Intersectionality – Bibliography from Norway

Published in the context of the roundtable "Where is Gender after the 2007 European Year of Equal Opportunities for all: Intersectionality to the Rescue?" at the Women’s World Conference, Madrid, July 7, 2008. The bibliography is put together by KILDEN Information Centre for Gender Research in Norway. It comprises a selection of Norwegian articles, books, and academic papers on intersectionality.

Knudsen, Susanne V. 2006. Intersectionality - A Theoretical Inspiration in the Analysis of Minority Cultures and Identities in Textbooks. In: Caught in the Web or lost in the Textbook. Eds. Eric Bruillard, Mike Horsley, Susanne V. Knudsen and Bente Aamotsbakken. Paris: IUFM de Caen.

Knudsen, Susanne V. 2007. Intersektionalitet: teoretisk inspiration til analyse af minoritetskulturer og identiteter i lærebøger, eksemplificeret ved samerne i en norsk lærebog. (Intersectionality: theoretical inspiration to an analysis of minority cultures and identities in school books, exemplified by the Sami people in a Norwegian school book) In: Tekst i vekst : teoretiske, historiske og analytiske perspektiver på pedagogiske tekster. Eds. Susanne V. Knudsen, Dagrun Skjelbred, Bente Aamotsbakken. Oslo:Novus.

Olsvik, Vigdis Mathisen 2007. Intersectionality used in the analysis of power relations in connection with abuse of women with physical disabilities. Paper presented at 9th Research Conference of the Nordic Network on Disability Research (NNDR) in Gothenburg, Sweden.

Olsvik, Vigdis Mathisen 2006. Interseksjonalitet, maktanalyser og kvinner med funksjonsnedsettelser. (Intersectionality, power analyses and women with physical disabilities). Paper presented at the 2. National conference for research on physical disability, Trondheim.

Seeberg, Marie-Louise 2008. Interseksjonalitet i bevegelse: klasse, kjønn, etnisitet og migrasjon. (Intersectionality in movement: class, gender, ethnicity and migration). Paper presented at the Norwegian Antrhopological Society’s annual conference. Oslo.

Seeberg, Marie-Louise 2007. Velferdsstaten møter verden: arbeidsplasser i endring. (The well-fare state meets the world: Work places in change) Oslo:Gyldendal Akademisk.

Skilbrei, Mai-Len 2005. Klasse, kjønn og etnisitet som erfaringer (Class, gender and ethnicity as experiences) In: Sosiologi idag, vol 35, 4:2005.

Walle, Thomas M. 2006. Kjønn og etnisitet. (Gender and ethnicity). In: Kjønnsforskning: En grunnbok. Eds. Jørgen Lorentzen & Wencke Mühleisen. Universitetsforlaget, Oslo.