Guidelines for Instagram [title]

The following instructions introduce you to the apps Instagram. It’s a new technological way to share pictures and videos. In order to get started using Instagram, you will need a smart phone with camera and basic familiarity on how to use a smart phone. You will be learning how to upload and capture a video or photo, you will learn how to follow and unfollow another Instagram, and you will also, learn how to accept and deny a request. [paragraph0]

What Is Instagram? [head2]

Instagram is a social networking app that is used to post pictures, short videos, and GIF's (Graphics Interchange Format or moving pictures). Through this app, you can communicate with people all around the world. Unlike other social networking sites where communication is usually done through words, Instagram users interact primarily through pictures. With this social networking app, anyone can express culture, hobbies, marketing and even day-to-day life. [paragraph0]

How to Use Instagram[head2]

Go to your home page, select apps, then type in Instagram and download the app. [paragraph0]

How to connect to Instagram. [head3] After Instagram, you must register for an account. [paragraph0]

How to upload a picture and video. [head3] When you see the picture of a camera, select it. A notification will pop up asking if Instagram has permission to access your pictures; select yes. At the bottom of the page will be the words Library[screen], Photo[screen] and Video[screen]. Follow these steps to upload a picture: [paragraph0]

  1. Select library, and choose a picture or video you have already taken that you would like to upload. [number-list0]
  2. After you selected the picture or video, click Next[screen]at the top right of your smart phone screen. [number-list0]
  3. You’ll than have the option if you want to filter the picture or video. Also, you have the option of remaining with the original. [number-list0]
  4. After you select your filter, you can choose whether to write a caption and post it on your Instagram wall for everyone to see or send it in a direct message to someone privately. [number-list0]

How to capture a picture and video. [head3] If you wish to capture a picture or video see the previous section. Instead of selecting library, select Photo[screen] or Video[screen]. After the picture is captured, follow steps 3 and 4 in the previous section. For video, you will have to hold the button down to start recording. [paragraph0]

How to follow or unfollow another Instagram. [head3] After posting a picture or video, you must then follow someone else so that they can follow you. To follow another Instagram, you must: [paragraph0]

  1. Go to the bottom of your screen and select the microscope glass icon. At the top of the screen you’ll see the word Search. [number-list0]
  2. In the search bar, type in either the first and last name or the username for the person you want to follow. [number-list0]
  3. After finding the Instagram you were searching for, select an Instagram from the list that automatically appears with other Instagram that are similar to the one you were searching for. [number-list0]
  4. On an Instagram page you will see a regular box that says Follow[screen]; select it. To unfollow an Instagram, select the regular box that is highlighted with the word Following[screen]. A notification will pop up asking if you want to unfollow. [number-list0]

How to accept or deny following request. [head3] Now that you know how to follow and unfollow another Instagram, you need to know how to accept request. To accept or deny a request, you must: [paragraph0]

  1. Go to the bottom of the screen and select the icon with the heart. [number-list0]
  2. Select the request you want to accept or deny. [number-list0]
  3. After you select the request, you’ll see the username and next to it a green check mark and a red X. The green check mark is to accept, and the red X is to deny. [number-list0]