek customer input on the rebid of 07207. While DOC did not respond to broadcast or individual direct emails, Shannon McGuire of DSHS confirmed they would be interested in providing input and continuing to purchase these items via DES Master contract. DOC then responded after intent to award was released, sharing their need for certain products to remain on contract to align with their existing install base.
Market Research: / While updating the specifications, took the time to look at the other products in the market, validating that our current pricing is comparable to current market pricing.
EPP Strategy: / Although our standard “Environmental and Economic Goals” clause was incorporated in the RFP, none of the bidders provided relative information in their responses, given the nature of the commodity.
Supplier Diversity Strategy: / Is Certification language provided “Up Front” in the solicitation?
Did you include OMWBE in sourcing team?
Is a diversity plan included as part of the bid response prior to award (if certified firms are subcontractors)?
Does this procurement offer second tier opportunities and reporting.
Did you encourage subcontracting efforts at the Prebid Conference?
Bid Development:
Peer Review / Connie Stacy, Glen McNeil and Cheral Jones, UM reviewed the solicitation.
Fee? / .74% management fee and reporting requirements included.
Bid Process
Bid Posted to WEBS:
/ Posted to WEBS 04/16/14 (see attached solicitation).
Pre-Bid: / Optional attendance pre-bid conducted March 27, 2014 in Olympia with approx. No bidders attended Pre-Bid conference due to lack of need to discuss solicitation.
/ Amendment #1 was issued to provide responses to bidder questions, clarification to change pre-bid conference date only (see attached).
Bid Evaluation—Responsiveness
Clarifications and acceptance of Bidder submittals, information, and product offerings were applied uniformly for all Bidders.
Bid Opening: / April 16, 2014 – 2:00 pm
Bids Sealed/Signed? / Four bids received, all four bids received were signed and sealed.
Received all required submittals? / Required Submittals:
All four bidders provided all required submittals, as required in the solicitation (see below):
Bid submittal checklist
The following checklist identifies the hard-copy submittals which will comprise a bid. Any bid received without a hard copy item identified in this checklist and designated as REQUIRED will be rejected as being non-responsive. Please identify each page of the submittals and any supplemental materials with your company name or other identifiable company mark.
ð  Signature (REQUIRED): Complete as instructed and return a signed original of the Bidder’s Authorized Offer., See page 16.
ð  Price Worksheet (REQUIRED): Complete as instructed and return a copy of the Price Worksheet Appendix B . Failure to complete this submittal as instructed may result in a bid being rejected for lack of responsiveness.
ð  Bidder Profile (REQUIRED): Complete as instructed and return a copy of the Bidder Profile Appendix C
Specification compliance? / No bidders took exception to the “Minimum Service Requirements” specified in Appendix B
Price Sheet compliance? / All bidders completed Appendix B, Price Sheets
Other Responsiveness checks? / Other than the above specified in the “required submittals”, we checked Dept. of Veteran’s Affairs website “registry” of certified Veteran Owned Businesses as well as their list of those in process of being certified, and OMWBE’s website of certified MWBE vendors.
Bid Evaluation—Scoring
Evaluation: /

Exert from rfp:

4.4 Price evaluation

Award of contract will be based upon lowest total cost offered to the state for the items specified. Line item pricing offered by bidders in Appendix B: Price Worksheet will be multiplied by the “Estimated Annual Usage” quantity shown to determine total cost by line items. The line item total cost will then be adjusted by any prompt payment discount offered for thirty days or more. While it is the state’s preference to award a contract to a single bidder who offers the lowest total cost for all items summed together, a split award may be considered.
With no non-cost evaluation necessary, pricing was evaluated following the process in Section 4.4 (see above). Bid tab reflects four bidders price comparisons on 26 line items.
Single and multiple award options were analyzed, resulting in the following:
Single award: Only one vendor bid on all contract items, at a higher cost on several items. This vendor did, however, offer the lowest price on some items, which will be considered in the multiple award option below.
Top three bidders: Awarding to the top three lowest cost bidders would save in the overall cost, while providing the necessary variety of products to meet customer needs and to align with existing installation bases.
Award to all 4 bidders: The options of award to all four bidders is not the most cost effective or efficient for the state, as the fourth bidder only bid minimal items at a higher cost than other bidders.
Bid Evaluation—Responsibility
Past Performance? / No past performance or reference were not going to be utilized for this shelf item commodity, so therefore they were not collected or scored.
OMWBE Evaluation: / Proposed contract award includes:
Pasco Brokerage: Cert. WBE
Cert. HUB
Results & Recommendation
/ Compared to the prior contract, there will not be notable savings.
Research shows this aligns with the market, and that further savings isn’t realized due to increase in raw materials and labor.
Recommendation: / Based on the evaluation above, it is my recommendation to award the top three bidders Pasco Brokerage, Cook's Direct Inc. and The Jones Zylon Co. It is in the best interest of the state to award to three vendors so all of our customer needs are met at the best value and best pricing available to meet the diverse needs.
Award Activities
WEBS / Notify bidders of the award via WEBS
Once contract award has been finalized, archive bid in WEBS
Communication / Send rejection letter to those bidders to disqualified bidders
Send apparent successful bidder announcement letter
Send Award Announcement letters to all bidders <if applicable>
Email UM a brief award announcement for Bi-Weekly Broadcast
Provided Debriefing to:
PCMS / Populate PCMS Info Tab
Complete PCMS Expanded Description Tab
Add Web remark in the PCMS Remarks Tab announcing the award of the contract
Complete PCMS Internet Tab to include relevant search terms
Complete PCMS Commodities Tab
Complete PCMS Vendors Tab
Complete PCMS Customer Tab
Complete PCMS Fees Tab
Complete PCMS WBE/MBE Percents
Include relevant search terms in the PCMS Internet Tab
(Tip: For best results, ask your contractor(s) to provide search terms)
Post Contract to Website
Link to: Current Contract Portal Training / Copy the following files into the :\Shared Info\INTERNET folder:
Copy CCI
Copy the price sheet
Copy the bid tab
Copy the bid document
Copy the bid amendment
Copy the Award Memo to File bid document
Copy the Frequently Asked Questions
Washington State Department of
Enterprise Services
Contracts & Legal Services Division, Master Contracts & Consulting Unit / 2 of 5