On if it’s easier as a veteran to come back without participating in preseason

“Yeah, I know the whole defense so I can just jump in and communicate with everybody and kind of just jump right in like I wasn’t ever not out there. So me able to learn and know everything, know the whole defense after being in the league for four years, it makes it a lot easier.”

On the depth of the secondary

“Yeah, we’re very deep. That’s what it’s going to take. It’s going to take all—whatever corners that we choose, it’s going to take from the No. 1 to the very bottom corner—and same thing with the safeties—to be able to make it to the Super Bowl again.”

On how he’s feeling

“I feel great. It’s kind of like I didn’t even tear it (his knee) again. It’s kind of how I feel. I did a great job with the rehab and now it’s just getting in game shape, getting in game shape really is all it is for me.”

On if he saw QB Peyton Manning’s new DirecTV commercial

“Yeah, I did, we got on to him. That’s what we warmed up to today. I see Peyton making his second rap song (laughing). Everybody was cracking jokes and laughing at him, so he’s just lucky we didn’t get him before the rookie show. That would have been funny. They probably would have gotten him.”

On if it’s better than last year’s commercial

“Oh, this one’s way better I think. This one, the song’s better. I think the last commercial’s kind of funnier but the song is better on this one.”

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