Call for NGO Proposals for the consolidated China Global Fund

TB Program

Based on the requirements of GFATM and the actual needs of TB control in China, a call for project proposals from non-governmental organizations (NGOs) will be issued throughout China in order to ensure smooth application for the consolidated Global Fund TB Program, advocate for the extensive participation of various social sectors, and leverage the strengths of NGOs in terms of TB control.

I. Eligibility Criteria for Application

1. National and international NGOs (or groups of NGOs) with documented experience in China in community based projects and/or social mobilization in health related projects, preferably in TB prevention and control;

2. NGOs should be registered with a competent Chinese authority, be tax-exempted and remain legally in existence in China;

3. NGOs should demonstrate managerial and financial capacity to implement projects, with at least five permanent employees;

4. NGOs should have a good reputation among governmental agencies, the medical system and TB patients;

5. A robust financial system should be in place that conforms to national provisions;

6. Inter agency cooperation and the submission of jointly developed proposals is encouraged.

II. Areas of Application

1.  The proposals should address specific components in the prevention and control of TB - basic DOTS, MDR-TB, migrant population, TB/HIV, the extensive partnership of TB control with multiple sectors and the cooperation with other public health providers (such as public statutory hospitals).

2.  Proposals should preferably focus on IEC (Information, Education & Communication), social psychological assistance/care and treatment support to poor TB patients and/or human capacity building in the above areas.

III. Term of Program

If approved, the program will be implemented over an initial period of six years starting in July 2010 (exact starting date depends on date of grant signature). The first three years (2010-2013) will be Phase One of the program; continued input from GFATM for Phase Two and beyond will depend on the outcomes of evaluation of activities.

IV. Submission of Proposals

Please mail the Summary Form of Proposal for China Global Fund TB Program (Annex 1) and the Proposal for China Global Fund TB Program (one copy in English and one in Chinese respectively) by June 15, 2010 to the General Office of China Global Fund TB Program, based at the National Center for Tuberculosis Control and Prevention, China CDC. Please also send an electronic version via e-mail to .

Contact: Li You

TEL.: 010-83134561

FAX: 010-83137006

Address: Rm. 1212 Tower B, La Valley International. No 168 Guang An Men Wai

Avenue, Xuanwu District, Beijing

Postal code: 100055

V. Review of Proposals

A review panel will be set up responsible for the proposal review. The panel is composed of 5 members: MOH, PR (China CDC), NCTB, representatives from CCM TB working group & 1 appointed NGO. The individual from organizations that submit proposals shall not serve as member of the review panel.

General Office of China Global Fund TB Program will forward received proposals to the TB Review Panel for review; Review results will be fed back to the organizations that submitted the proposals.

Annex 1: Summary form of Proposal for consolidated China Global Fund TB Program

Annex 2: Guidelines for writing NGO Proposal for consolidated China Global Fund TB


Additional information and guidance: ,,

Annex3: Timing of NGO Proposal for consolidated China Global Fund TB Program

Annex 1:

Summary form of Proposal for consolidated China Global Fund

TB Program

Name of organization (1 name if only 1 organization but all names if NGOs are forming a consortium) / Contact person / Contact information / Sponsoring agency / Number of permanent employees / Number of volunteers
3, 4...
Brief summary of implemented projects in China (submit also activity reports):
Project title:
Major beneficiary groups:
Geographic coverage (if applicable) / Year / Year 1 / Year 2 / Year 3 / Year 4 / Year 5 / Year 6
No. of provinces
No. of prefectures/cities
No. of counties
Objective 1:
Activities / Outcome/Coverage indicators / Baseline / Targets
2008 / Year 1 / Year 2 / Year 3 / Year 4 / Year 5 / Year 6
Objective 2, 3...:
Activities / Outcome/Coverage indicators / Baseline / Targets
2008 / Year 1 / Year 2 / Year 3 / Year 4 / Year 5 / Year 6
Total indicative budget (in US $):
Total budget from GFATM:
Total budget from NGO (or group of NGOs):

Note: exchange rate to be considered 6.83 RMB v. 1 US $

Annex 2

Guidelines for writing NGO Proposal for consolidated China Global Fund TB Program

Proposals should consist of the following five elements:

1 / Background: / National context / 1 page
2 / Rationale: / The need for developing the proposed project / 1 page
3 / Proposed project: / Objective(s), service delivery area (s), M&E / 3 pages
4 / Budget: / Budget Application Table / As needed for a sound understanding
5 / Organization profile: / Mission, goals, structure, target groups, etc. / 1 page

1. Background

Background includes the national context of the proposed project (two or three paragraphs).

2. Rationale

Rationale describes problems or needs that are identified and need to be addressed (two or three paragraphs). It gives convincing facts and evidence to demonstrate the need for developing the proposed project.

3. Proposed project

3.1 Objective (s)

Describe in detail which objective (s) you want to achieve: describe the intention of the project for which funding is sought and provide a framework under which services are delivered.

3.2 Service delivery areas (SDAs) :

These describe the work to be done to achieve each objective listed above. Describe them using the elements of how, when and why.

How: Clear description of actions and obstacles occurring from the launch to the conclusion of the proposed project..

When: The order and time for completion of actions. A timetable is recommended.

Why: Necessary explanation or justification for selected approaches; that is, why expected results can be achieved through planned actions.

If an additional personnel is needed, include information on number and qualification and their roles and responsibilities in the framework of the project

3.3 Monitoring and evaluation (M&E )

Provide targets and indicators for each service delivery area that can be measured and can show regular progress. Indicators must be specific, measurable and time bound.

4. Budget

The budget is a translation of the activities to be carried out into finance and presents the budget requirements in a table form. All activities, including staffing needs, should be listed. (see Table 1).

Table 1: Budget Application Table

Objective / Service delivery area / Description of activities / Unit cost
(US $) / Quantity / Total
(US $) / Remarks
a / b / c = a x b

Note: The exchange rate between RMB and US $ is 1:6.83

Guidelines for budgeting

(1) Unit cost of a certain activity or item is defined as the standard for budgeting for the same or similar activity/item, e.g. transportation fee for each travel, accommodation fee per day, or cost of materials to be distributed to each workshop participant.

(2) "Remark" column is used to account special considerations in the budget..

(3) Line of fund requested: The total budget requested in the proposal should be within a range of 20,000 to 200,000 US $ per year, in which the staff salaries/wages and social welfare should not exceed 20%.

(4) Counterpart funding is required. Its source(s) should be mentioned. For the proposal, it is suggested that the total NGO counterpart funding accounts for a minimum of 10% of the total budget a year.

5. Organization profile

Introduction of the organization should be attached. Please provide information on the time the organization was established, its goals, structure, target groups, strengths, etc. International NGOs should also describe their working experience in China.

A clear picture of the available human resources (both under contract and volunteers), as well as staff to be recruited in the framework of the proposal, must be provided.

The organization should also provide documentation of its experience from implemented projects.

Annex 3

Timing of NGO Proposal for consolidated China Global Fund TB Program

May 25: Announcement/call for proposals on NCTB, China GFATM and ChinaAIDS


June 15: Deadline for the submission of proposals;

June 20: Review of proposals by the TB Review Panel and recommendations to TB

working group;

June 25: Approval by TB Working Group;