7/11/13 - Meeting of the GridIron Club

Attendees : Bill Rosburg- Coach, Scott Reinard- President, John Noonan- VP/Fundraising Chair, Beth Omang- Treasurer, Michelle Rosburg- Secretary, Sandy Loeffler – Website Chair

Agenda Scott began with discussion around the use of a documented agenda - we all agreed is necessary to run an efficient meeting, make best use of time and cover all pertinent topics. A P.O. Box for the GridIron Club will be set up in Chanhassen by Sara Reinard.

Determine a website address name– must decide soon and try to get website off the ground by 7/26 target date. Sandy will reach out to Chad Mattson for technical/website info etc. she may have questions about.

We reviewed the entire by-laws document with very minor changes to be made; Scott will provide the amended document at next meeting.

Membership fee for GridIron Club–should require from all members via signup on website; people who pay ‘supplemental/endowment’ fee for a player in program will be made a member by this fee if they choose to pay it. Need to determine what we want to call this fee: Endowment fee, First Down Endowment fee…?

Window sticker for GridIron Members – Beth has contact who can do window stickers for us

**John has an excellent attorney for our use for any issues we need assistance with. He utilized him to get the 5013C info together and executed for us.

Filling Chair positions -is a major priority. We are all encouraged to approach others and we feel we havea high trust in one another and will discuss individual’s viability if/when necessary. Chad Hake, Sharon Cerjance, Michelle Schindler will be approached between Scott and Michelle for positions. Also Joe Leahu and Peter Kelly were felt to be good options for help with fundraising events, leading a specific actionable item.

Game day programs- there are 4 home games. We want to identify an individual to do the program production as we want to sell programs and apparel at these 4 games. Chad Hake or Michelle Schindler may be options for this.

Apparel discussion - reviewed printout from Beth with several items for our use. Can we use Storm logo- must verify this. We want to ensure that we have a good t-shirt and sweatshirt design.Bob Larson is Beth’s contact, via previous business relationship, for apparel and is located in St. Michael, MN. Indicated 1 week turn time on product as we get going. He uses 3 primary vendors for apparel products. It was suggested that we put a business card into bags/purchases with GridIron Club info, website, etc. on it.

Logo design and decision – target date 7/18 to finalize

John requested receipts for preliminary funds he’s provided for the formation of the club. He and Scott both indicated that they would provide a sum to assist with opening the bank account, underway via Beth. This is to be kept a private matter not for public consumption. Need to develop a realistic budget: website $500, apparel outlay upfront, etc. Target fundraising amount $50K

All Football Funds - Bill should try to look into routing all monies paid to the football program directly to the GridIron club as of next year; not sure if this is possible. This removes the bureaucracy of use of funds through district, in terms of the one agreed upon fundraiser – Gold Card Sales. Dick Ungar*

Blue and White Night- will be the formal kickoff to many community members and football families, though we brought up possibly getting an article put into the Villager after we are officially an active website to announce it and inform the community since things are starting to be heard as we discuss getting Chair members on board, etc.

Corporate Sponsorships- may be a hurdle at odds with the Booster Club. We will have to discuss what options are so as not to conflict here, though there may be enough interest to support both with no problem. What did Hockey do? Who can we check with to verify this.

New activity tracking - Scott suggested using a working documents for tracking activities and accountability and this could ultimately take place of minutes potentially. Michelle and he will evaluate.

Booster Club announcement - Bill met with Terre Kemble to provide her news of the formation of the GridIron Club. She did not receive it well and was very defensive and protective of Booster. Scott offered to meet her and Dick Ungar will follow with her as well. Dick Ungar is a supporter of GridIron and has been and he will be clear with Terre about the fact that this takes nothing away from her, but rather is necessary with size school/program that football is and many other schools have a similar club.