Denver Public Schools

Principal and AP Incentive Compensation

2008-09 School Year

Element / Description / Timing of Payment / % of Schools to Receive Incentive / Approx Principal Incentive[i] / Approx AP
Incentivei / Pension-able? / Eligibility
Hard to Serve Schools / Earned by administrators in schools with the highest percentages of students qualifying for
Free or Reduced Lunch: HS (75% FRL);
MS (85% FRL); K8 (87% FRL); ELEM (87% FRL); All Provision II Schools; All Alternative Schools / Lump sum paid in June of current year / Approximately 50% of schools / $6000 / $4500 / Yes / Principal or Assistant Principal in the school for 75% of the school year and on active or paid leave status at a Hard to Serve School on the last day of the school year
Satisfactory CPE
.5+ FTE as a Principal or AP.
Performing Schools / Earned by administrators in schools demonstrating the greatest overall percentage of overall points earned on the School Performance Framework.
Award to schools identified as distinguished or accredited. / Lump sum paid in September of year following measurement / Approximately 50% of schools / Distinguished: $10,000
Meets Expectations: $6,000
Cusp Schools[ii]:
$1,500 / Distinguished: $7,500
Meets Expectations: $4,500
Cusp Schoolsii:
$1,125 / Yes / Eligibility for the following Elements:
·  Top Performing Schools
·  High Growth Schools
·  School Improvement Plan (SIP) Implementation
Principal or Assistant Principal in the school for 75% of the school year and on active or paid leave status at the same school on the last day of the school year
Satisfactory CPE
.5+ FTE as a Principal or AP.
High Growth Schools / Earned by administrators in schools demonstrating the greatestpercentage of growth points earned on the current year’s School Performance Framework. / Lump sum paid in September of year following measurement / Approximately 50% of schools / $5500 / $4125 / Yes
School Improvement Plan (SIP) Implementa-tion / Earned by administrators in schools demonstrating successful implementation of three key strategies outlined in the SIP. / Lump sum paid in September of year following measurement / Approximately 50% of schools / Exceeds: $3375
$2125 / Exceeds: $2535
$1600 / Yes
Effective Practices Document-ation / Earned by administrators in schools that create a body of evidence and artifacts documenting their best practices to be used by other schools. Schools with qualifying practices will be self-nominated or chosen by the District.
EPIC schools eligible for principal and assistant principal incentives, as well as a school-wide stipend to be provided to teachers in EPIC schools. / Half of pmt at beginning of work and other half upon completion of documentation. School stipend paid when principal authorizes. / 10-20 schools per year / Tier 1: $10,000
Tier 2: $7500
X # of EPIC schools Administrator has FTE assigned to. / Tier 1: $7500
Tier 2: $4875 x # Schools
Teacher School-wide Stipend
Tier 1: $3000
Tier 2: $1500 / No / Principal or Assistant Principal must be involved in developing the best practice documenting or in mentoring other schools.
Satisfactory CPE

Updated 2/19/09

[i] All incentive payments are approximate and may vary based on the number of schools that qualify for the incentive.

[ii] Administrators at schools which do not fall within the Distinguished or Meets Expectations categories on the School Performance Framework, but have met the target for which teachers qualify for the Top Performing Schools Incentive are eligible for a third tier award.