Minutes of M.No.29/08 held on 16.10.2007 of Norms Committee (NC-I)

(DES.I Section).

The meeting No.29/08 of the Norms Committee (NC-I) for the licensing year 2007-2008 was held on16.10.2007 under the Chairpersonship of Dr. Maya D. Kem, Additional Director General of Foreign Trade to consider the applications under Duty Exemption / Remission Schemes (Chapter-4) of Foreign Trade Policy 2004–2009 / Handbook of Procedure Volume-I. The following Members of the Committee were present in the meeting: -

Sl.No / Name of the representatives & their Designation / Room No. / Telephone No. / Deptt.
1. / Sh. Sushil Kumar Jain, D.O. / 429A / 23063321 Ext.3318
/ D/o. IPP, U.B.
2. / Sh Gajraj Singh, Sr. D.O. / 479 / 23063611 / D/o Heavy industry
3. / Sh. B.D. Ghosh, Jt. IA / 399 / 23063355 / M/o Steel, U.B.
4 / Sh. K.K. Funda, Asst. Dir. (Mech) / 734 / 23022220 (Ext. 2454) / DC (SSI), N.B
5 / Sh. O.P. Hisaria, JDG & Chairman of NC-II / 23061562 Ext.229 / DGFT, U.B.
6. / Sh. R.N. Meena, Dy. DGFT& Convener of NC-I / 485 / 23061562 Ext.276 / DGFT, U.B.
7. / Sh. Narendra vashista, FTDO / 404 / 23061562 Ext.267 / DGFT, U.B.

Before considering the individual cases of the agenda of this meeting, the Norms Committee ratified the minutes of Norms Committee M.No. 24 /08 held on 11 .09 .2007 by making amendments in minutes of some of cases. The amended minutes of these cases were as under: -

Case No.A-227 / M/s. Havell’s India Ltd., New Delhi / HQ F.No.01/80/162/761/AM08/DES–I / Lic. No. & Date
Meeting No.24/08 / RLA F.No.05/24/40/289/AM08 / 0510206371
dt. 17.07.2007
Date: 11.09.2007 / Ratification of norms

The case regarding ratification of norms in respect of above advance authorization was considered by the Norms Committee (NC-II) in its M.No.24/08 held on 11.09.2007 as per the agenda. The representative of the DIPP present in the meeting recommended the case. The Committee, after deliberating upon the case, decided to ratify the norms in respect of the subject advance authorization with following modification:-

  1. Quantity of import item No. 2,4 & 5 may be allowed on net-to-net basis.
  2. Quantity of import item No. 1 & 3 may be allowed as 1.05 Kg./Kg. content in the export product.

The Regional Authority may take necessary action accordingly.

Case No.A/R-104 / M/s. Bharat Electronics Ltd., bangalore. / HQ F.No.01/80/50/814/AM06/DES–I / Lic. No. & Date
Meeting No.24/08 / RLA F.No.07/24/40/557/AM06 / 0710042446
dt. 05.01.2006
Date: 11.9.2007 / Ratification of norms

The case regarding ratification of norms in respect of above advance authorization was considered by the Norms Committee (NC-II) in its M.No.24/08 held on 11.09.2007 as per the agenda. It was decided to send a copy of application of the firm to the representative of DIPP for examining the case. The Committee, therefore, decided to defer the consideration and to relist the case on 30.10.2007.

Thereafter the norms Committee considered the individual cases of the agenda of this meeting and the decision taken thereon were as under: -

1 / Case No.: 15/19/80-ALC2/2006 / Party Name: IMPERIAL AUTO INDUSTRIES LIMITED, / Meet No/Date:29/80-ALC2/2007
16.10.2007 / Status:Case rejected
HQ File :01/80/050/00361/AM07/ / RLA File :05/24/040/00266/AM07/ / Lic.No/Date:0510185517
Decision: The case regarding ratification of norms in respect of above advance authorization was considered by the Norms Committee (NC-II) in its M.No.29/08 held on 16.10.2007 as per the agenda. The Committee decided to reject the case on the ground that the firm did not furnish any reply with reference to this office letter and subsequent reminder calling for certain information, in the absence of which, it was not possible to decide the requirement of inputs.
The RLA may take necessary action accordingly.
2 / Case No.:2/18/80-ALC2/2007 / Party Name: HERO MOTORS LTD. / Meet No/Date:29/80-ALC2/2007
16.10.2007 / Status:Deffered and Re-indexed
HQ File :01/80/050/00789/AM07/ / RLA File :05/24/040/00596/AM07/ / Lic.No/Date:0510192834
17.10.2006 / Defer Date:27.10.2007
Decision: The case regarding ratification of norms in respect of above advance authorization was considered by the Norms Committee (NC-II) in its M.No.29/08 held on 16.10.2007 as per the agenda. The Committee observed that no reply of the firm had been received by this office in response to this office letter calling for certain information. The Committee, therefore, directed to remind the firm for expediting the submission of the said information otherwise their case will be rejected without any further chance and no further representation will be entertained. The case may be re-listed on 27.11.2007.
3 / Case No.:1/39/80-ALC2/2006 / Party Name:NARAYAN POWERTECH PVT LTD / Meet No/Date:29/80-ALC2/2007
16.10.2007 / Status:- Case approved
HQ File :01/80/050/00926/AM07/ / RLA File :34/24/040/00102/AM07/ / Lic.No/Date:3410017420
Decision: The case regarding ratification of norms in respect of above advance authorization was considered by the Norms Committee (NC-II) in its M.No.29/08 held on 16.10.2007 as per the agenda. The representative of the DHI present in the meeting recommended the case. The Committee, after deliberating upon the case, decided to ratify the norms in respect of the subject advance authorization with following modifications:-
  1. The description of export item may be amended as per appendix 33A and enclosed with the firm’s letter dated 23.08.07.
  2. The quantity of import items No. 1 may be allowed as 1.01 Kg/Kg content in the export product.
  3. The word ‘CRGO WOUND CORES’ may be deleted from the description of import items No. 2 and its quantity may be allowed as 1.07 Kg/Kg content in the export product.
    The Regional Authority may take necessary action accordingly.

4 / Case No.:4/39/80-ALC2/2006 / Party Name:NARAYAN POWERTECH PVT LTD / Meet No/Date:29/80-ALC2/2007
16.10.2007 / Status: Case approved
HQ File :01/80/050/00946/AM07/ / RLA File :34/24/040/00119/AM07/ / Lic.No/Date:3410017443
Decision: The case regarding ratification of norms in respect of above advance authorization was considered by the Norms Committee (NC-II) in its M.No.29/08 held on 16.10.2007 as per the agenda. The representative of the DHI present in the meeting recommended the case. The Committee, after deliberating upon the case, decided to ratify the norms in respect of the subject advance authorization with following modifications:-
  1. The description of export item may be amended as per appendix 33A and enclosed with the firm’s letter dated 23.08.07.
  2. The quantity of import items No. 1 may be allowed as 1.01 Kg/Kg content in the export product.
  3. The word ‘CRGO WOUND CORES’ may be deleted from the description of import items No. 2 and its quantity may be allowed as 1.07 Kg/Kg content in the export product.
    The Regional Authority may take necessary action accordingly.

5 / Case No.:5/39/80-ALC2/2006 / Party Name:NARAYAN POWERTECH PVT LTD / Meet No/Date:29/80-ALC2/2007
16.10.2007 / Status:- Case approved
HQ File :01/80/050/00947/AM07/ / RLA File :34/24/040/00187/AM07/ / Lic.No/Date:3410017451
Decision: The case regarding ratification of norms in respect of above advance authorization was considered by the Norms Committee (NC-II) in its M.No.29/08 held on 16.10.2007 as per the agenda. The representative of the DHI present in the meeting recommended the case. The Committee, after deliberating upon the case, decided to ratify the norms in respect of the subject advance authorization with following modifications: -
  1. The description of export item may be amended as per appendix 33A and enclosed with the firm’s letter dated 23.08.07.
  2. The quantity of import items No. 1 may be allowed as 1.01 Kg/Kg content in the export product.
  3. The word ‘CRGO WOUND CORES’ may be deleted from the description of import items No. 2 and its quantity may be allowed as 1.07 Kg/Kg content in the export product.
    The Regional Authority may take necessary action accordingly.

6 / Case No.:10/39/80-ALC2/2006 / Party Name:NARAYAN POWERTECH PVT LTD / Meet No/Date:29/80-ALC2/2007
16.10.2007 / Status:Case approved
HQ File :01/80/050/00971/AM07/ / RLA File :34/24/040/00179/AM07/ / Lic.No/Date:3410017503
Decision: The case regarding ratification of norms in respect of above advance authorization was considered by the Norms Committee (NC-II) in its M.No.29/08 held on 16.10.2007 as per the agenda. The representative of the DHI present in the meeting recommended the case. The Committee, after deliberating upon the case, decided to ratify the norms in respect of the subject advance authorization with following modifications:-
  1. The description of export item may be amended as per appendix 33A and enclosed with the firm’s letter dated 23.08.07.
  2. The quantity of import items No. 1 may be allowed as 1.01 Kg/Kg content in the export product.
  3. The word ‘CRGO WOUND CORES’ may be deleted from the description of import items No. 2 and its quantity may be allowed as 1.07 Kg/Kg content in the export product.
    The Regional Authority may take necessary action accordingly.

7 / Case No.:11/39/80-ALC2/2006 / Party Name:NARAYAN POWERTECH PVT LTD / Meet No/Date:29/80-ALC2/2007
16.10.2007 / Status:Case approved
HQ File :01/80/050/00972/AM07/ / RLA File :34/24/040/00195/AM07/ / Lic.No/Date:3410017504
Decision: The case regarding ratification of norms in respect of above advance authorization was considered by the Norms Committee (NC-II) in its M.No.29/08 held on 16.10.2007 as per the agenda. The representative of the DHI present in the meeting recommended the case. The Committee, after deliberating upon the case, decided to ratify the norms in respect of the subject advance authorization with following modifications:-
  1. The quantity of import items No. 1 may be allowed as 1.01 Kg/Kg content in the export product.
  2. The word ‘CRGO WOUND CORES’ may be deleted from the description of import items No. 2 and its quantity may be allowed as 1.07 Kg/Kg content in the export product.
    The Regional Authority may take necessary action accordingly.

8 / Case No.:1/51/80-ALC2/2006 / Party Name:AIR LIQUIDE ENGINEERING INDIA PVT LTD., / Meet No/Date:29/80-ALC2/2007
16.10.2007 / Status: Case approved
HQ File :01/80/050/01156/AM07/ / RLA File :09/24/040/00394/AM07/ / Lic.No/Date:0910028880
Decision: The case regarding ratification of norms in respect of above advance authorization was considered by the Norms Committee (NC-II) in its M.No.29/08 held on 16.10.2007 as per the agenda. The representative of the DIPP present in the meeting recommended the case. The Committee, after deliberating upon the case, decided to ratify the norms in respect of the subject advance authorization with following modifications:-
  1. Net export weight of 400 MT may be added with the quantity of export product.
  2. Import items at S.No. 1 to 30, 32 to 37 and 39 to 44 may be allowed on net to net basis. Accordingly, quantities of import items at S.No. 26 & 28 may be allowed as 12.22 MT and 3.52 MT respectively.
  3. Quantity of import item at S.No.31 may be allowed as 31.46 MT inclusive of a wastage of 5%.
  4. Quantity of import item at S.No.38 may be allowed as 1.02 mtr./mtr. content in the export product.
  5. Import of components may be allowed with accountability clause.
Note:- The import of components shall be permitted on net to net basis with accountability clause and the type, technical specifications (including part No. if any) etc. of the Components sought for import should conform to those utilized in the manufacture of the resultant product.
The Regional Authority may take necessary action accordingly.
9 / Case No.:24/45/80-ALC2/2006 / Party Name:GODREJ & BOYCE MFG. CO. LTD., / Meet No/Date:29/80-ALC2/2007
16.10.2007 / Status: Case approved
HQ File :01/80/050/01247/AM07/ / RLA File :03/94/040/01048/AM07/ / Lic.No/Date:0310415856
Decision: The case regarding ratification of norms in respect of above advance authorization was considered by the Norms Committee (NC-II) in its M.No.29/08 held on 16.10.2007 as per the agenda. The representative of the DHI present in the meeting recommended the case. The Committee, after deliberating upon the case, decided to ratify the norms in respect of the subject advance authorization with following modifications:-
  1. The word ‘weighting 800 gm per piece’ may be suffixed in the description of export product.
  2. Quantity of import item may be allowed as 2538 Kg after taking 1/3 recovery from the wastage.

The Regional Authority may take necessary action accordingly.
10 / Case No.:41/47/80-ALC2/2006 / Party Name:INTERPLEX ELECTRONICS INDIA PVT.LTD., / Meet No/Date:29/80-ALC2/2007
16.10.2007 / Status: Case approved
HQ File :01/80/050/01220/AM07/ / RLA File :07/24/040/00617/AM07/ / Lic.No/Date:0710049713
Decision: The case regarding ratification of norms in respect of above advance authorization was considered by the Norms Committee (NC-II) in its M.No.29/08 held on 16.10.2007 as per the agenda. The representative of the DIPP present in the meeting recommended the case. The Committee, after deliberating upon the case, decided to ratify the norms in respect of the subject advance authorization with following modifications:-
  1. Net weights of 148.8 Kg., 7350 Kgs., & 1884 Kgs. may be added with the quantities of export products at S.No. 1, 2 & 3 respectively (cumulative net export weight 9382.8 Kgs.)
  2. Words “0.5 MM thick” may be suffixed with the description of export product at S.No. 1, 2 & 3.
  3. Words “05 MM thick, width 54 MM to 63 MM” may be suffixed with the description of import item & quantity of import item may be allowed as 11355 Kgs. inclusive of 21% wastage after 2/3rd recovery.

The Regional Authority may take necessary action accordingly.
11 / Case No.:5/2/80-ALC2/2007 / Party Name:ALSTOM PROJECTS INDIA LIMITED, / Meet No/Date:29/80-ALC2/2007
16.10.2007 / Status:Deffered and Re-indexed
HQ File :01/80/050/01348/AM07/ / RLA File :03/94/040/01280/AM07/ / Lic.No/Date:0310419737
15.02.2007 / Defer Date:27.11.2007
Decision: The case regarding ratification of norms in respect of above advance authorization was considered by the Norms Committee (NC-II) in its M.No.29/08 held on 16.10.2007 as per the agenda. The representative of the DHI informed the Committee that the case was under their study. The Committee, therefore, decided to defer the consideration and to relist the case on 27.11.2007.
12 / Case No.:6/4/80-ALC2/2007 / Party Name:AMCO INDIA LTD / Meet No/Date:29/80-ALC2/2007
16.10.2007 / Status: Case approved
HQ File :01/80/050/01383/AM07/ / RLA File :05/24/040/00932/AM07/ / Lic.No/Date:0510199831
Decision: The case regarding ratification of norms in respect of above advance authorization was considered by the Norms Committee (NC-II) in its M.No.29/08 held on 16.10.2007 as per the agenda. The representative of the DIPP present in the meeting recommended the case. The Committee, after deliberating upon the case, decided to ratify the norms in respect of the subject advance authorization with following modifications:-
  1. Quantity of import item may be allowed as 14000 Kg inclusive of 1% wastage.

The Regional Authority may take necessary action accordingly.
13 / Case No.:57/4/80-ALC2/2007 / Party Name:EVERGREEN DRUMS & CANS PVT.LTD. / Meet No/Date:29/80-ALC2/2007
16.10.2007 / Status:Deffered and Re-indexed
HQ File :01/80/050/01586/AM07/ / RLA File :02/24/040/00371/AM07/ / Lic.No/Date:0210099553
29.03.2007 / Defer Date:27.11.2007
Decision: The case regarding ratification of norms in respect of above advance authorization was considered by the Norms Committee (NC-II) in its M.No.29/08 held on 16.10.2007 as per the agenda. The Committee noted that the firm did not furnish any reply with reference to this office letter and subsequent reminder calling for certain information. The Chairperson has advised the Technical Authority to see whether the case may be decided based on the available information. The case may be re-listed on 27.11.2007.
14 / Case No.:3/8/80-ALC2/2007 / Party Name:KANADE ANAND UDYOG PVT. LTD. / Meet No/Date:29/80-ALC2/2007
16.10.2007 / Status:Deffered and Re-indexed
HQ File :01/80/050/00009/AM08/ / RLA File :03/94/040/01438/AM07/ / Lic.No/Date:0310425644
04.04.2007 / Defer Date:27.11.2007
Decision: The case regarding ratification of norms in respect of above advance authorization was considered by the Norms Committee (NC-II) in its M.No.29/08 held on 16.10.2007 as per the agenda. The Committee observed that no reply of the firm had been received by this office in response to this office letter calling for certain information. The Committee, therefore, directed to remind the firm for expediting the submission of the said information otherwise their case will be rejected without any further chance and no further representation will be entertained. The case may be re-listed on 27.11.2007.
15 / Case No.:3/12/80-ALC2/2007 / Party Name:G.K.ENTERPRISES PVT LTD / Meet No/Date:29/80-ALC2/2007
16.10.2007 / Status: Case approved
HQ File :01/80/050/00017/AM08/ / RLA File :05/24/040/00988/AM07/ / Lic.No/Date:0510202242
Decision: The case regarding ratification of norms in respect of above advance authorization was considered by the Norms Committee (NC-II) in its M.No.29/08 held on 16.10.2007 as per the agenda. The representative of the DIPP present in the meeting recommended the case. The Committee, after deliberating upon the case, decided to ratify the norms in respect of the subject advance authorization with following modifications:-
  1. Description and quantity of export product may be modified as under:
PVC Insulated Copper Winding Wires for a total quantity of 11,800 Kgs for
(232.311 Kms) :-
i)Size 1.70 / 2.50 MM (CD / OD), for 23.998 Kms.
ii)Size 2.10 / 3.10 MM (CD / OD), for 39.318 Kms.
iii)Size 2.10 / 3.30 MM (CD / OD), for 17.763 Kms.
iv)Size 2.50 / 3.50 MM (CD / OD), for 24.733 Kms.
v)Size 2.60 / 3.60 MM (CD / OD), for 69.748 Kms.
vi)Size 2.70 / 3.70 MM (CD / OD), for 30.218 Kms.
vii)Size 3.00 / 4.20 MM (CD / OD), for 26.533 Kms.
  1. Quantity of import item at S.No. 1 may be allowed as 9867 Kgs. inclusive of 1% wastage.
  2. Word “Resin” may be deleted from the description of import item at S.No.2 and quantity of this item may be allowed as 1789 Kgs. inclusive of 5% wastage.

The Regional Authority may take necessary action accordingly.
16 / Case No.:10/8/80-ALC2/2007 / Party Name:KANADE ANAND UDYOG PVT. LTD. / Meet No/Date:29/80-ALC2/2007
16.10.2007 / Status:Deffered and Re-indexed
HQ File :01/80/050/00026/AM08/ / RLA File :03/94/040/01517/AM07/ / Lic.No/Date:0310426390
11.04.2007 / Defer Date: 27.11.2007
Decision: The case regarding ratification of norms in respect of above advance authorization was considered by the Norms Committee (NC-II) in its M.No.29/08 held on 16.10.2007 as per the agenda. The Committee observed that no reply of the firm had been received by this office in response to this office letter calling for certain information. The Committee, therefore, directed to remind the firm for expediting the submission of the said information otherwise their case will be rejected without any further chance and no further representation will be entertained. The case may be re-listed on 27.11.2007.
17 / Case No.:8/8/80-ALC2/2007 / Party Name:KANADE ANAND UDYOG PVT. LTD. / Meet No/Date:29/80-ALC2/2007
16.10.2007 / Status:Deffered and Re-indexed
HQ File :01/80/050/00024/AM08/ / RLA File :03/94/040/01414/AM07/ / Lic.No/Date:0310426386
11.04.2007 / Defer Date:27.11.2007
Decision: The case regarding ratification of norms in respect of above advance authorization was considered by the Norms Committee (NC-II) in its M.No.29/08 held on 16.10.2007 as per the agenda. The Committee observed that no reply of the firm had been received by this office in response to this office letter calling for certain information. The Committee, therefore, directed to remind the firm for expediting the submission of the said information otherwise their case will be rejected without any further chance and no further representation will be entertained. The case may be re-listed on 27.11.2007.
18 / Case No.:9/8/80-ALC2/2007 / Party Name:KANADE ANAND UDYOG PVT. LTD. / Meet No/Date:29/80-ALC2/2007
16.10.2007 / Status:Deffered and Re-indexed
HQ File :01/80/050/00025/AM08/ / RLA File :03/94/040/01415/AM07/ / Lic.No/Date:0310426388
11.04.2007 / Defer Date:27.11.2007
Decision: The case regarding ratification of norms in respect of above advance authorization was considered by the Norms Committee (NC-II) in its M.No.29/08 held on 16.10.2007 as per the agenda. The Committee observed that no reply of the firm had been received by this office in response to this office letter calling for certain information. The Committee, therefore, directed to remind the firm for expediting the submission of the said information otherwise their case will be rejected without any further chance and no further representation will be entertained. The case may be re-listed on 27.11.2007.
19 / Case No.:14/8/80-ALC2/2007 / Party Name:BRIGGS OF BURTON (INDIA) P.LTD., / Meet No/Date:29/80-ALC2/2007
16.10.2007 / Status:Deffered and Re-indexed
HQ File :01/80/050/00030/AM08/ / RLA File :07/24/040/00026/AM08/ / Lic.No/Date:0710051212
13.04.2007 / Defer Date:27.11.2007
Decision: The case regarding ratification of norms in respect of above advance authorization was considered by the Norms Committee (NC-II) in its M.No.29/08 held on 16.10.2007 as per the agenda. The Committee observed that the firm has furnished incomplete reply in response to this office letter calling for certain information. The Committee, on the recommendation of representative of DIPP, decided to remind the firm to furnish following information/clarification otherwise their case will be rejected without any further chance. The case may be relisted on 27.11.2007.