Somerset Children and Young People’s Compact Executive


Wednesday 26 February 2014, 14.00 – 17.00pm

Taunton Library

Expected Attendees:

Early Years: Deborah Spence and Kathy McLauchlan

SGSG: Eilleen Tipper and Mark Harvey

SAPHTO: Phil Burner and Heather Barraclough

SASH: David Derbyshire and Karen Canham

SAHSP: Mark Armstrong and Alison Murkin

Schools Forum: Alan Smith

Cabinet Lead for Children and Families: Frances Nicholson

Additional Nominated Member: Linda Vijeh

Director of Children’s Services (Interim): Peter Lewis

Learning and Achievement Operations Director: Paul Nugent

Business Support: Jesse Eveleigh

Executive Officers: David Hayward (SAPHTO), Richard Graydon, Rob Benzie (SASH), Harry Dicks (SAHSP) Sue Gray (Early Years)

Executive Officer for the Compact: Susan Fielden

LA Officer Representation: Julia Ridge


Additional Attendees: Trevor Simpson (Item 3b), Mark Hammett (item 3b), Dave Farrow (Item 3b), Kay Allen (Item 4)

Declarations of Interest:

Compact Executive representatives are asked to indicate if they have any declarations of interest regarding any agenda items in advance of the meeting by completing the proforma available via link below:

Tea and Coffee will be available

Further information is available via Somerset Children and Young People’s Compact website:


Jesse Eveleigh, Compact Governance and Business Support Officer

Tel: 01823 35 7271 Email:

Compact Executive 26 February 2014

No. & Time / Item
(20 mins) / a. Apologies (Chair)
b. Welcomes and Declaration of interests (Chair)
c. Notes of the meeting held on 29 January 2014 (Chair)

Matters arising:
·  Julia Ridge to update on project capacity to support schools in implementing the Infant Meals policy;
·  Cllr Frances Nicholson to update on Children’s Centres following Full Council – 19 February;
·  Paul Nugent to update on latest OfSTED rankings following recent inspections
d. Compact Actions Log 2013/14 (Chair)

(60 mins) / Developing the Self-improving System in Somerset / Improving Educational Outcomes
a.  Position Statement (Susan Fielden)

b.  Summary of comparative data on 2013 outcomes

c.  Outcome targets for 2014 and RAP update (Executive Officers)

d.  Identification of outstanding issues and action plan for resolution (All)
Break 15:20 / 10 minutes
(40 mins) / Integrated provision for pupils with high needs and support for vulnerable learners
a.  Position Statement (Susan Fielden)

b.  Update from strategic managers (Trevor Simpson, Mark Hammett, Dave Farrow)
c.  Feedback from key meetings
d.  Preparation for consultation and development during summer term
(20 mins) / School Services
a.  Project Update (Kay Allen)

b.  Strategic Options (Paul Nugent)

(30 mins) / Forward Plan, Communications, Issues/Updates from Associations, Information Items and Update Papers

6. / Dates and venues of future Compact Executive Meetings:
·  Wednesday 26 March 2014 2-5pm Taunton Library
·  Wednesday 14 May 2014 2-5pm Taunton Library
·  Wednesday 18 June 2014 ALL DAY Wadham School
·  Wednesday 9 July 2014 2-5pm Taunton Library
17:00 / End of Meeting