Rutgers University
Robert Wood Johnson Medical School
Department of Pediatrics
Child Health Institute of New Jersey
89 French St., Room 4269
New Brunswick, NJ08903
Research AreasMaternal and Child Health, Health Disparities, Socioeconomic Status and Health, Economics of the Family, Data Quality and Measurement in Social Science and Public Health Research
Ph.D. 1993CityUniversity of New York (Economics)
M.B.A. 1982StateUniversity of New York at Buffalo (Finance)
B.A. 1979TrinityCollege, Hartford, Connecticut
With Honors (Economics)
Positions Held and Institutional Affiliations
10/1/03–presentRutgers University
Robert Wood Johnson Medical School
Department of Pediatrics, Child Health Institute of New Jersey
Professor with Tenure (7/1/08–present)
Associate Professor with Tenure(4/05–6/08)
Associate Professor (10/03–4/05)
2/3/14–presentRutgers University
School of Public Health, Department of Epidemiology
Joint faculty appointment
7/1/06–presentPrinceton University, Department of Economics
Visiting Professor (7/1/08–present)
Visiting Associate Professor (7/06–6/08)
11/28/13–presentResearch Affiliate, Canadian Centre for Health Economics, University of Toronto.
7/1/02–presentVisiting Research Collaborator, Center for Research on Child Wellbeing, Princeton University.
10/20/03–presentAssociate Member, Institute for Health, Health Care Policy, and Aging Research and Center for State Health Policy, Rutgers University.
7/1/12–6/30/13Visiting Research Scholar,Princeton University, Center for Health and
Wellbeing,Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs.
7/1/02– 9/30/03Associate Research Scientist, National Center for Children in Poverty, Mailman School of Public Health, Columbia University.
7/1/97–6/30/02 Research Staff Member, Center for Research on Child Wellbeing,
Woodrow WilsonSchool of Public and International Affairs,
7/97–8/01Project Director, Fragile Families and Child Wellbeing Study (PIs: Sara McLanahan and Irwin Garfinkel), Princeton University.
1994–1997Lecturer, Department of Economics, and Research Associate, Office of Population Research, Princeton University.
1994–1997Faculty Research Fellow, Health Economics Program, National Bureau of Economic Research.
1993–1994Visiting Fellow, Office of Population Research, Princeton University.
Editorial Activities
Deputy Editor, Demography (May 1, 2013–present)
Co-editor (with Janet Currie), “Policies to Promote Child Health,”issue of The Future of Children(a joint Princeton University/Brookings Institution publication). May 2015.
Available at:
Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles (reverse chronological order)
1.Ásgeirsdóttir, T., Corman, H., Noonan, K., Reichman, N. (2015). Lifecycle Effects of a Recession on Health Behaviors: Boom, Bust, and Recovery in Iceland.Economics and Human Biology (conditional accept).
2.Teitler, J., Martinson, M., Reichman, N. (2015). Does Life in the U.S. Take a Toll on Health? Duration of Residence and Birthweight Among Six Decades of Immigrants.International Migration Review49(3): 1–30 (available online ahead of print).
3.Reichman, N., Teitler, J., Moullin, S., Ostfeld, B., Hegyi, T. (2015). Late Preterm Birth and Neonatal Morbidities: Population-Level and Within-Family Estimates. Annals of Epidemiology25: 126–132.
4.Corman, H., Noonan, K., Reichman, N. (2014).Effects of Infant Health on Family Food Insecurity: Evidence from Two U.S. Birth Cohort Studies. Social Science and Medicine123: 18–25.
5.Curtis, M., Corman, H., Noonan, K., Reichman, N. (2014). Maternal Depression as a Risk Factor for Family Homelessness. American Journal of Public Health104(9):1664–1670.
6.Reichman, N., Corman, H., Noonan, K. (2014). Effects of Maternal Depression on Couple Relationship Status. Review of Economics of the Household (in press; available online ahead of print).
7.Corman, H., Dave, D., Reichman, N. (2014). Effects of Welfare Reform on Women’s Crime. International Review of Law and Economics40: 1–14.
8.Corman, H., Noonan, K., Reichman, N. (2014).Effects of Maternal Depression on Social Interactions. Eastern Economic Journal40: 226–248.
9.Ásgeirsdóttir, T., Corman, H., Noonan, K., Ólafsdóttir, Þ., Reichman, N. (2014). Was the Economic Crisis of 2008 Good for Icelanders? Impact on Health Behaviors. Economics and Human Biology 13: 1–19.
10.Curtis, M., Corman, H., Noonan, K., Reichman, N. (2013). Life Shocks and Homelessness. Demography 50(6): 2227–2253.
11.Noonan, K., Corman, H., Schwartz-Soicher, O., Reichman, N. (2013). Effects of Prenatal Care on Child Health at Age 5. Maternal and Child Health Journal17(2): 189–199.
12.Corman, H., Dave, D., Das, D., Reichman, N. (2013). Effects of Welfare Reform on Illicit Drug Use of Adult Women. Economic Inquiry 51(1): 653–674.
13.Averett, S., Corman, H., Reichman, N. (2013). Effects of Overweight on Risky Sexual Behavior of Adolescent Girls. Economic Inquiry 51(1): 605–619.
14.Nepomnyaschy, L., Hegyi, T., Ostfeld, B., Reichman, N. (2012). Developmental Outcomes of Late-Preterm Infants at 2 and 4 Years. Maternal and Child Health Journal 16(8): 1612–1624.
15.Corman, H., Noonan, K., Reichman, N., Schultz, J. (2012). Effects of Financial Insecurity on Social Interactions. Journal of Socio-Economics 41(5): 574–583.
16.Teitler, J., Hutto, N., Reichman, N. (2012). Birthweight of Children of Immigrants by Maternal Duration of Residence in the United States. Social Science and Medicine 75(3): 459–468.
17.Dave, D., Corman, H., Reichman, N.(2012). Effects of Welfare Reform on Education Acquisition of Adult Women. Journal of Labor Research 33(2): 251–282.
18.Teitler, J., Das, D., Kruse, L., Reichman, N.(2012). Prenatal Care and Subsequent Birth Intervals. Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health 44(1): 13–21.
19.Dave, D., Reichman, N., Corman, H., Das, D. (2011). Effects of Welfare Reform on Vocational Education and Training. Economics of Education Review 30(6): 1399–1415.
20.Hamilton, E., Teitler, J., Reichman, N.(2011). Mexican American Birthweight and Child Overweight: Unraveling a Possible Early Lifecourse Health Transition. Journal of Health and Social Behavior52(3): 333–348.
21.Corman, H., Noonan, K., Reichman, N., Schwartz-Soicher, O. (2011). Life Shocks and Crime: A Test of the “Turning Point” Hypothesis.Demography 48(3): 1177–1202.
22.Martinson, M., Teitler, J., Reichman, N.(2011). Martinson et al. Respond to “The Search for Explanations of the American Health Disadvantage Relative to the English.” American Journal of Epidemiology173(8):870.
23.Martinson, M., Teitler, J., Reichman, N.(2011). Health Across the Life Span in the United States and England.American Journal of Epidemiology173(8): 858–865.
24.Curtis, M., Corman, H., Noonan, K., Reichman, N.(2010). Effects of Child Health on Housing in the Urban U.S. Social Science and Medicine 71(12): 2049–2056.
25.Reichman, N., Corman, H., Noonan, K., Schwartz-Soicher, O.(2010). Effects of Prenatal Care on Maternal Postpartum Behaviors. Review of Economics of the Household8(2): 171–197.
26.Noonan, K., Carroll, A., Reichman, N., Corman, H. (2010). Mental Illness as a Risk Factor for Uninsurance Among Mothers of Infants. Maternal and Child Health Journal14(1): 36–46.
27.Teitler, J., Reichman, N., Nepomnyaschy, L., Garfinkel, I. (2009). Effects of Welfare Participation on Marriage. Journal of Marriage and Family 71(4): 878–891.
28.Reichman, N., Corman, H., Noonan, K., Dave, D. (2009). Infant Health Production Functions: What a Difference the Data Make. Health Economics18(7): 761–782.
29.Schultz, J., Corman, H., Noonan, K., Reichman, N.(2009). Effects of Child Health on Parents’ Social Capital. Social Science and Medicine 69(1): 76–84.
30.Reichman, N., Teitler, J., Hamilton, E. (2009). Effects of Neighborhood Racial Composition on Birthweight. Health and Place 15(3): 784–791.
31.Corman, H., Noonan, K., Carroll, A., Reichman, N.(2009). Low-Income Fathers’ Access to Health Insurance. Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved20(1): 152–164.
32.Teitler, J., Reichman, N.(2008). Mental Illness as a Barrier to Marriage Among Unmarried Mothers. Journal of Marriage and Family70(3): 772–782.
33.Reichman, N., Corman, H., Noonan, K. (2008). Impact of Child Disability on the Family. Maternal and Child Health Journal12(6): 679–683.
34.Reichman, N., Nepomnyaschy, L. (2008). Maternal Pre-Pregnancy Obesity and Diagnosis of Asthma in Offspring at Age 3 Years. Maternal and Child Health Journal12(6): 725–733.
35.Reichman, N., Hamilton, E., Hummer, R., Padilla, Y. (2008). Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Low Birthweight Among Urban Unmarried Mothers. Maternal and Child Health Journal 12(2): 204–215.
36.Teitler, J., Reichman, N., Nepomnyaschy, L., Martinson, M. (2007). A Cross-National Comparison of Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Low Birthweight in the United States and England. Pediatrics 120(5): e1182–e1189.
37.Teitler, J., Reichman, N., Nepomnyaschy, L. (2007). Determinants of TANF Participation: A Multilevel Analysis. Social Service Review 81(4): 633–656.
38.Reichman, N., Schwartz-Soicher, O. (2007). Accuracy of Birth Certificate Data by Risk Factors and Outcomes: Analysis of Data from New Jersey. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 197(1):32.e1–32.e8.
39.Carroll, A., Corman, H., Noonan, K., Reichman, N.(2007). Why Do Poor Children Lose Health Insurance in the SCHIP Era? The Role of Family Health. American Economic Review Papers and Proceedings 97(2): 398–401.
40.Noonan, K., Reichman, N., Corman, H., Dave, D. (2007). Prenatal Drug Use and the Production of Infant Health. Health Economics 16(4): 361–384.
41.Nepomnyaschy, L., Reichman, N.(2006). Low Birthweight and Asthma Among Young Urban Children. American Journal of Public Health 96(9): 1604–1610.
42.Reichman, N., Corman, H., Noonan, K. (2006). Effects of Child Health on Sources of PublicSupport. Southern Economic Journal 73(1): 136–156.
43.Reichman, N., Teitler, J. (2006). Paternal Age as a Risk Factor for Low Birthweight. American Journal of Public Health 96(5): 862–866.
44.Teitler, J., Reichman, N., Koball, H. (2006). Contemporaneous Versus Retrospective Reports of Cohabitation in the Fragile Families Survey. Journal of Marriage and Family 68(2): 469–477.
45.Corman, H., Noonan, K., Reichman, N.(2005). Mothers’ Labor Supply in Fragile Families: The Role of Child Health. Eastern Economic Journal 31(4): 601–616.
46.Noonan, K., Reichman, N., Corman H. (2005). New Fathers’ Labor Supply: Does Child Health Matter? Social Science Quarterly 86(5): 1399–141719.
47.Reichman, N., Teitler, J. (2005).Timing of Enhanced Prenatal Care and Birth Outcomes in New Jersey’s HealthStart Program. Maternal and Child Health Journal 9(2): 151–158.
48.Reichman, N., Teitler, J., Curtis, M. (2005). TANF Sanctioning and Hardship. Social Service Review 79(2): 215–236.
49.Reichman, N., Corman, H., Noonan, K. (2004). Effects of Child Health on Parents’ Relationship Status.Demography 41(3): 569–584.
50.Teitler, J., Reichman, N., Nepomnyaschy, L. (2004). Sources of Support, Child Care, and Hardship Among Unwed Mothers, 1999–2001. Social Service Review 78(1): 125–148.
51.Reichman, N., Teitler, J., Garfinkel, I., Garcia, S. (2004). Variations in Maternal and ChildWellbeing Among Financially Eligible Mothers By TANF Participation Status. Eastern Economic Journal 30(1): 101–118.
52.Reichman, N., Teitler, J. (2003). Effects of Psychosocial Risk Factors and Prenatal Interventionson Birth Weight: Evidence from New Jersey's HealthStart Program. Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health 35(3): 130–137.
53.Teitler, J., Reichman, N., Sprachman, S. (2003). Costs and Benefits of Improving ResponseRates for a Hard-to-Reach Population. Public Opinion Quarterly67(1): 126–138.
54.Reichman, N., Teitler, J., Garfinkel, I., McLanahan, S. (2001). Fragile Families: Sample and Design. Children and Youth Services Review 23(4): 303–326.
55.Padilla, Y., Reichman, N.(2001). Low Birthweight: Do Unwed Fathers Help? Children and Youth Services Review 23(4): 505–530.
56.Reichman, N., Hade, E. (2001). Validation of Birth Certificate Data: A Study of Women in New Jersey's HealthStart Program. Annals of Epidemiology 11(3): 186–193.
57.Pagnini, D., Reichman, N.(2000). Psychosocial Factors and the Timing of Prenatal Care Among Women in New Jersey's HealthStart Program. Family Planning Perspectives 32(2): 56–64.
58.Reichman, N., Pagnini, D. (1998). Urban Inequalities? Birth Outcomes Across New Jersey Cities. Applied Behavioral Science Review 6(2): 111–135.
59.Reichman, N., Kenney, G. (1998). Prenatal Care, Birth Outcomes and Newborn Hospitalization Costs: Patterns Among Hispanics in New Jersey. Family Planning Perspectives 30(4): 182–187 & 200.
60.Reichman, N., Pagnini, D. (1997). Maternal Age and Birth Outcomes: Data from New Jersey. Family Planning Perspectives 29(6): 268–272 & 295.
61.Reichman, N., Florio, M. (1996). The Effects of Enriched Prenatal Care Services on Medicaid Birth Outcomes in New Jersey.Journal of Health Economics 15(4): 455–476.
Books, Book Chapters, Invited Articles, and Reports(reverse chronological order)
62.Currie, J., Reichman, N. (2015). Policies to Promote Child Health: Introducing the Issue.The Future of Children 25(1): 3–9.
63.Ásgeirsdóttir, T., Corman, H., Noonan, K., Ólafsdóttir, Þ., Reichman, N. (2014). Was the Economic Crisis of 2008 Good for Icelanders? Impact on Health Behaviors. Reprint of 2013 Economics and Human Biology article with the same name. Chapter 6 (Pp. 111–157) in David McDaid and Cary L. Cooper (eds.), Wellbeing: A Complete Reference Guide, Vol. V:Economics and Wellbeing.UK: Wiley-Blackwell.
64.Report to the Eunice Shriver National Institutes of Child Health and Human Development on the sampling design for the National Children’s Study. January 17, 2014. With Ben Goodrich, Marty Frankel, and Rob Santos (commissioned).
65.Reichman, N., Teitler J. (2013). Lifecourse Exposures and Socioeconomic Disparities in Child Health. Pp. 107–134 in Nancy S. Landale, Susan M. McHale, and Alan Booth (eds.) Families and Child Health: National Symposium on Family Issues, Volume 3. New York: Springer.
66.Corman, H., Reichman, N. (2011). ABCs of R&Rs. Invited article for Spring 2011 newsletter of the Committee on the Status of Women in the Economics Profession (Issue Theme: How to Get Published in an Economics Journal: Tips from the Experts).
67.Reichman, N. (2005). Low Birth Weight and School Readiness. The Future of Children15(1): 91–116.
68.Corman, H., Noonan, K., Reichman, N., Dave, D. (2005). Demand for Illicit Drugs Among Pregnant Women. Advances in Health Economics and Health Services Research 16: 41–60.
69.Cabrera, N., Moore, K., West, J., Bronte-Tinkew, J., Halle, T., Brooks-Gunn, J., Reichman, N.,Teitler, J., Ellingsen, K., Nord, C., Boller, K. (2003). The DADS Initiative: Measuring Father Involvement in Large Scale Surveys. Pp. 417–452 in Randal D. Day and Michael E. Lamb (eds.) Conceptualizing and Measuring Father Involvement. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc.
70.Reichman, N., McLanahan, S. (2001). Self-Sufficiency Programs and Parenting Interventions: Lessons from New Chance and the Teenage Parent Demonstration. Social Policy Report 15(2): 3–4 & 6 & 8–11.
71.McLanahan, S., Garfinkel, I., Reichman, N., Teitler, J. (2001). Unwed Parents or FragileFamilies? Implications for Welfare and Child Support Policy. In Lawrence Wu and Barbara Wolfe (eds.) Out of Wedlock: Causes and Consequences of Non-Marital Fertility. NY, NY: Russell Sage Foundation, pp. 202–228.
72.McLanahan, S., Garfinkel, I., Reichman, N., Teitler, J., Carlson, M., Audigier, C. (2001; revised August 2003). The Fragile Families and Child Wellbeing Study Baseline Report. Available at:
73.Reichman, N., Kenney, G. (1997). The Effects of Parents' Place of Birth and Ethnicity on Birth Outcomes in New Jersey. In Thomas J. Espenshade(ed.) Keys to Successful Immigration: Implications of the New Jersey Experience. Washington DC: The Urban Institute Press, pp. 199–230.
74.Multiple Authors. Blue Ribbon Panel Report on Black Infant Mortality Reduction. (1997). Commissioned by the New Jersey Department of Health and Senior Services.
Under Review
75.Grandparents’ Education and Infant Health:Pathways Across Generations.With Michael McFarland, Sara McLanahan, and Bridget Goosby.
76.Effects of Maternal Depression on Family Food Insecurity. With Hope Corman and Kelly Noonan.
77.Socioeconomic Inequalities in Low Birthweight in the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, and Australia. With Melissa Martinson.
78.Associations between Adverse Childhood Experiences in Early Childhood and Kindergarten Outcomes. With Manuel Jiménez, Roy Wade, Leslie Morrow, and Yong Lin.
79.Maternal Depression as a Risk Factor for Children’s Inadequate Housing Conditions. With Hope Corman, Kelly Noonan, and Marah Curtis.
In Progress
Effects of Maternal Labor Supply on Youth Crime. With Hope Corman and Dhaval Dave, and Ariel Kalil.
Has Welfare Reform Increased Women’s Civic Participation? With Hope Corman and Dhaval Dave.
Disadvantage and Health Over the Lifecourse. With Melissa Martinson, Julien Teitler, and Rayven Plaza.
Associations Between Adverse Childhood Experiences in Early Childhood and ADHD Symptoms. With Manuel Jiménez and Ofira Schwartz-Soicher.
Gestational Age and Sudden Infant Death Syndrome in the United States, 2012–2013. With Barbara Ostfeld, Thomas Hegyi, Julien Teitler, and Ofira Schwartz-Soicher.
Effects of Residential Instability on Children’s Healthcare and Nutrition. With Hope Corman, Marah Curtis, and Kelly Noonan.
Published Abstracts
Smulian, J., Teitler, J., Nepomnyaschy, L., Ananth, C., Reichman, N. 2006. Intrapartum Fever and Newborn Complications. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 193(6): S193–S193.
Smulian, J., Teitler, J., Nepomnyaschy, L., Ananth, C., Reichman, N. 2006. The Effect of Intrapartum Fever on Early Childhood Behavior. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 193(6): S194–S194.
Working Papers (not published elsewhere)
Reichman, N., Teitler, J., Garfinkel, I., McLanahan, S. The Role of Welfare in New Parents’ Lives. Princeton University Center for Research on Child Wellbeing, Working Paper #2002-11-FF.
Teitler, J., Reichman, N.Cohabitation: An Elusive Concept. Princeton University, Center for Research on Child Wellbeing, Working Paper #2001-07-FF.
Kaestner, R., Reichman, N., Joyce, T. The Effect of Medicaid and Private Insurance on Birth Outcomes of Low-Income Women in New Jersey. Princeton University, Center for Research on Child Wellbeing, Working Paper #1998-30.
Research Support
Principal Investigator (multiple PI application): “Gestational Age, Obstetric Interventions, and Child Health.” Submitted to NICHD (July 2015).
Principal Investigator, “Effects of Maternal Work Incentives on Adolescent Social and Health Behaviors.” Submitted to NICHD (22nd percentile; revising for Nov. 2015 submission).
Co-Principal Investigator, “Family Health Shocks and Young Children’s Food Insecurity.” University of Kentucky Center for Poverty Research,Research Program on Childhood Hunger, funded by the Food and Nutritional Service of the United States Department of Agriculture (PI: Hope Corman, Rider University). Award period: March 25, 2013–April 3, 2015.$248,591.
Principal Investigator, “Behavioral Effects of Welfare Reform.” NICHD Grant R01HD060318. Award Period: 9/30/2009–8/31/2011. $793,695.
5 year competing continuation application scored at 11th percentile in October 2012 (missed funding cutoff; sequestration year)
Principal Investigator, “Effects of Prenatal Care on Pediatric Health Care.” NICHD GrantR03HD057230.Award period: 8/15/08–7/31/10 (extended to 7/31/12).$156,000.
Principal Investigator, "Effects of Child Health on Family Resources." NICHD Grant R01HD45630. Award period: 9/30/03–7/31/08 (extended to 7/31/10). $1,367,413.
Co-Principal Investigator, “Mexican American Child Health: Birth to Early Childhood.” NICHD Grant R01HD43371 (PI: Yolanda Padilla, University of Texas at Austin). Award period: 7/1/04–6/30/07. $835,137.
Principal Investigator, "Fragile Families and Child Health." NICHD Grant R01HD35301. Award period: 9/23/02–6/30/06. $1,454,256.
Co-Principal Investigator, “The Effect of Poor Infant Health on the Labor Supply of Mothers and Fathers in ‘Fragile Families.’”NationalPovertyCenter (University of Michigan). Grant # KN03-NPC02 (PI: Kelly Noonan, RiderUniversity). Award period: 7/1/03–6/30/04. $19,998.
Co-Principal Investigator, “Fragile Families and Welfare Reform.” DHHS ASPE #90P100-99-0007 and Administration for Children and Families Grant #90PA00007-01 (PI: Irwin Garfinkel, ColumbiaUniversity). Award period: 9/30/00–09/29/03. $499,458.
Co-Principal Investigator, “Effects of Neighborhood-Level Factors on Infant Health.” Robert Wood Johnson Health & Society Scholars Program, Mailman School of Public Health and Institute for Social and Economic Research and Policy, Columbia University (PI: Julien Teitler, Columbia University). Award period: 7/1/03–8/31/03. $3500.
Co-Principal Investigator, “A Demographic Approach to the Study of Child Health and Development in the Mexican American Population.” The University of Texas at Austin, Office of the Vice President for Research, Interdisciplinary Research Initiative (PI: Yolanda Padilla, University of Texas at Austin). Award period: 9/1/00–8/31/02. $98,809.
Principal Investigator, NICHD Grant #R01HD35301, "Pathways to Child Health." Award period: 9/22/00–9/21/01. $217,058.
Principal Investigator, NICHD Grant #R01HD35301, "A Comprehensive Study of Birth Outcomes in New Jersey." Award period: 7/1/98–9/21/00. $385,273.
Co-Investigator, NICHD Grant #R01HD36916, “Fragile Families and Child Wellbeing.” Award period: 2/1/99–11/30/03 (PI: Sara McLanahan, Princeton University). $6,507,095.
Co-Investigator, Fragile Families and Child Wellbeing. Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Grant #030978 (PI: Sara McLanahan, PrincetonUniversity). Award period: 2/1/98–1/31/02. $1,370,000.
Selected Professional Presentations (past 5 years)
2016 Corman, H., Dave, D., Kalil, A., Reichman, N. “Maternal Labor Supply and Teen Substance Abuse.” Paper selected for presentation at the Gothenburg Symposium on Human Capital and Health Behaviour, organized by the Centre for Health Economics at the University of Gothenburg. Gothenburg, Sweden, May 19–20.
2016Ásgeirsdóttir, T., Corman, H., Noonan, K., Reichman, N. “Lifecycle Effects of a Recession on Health Behaviors: Boom, Bust, and Recovery in Iceland.” Paper presentation at the Annual Meeting of the American Economic Association, San Francisco, CA, January 3–5.
2015Corman, H., Dave, D., Reichman, N. “Effects of Maternal Employment on Youth Substance Use.,” Paper presentation at the Annual Conference of the Southern Economic Association. New Orleans, LA, November 21–23.
2015Corman, H., Curtis, M., Noonan, K., Reichman, N. “Maternal Depression as a Risk Factor for Inadequate Housing Conditions.” Paper presentation at the 11th World Congress on Health Economics of the International Health Economics Association, Milan, Italy, July 12–15.
2015Corman, H., Dave, D., Reichman, N. “Effects of Maternal Work Incentives on Youth Crime.” Paper presentation at the 11th World Congress on Health Economics of the International Health Economics Association, Milan, Italy, July 12–15.
2015Ásgeirsdóttir, T., Corman, H., Noonan, K., Reichman, N. “Lifecycle Effects of a Recession on Health Behaviors: Boom, Bust, and Recovery in Iceland.” Paper presentation at the 11th World Congress on Health Economics of the International Health Economics Association, Milan, Italy, July 12–15.