Chapter 30: Birds

A.Web site name: Historical Museum of SouthFlorida

Web URL:

Click on “Beginnings”, and keep clicking on the links on the bottom of each page.

1)Where was Audubon born?

2)Why did his father send him to the US ?

3)When did Audubon arrive in St. Augustine?

Click on “Crested Caracara”

4) Where in the US is the caracara found?

5) What type of bird is it?

Click on “Back”, then continue to “Florida Keys” and click on “Brown Pelican”

6) How did boys try to kill pelicans?

7) What type of food was made from pelicans?

Click on “Back”

8) How many Roseate terns did Audubon and his party kill in one day?

9) When was there a recent sighting of the rare Key West Quail Dove?

B.Web site name: Science Daily

Web URL:

10) Which bird is featured in this article?

11) Where do the birds make landfall?

12) How much does this warbler weigh?

13) In which two locations were the birds recaptured?

14) How do the geolocators measure longitude?

15) Roughly what percentage of birds return in the spring?

16) Where are their wintering grounds?

C.Web site name: The Life of Birds ( Evolution )

Web URL:

Read “Evolution” by Gareth Guw Davies

17) What were the first animals to fly?

18) How many species of bird are known today?

19) What two features of Archaeopteryx are reptilian?

20) How old are the feathered dinosaurs recently found in China?

21) What birds live in the Atacama desert?

22) Why does the Gouldian finch require fire for its food?

23) How many passenger pigeons lived in colonial days?

24) Why did passenger pigeons become extinct?

25) Why are birds living on islands particularly vulnerable to extinction?

26) When were Bermuda petrels rediscovered?

27) Why are waxwings a problem in Florida?

D.Web site name: The Life of Birds ( Bird brains )

Web site address:

28) How do carrion crows in Japan crack walnuts?

29) How was Aeschylus killed?

30) What are the two “tools” that crows in New Caledonia make?

31) How many words can Alex the parrot use?

32) How do young keas make people run outside?

33) Why are corvids (crows) and parrots particularly intelligent?

34) How do ravens use their intelligence for the good of the flock?

E.Web site name: Patuxent Bird songs

Web URL:

Click the name of each bird to hear their song. Listen to three different bird songs and fill in the information below:

35) Name of bird:

Describe the song:

36)Name of bird:

Describe the song:

37)Name of bird:

Describe the song: