Sponsor & Exhibitor Summit Kit
What you need to know as a sponsor or industry networking zone participant (exhibitor) at the 2013 SOLGM Annual Summit /

Purpose of this Document

This document provides all Family of Sponsors, Summit Sponsors and IndustryNetworking Zone participants (exhibitors) information about their participation at the2013 SOLGM Annual Summit.

Please review the SOLGM Summit Sponsorship and Networking Prospectus for your entitlements.

If you are a Family of Sponsor, please review your most recent sponsorship agreement with SOLGM. If you want further information, please get in touch with Marilyn Moffatt at SOLGM National Office.

Key Summit Information

2013 SOLGM AnnualSummit

Date: 3-5November 2013

Venue:Te Papa Wellington, Wellington, New Zealand

Key Contact Information

Summit Manager:

Paul Walker
Convention Management New Zealand Ltd
Phone: 64 9 835 1532

Summit Website:

Summit email:

Sponsor and Exhibitor Kit Overview

The theme for the 2013 SOLGM Annual Summit Sponsorship and Networking activities is ‘Managing the Gap’. The theme reflects the organisers’ aim – to provide a venue where you, as sponsors and networkers (exhibitors) utilise the opportunity to have engaging and relaxed conversations with your local government customers.

We also aim to provide Summit delegates a more relaxed atmosphere during the breaks in between Summit sessions – where they can sit and have relaxed conversations with you and their peers.

We believe that the value of the SOLGM Annual Summit to its sponsors and other supporters is to provide you access to key decision makers in local government. We will provide the opportunity and the venue, but you will also play a big role in ensuring the success of the event.

Page | 1 Sponsor and ExhibitorKit – 2013 SOLGM ANNUAL SUMMIT

Industry Networking Zone

A venue that is set up for conversations

The Industry Networking Zone. This is not your usual trade exhibition.

Key differences in your networking zone area:

  1. The spaces in the SOLGM Industry Networking Zone are either 3m x 3.5m or3m x 4m or 4m x 3m. (more details are on the floorplan and in the prospectus on the ‘Sponsors’ page at
  1. The spaces are separated by 1.2 m high white walls on the side, thus creating an open space feel and allowing you to engage with people outside your space – with your neighbours and other delegates. Traditional trade exhibition spaceshave high black walls and booths are isolated from one another. We want youto talk to your neighbours (fellow networkers) and create a friendlier atmosphere. For this reason we ask that pop up banners do not impede other areas. All of your materialMUST be confined within the details measurements of the space that you have purchased.
  1. Two of the three types of networking zone spaceshavea full height (2.5m) back panel – that will get people to clearly see what your space is all about. Printing on the centre back panel (970mm wide and 1470mm high) is included with our family sponsor, $4,000 and $5,000 packages. All you have to do is provide us with the print ready material. Details for this are at the top of the next page.
  1. The $5,000 package also includes some furniture (this does not apply to family sponsors, the $4,000 or $3,000 packages). This provides an area for delegates to sit and have a chat with you during their breaks.We are not providing seats outside the networking spaces. There are two furniture options that you can choose from. If furniture is not included with your package please visit

The two furniture options that you can choose from if you have opted for the $5,000 package are;

Option 1: Is for 2 leather couches, a coffee table and a lockable cabinet that is suitable for use as a TV stand

Option 2: Is for 1 leather couch, a bar leaner, 3 bar stools and a lockable cabinet that is suitable for use as a TV stand

Colour options for furniture are; Coffee table in White, black, red, orange or dark timber. Leather couches in red, white or black. Bar stools in metallic candy apple red, white, black or silver. Bar Leaners in red, black, grey or white. The cabinets are all in white.

Preparing your participation in the Industry Networking Zone

•Think about your purpose in attending the SOLGM AnnualSummit. Plan and think of how your space can stand out from the other networkers. Think of activities that will engage delegates.

•Think about your company representatives attending the Summit. They should be able to engage and have conversations with the Summit delegates -- who are key decision makers (Chief Executives and senior managers).

Centre Panel Print Specifications (If included in your package):

-965 mm (w) x 1440 mm (h)

-EHS graphic format: please send us all filed in vector format. In most cases these would be files created in Adobe Illustrator or Freehand or exported to one of these file formats: .EPS or .PDF (preferred).

-All files to be flattened artwork at 200 dpi

•Select your furniture package and provide your panel files no later than 18 October 2013. Please email this d to confirm your furniture selection.

•You may want or need other furniture or Audio Visual equipment for the space ($3,000 packages do not come with any walls or furniture). Contact Displayworks:

Craig Jenkins

Phone: 64 4 568 3992Email:

Mention: SOLGM Annual Summit, Te Papa

•Send your additional materials (ie. equipment, brochures, etc) to the venue. Make sure you use the specified delivery label and your boxes are not delivered to the venue before Friday the 1st of November, 2013. This iscan be found by clicking here

Summit Handbook Requirements to be sent

For all Sponsors and Networkers (exhibitors) in the Industry Networking Zone

-200 word company profile plus contact details and high resolution (EPSor JPG) logo

-Please send this information to no later than 8th of October 2013 or your profile information will not be included in the handbook

For all Family, Ponamu and Kauri Sponsors

-200 abstract detailing what you will present during your allocated time. For Kauri sponsors, Summit attendees may use this information to decide which presentation to attend.

-Please send this information to no later than 8th of October 2013 or your information will not be included in the handbook

Satchel Inserts

These will not be included in packs handed out to this year’s Summit attendees.

Your attendance at the Summit

Your sponsorship or networking package may include registration(s).

Please register ALL of your people who are attending from your organisation as soon as you know them using the online registration process which can be found at

For additional registrations that are not included with your package please register these attendees using the ‘Sponsor Registration (additional)’ option. This cost is $995 including GST, it also includes the cost of the functions.


All sponsorship and networking packages do not include accommodation. Accommodation booking options (at the Museum hotel or the Copthorne Oriental Bay) will be included in your registration confirmation email that is sent after entering your registrations. NB: Credit card details must be provided at the time of booking or no reservation will be made.

Car Parking at Te Papa

For information and costs of carparking at Te Papa please go to

Wifi at Te Papa

There is free Wifi available at Te Papa for all Summit attendees.

Monday Night’s Dinner Theme

The theme for the dinner on Monday evening is ‘a night at the races’ taking into account that the Melbourne Cup will be run the following day. AllSummit attendees will be encouraged to bring a bit of race day flair to their evenings attire.

Stand Set up, Pack Down and Attendance Timings

You and your team can set up your networking spaces from 1pm on Sunday the 3rd of November. Your stand set up must be complete by 5pm that day.

Thisyear the Summit has increased the times that delegates are available to network with. With this is mind your stand must be manned and fully set up for each of the following periods;

Sunday from 5pm to 7pm for the welcome cocktail function

Monday from 7.30am for breakfast, from 11am for Morning tea, from 1pm for lunch, from 3pm for afternoon tea. Thenetworking zone area will also be used from 7 to 7.30pm for pre dinner drinks.

Tuesday from 10am for morning tea, from 12.30pm for lunch and from 4pm to 6pm for the Melbourne Cup function.

Stands can be broken down from 6pm on Tuesday the 5th. All of your material must be taken to the loading bay for collection the following day. Please ensure that all of your items are clearly labelled and include a contact phone number.

Summit Programme

For a full Summit programme please visit

Stand Giveaways

If you have prize draws that you wish to present at the end of the summit these will done during lunch on Tuesday.

Making the most of your sponsorship and networking activities

Things to do before the Summit

-Promote your participation via your website, newsletters and other communications channels you use to your local government clients

-Know your purpose and what you want out of this Summit andmake sure the people attending the Summit from your company is briefed properly prior to Summit

-Make sure all the required materials are submitted to us by the due date (see the checklist below)

Things to do at the Summit

-Be concise with your message – keep it short, simple and relevant. Also, be enthusiastic (though not too much) and make the mood light. The delegates may not remember everything you said, but what they will remember is what they felt when they talked to you or visited your booth.

-Reach out to delegates – work the floor and don’t stay in your space all thetime. If you have more than one person at the Summit, have one person going around the Industry Networking Zone and the other one in your space booth as you cannot always rely that the delegates will come to you.

-Attend the Summit sessions – it gives you a starting off point when you engage with the Summit delegates. Delegates may even appreciate that you are interested in the work that they do.

-Review and change – see what works for your space – if the layout does notwork, change it. You don’t need to have the same booth layout for the duration of the Summit.

-Come up with a process to get contact details from the booth visitors – have acalling card draw or signup sheet.

-Questions - don't hesitate to ask us for help or advice or let us know if you are not happy with something. It is much easier to fix a problem before or while it is happening than afterwards.

-Last but not least, have fun!

Things to do after the Summit

-Tell your local government customers that you were at the SOLGM AnnualSummit via your website and newsletter

-You may request for photos from the official photographer available at Summit

-Take notes of what worked and what can be improved on --- and tell us, the Summit organisers. An evaluation survey will be sent after the Summit, it is important that you spend a few minutes of your time to let us know.

Sponsor and Networking Zone Participant Checklist

Send to
Due Date
Have you made your full and final payment(s) / Paul Walker / As soon as possible
Logo (jpg and eps formats) / Paul Walker / No later than 8th October 2013
Company contact details and information blurb for Summit handbook / Paul / No later than 8th October 2013
Family, Ponamu and Kauri Sponsor presentation abstracts for handbook / Paul / No later than 8th October 2013
Accommodation, registration details and dietary requirements for your team attending / Via online process at / As soon as possible
Your preferred furniture package option (Does not apply to family sponsors, $4,000 or $3,000 spaces) / Paul Walker / No later than 18th October, 2013
Your centre panel and front panel designs in required print specification / Paul Walker / No later than 18th October, 2013
Additional equipment to be hired / Contact: Craig Jenkins at Displayworks – or 04 568 3992 / As soon as possible
Equipment or materials for your Industry Networking Zone / No earlier than Friday 1 November, 2013. Use the NETWORKING ZONE Delivery label found at

Potentially Some Helpful Information

Here are the Top 10 Tips of a successful exhibitor or event sponsor:

1. Set Goals

Too often people have no idea why they are exhibiting. They don’t know why they are on the stand, what the business is hoping to achieve or how “success” will be measured. You MUST know why you are there and “Branding” doesn’t count unless you have a strategy on how to measure any shift in brand awareness. Once you know why you are there, make sure everyone on the stand knows the goal, that way they can work towards it.

2. Pre Market

When you talk about Exhibiting, most people get all excited about how sexy the booth will look and what else will be at the show. Hardly anyone takes the opportunity to do the pre-marketing work prior to the show. Don’t depend on the show organiser to bring in the crowds. Do your own marketing to your prospects, existing customers, target market and loyal fans to get them to the show. Consider a private function for your high worth clients to say thank you and have them bring an industry friend.

3. Booth Set Up

Don’t forget the booth is not about you. You think it is, your marketing department will insist it is, but it’s not. It is about your customer and your prospect. What will they want? What do you want them to do? Make sure you set it up so it is EASY for them to do what you want them to. If you have a show discount, have signage to let them know. A sign saying, “Ask me about the show discount” gets them engaging in a conversation. A sign saying, “50% off” gets them salivating. What do you want them to do?

4. Plan for Worst

In business (and in life) a motto for success is “Expect the best and plan for the worst”. As an exhibitor, this is your motto to live by. Plan on couriers not arriving, luggage being lost, signs falling down, your location changing and you won’t be disappointed. Disasters occur on a regular basis in the exhibition world. What counts most is your ability to engage with people and satisfy their needs with your products and services. Not your booth, your location, your freebies, your branding or any other item. Make sure you can keep your cool and deliver when all around you is going to hell. 5. Have Pick Up Lines

5. Exhibiting at a Trade Show, Expo, Market or Summit is exactly like speed dating.

You are at a place surrounded by people who want what you’ve got. They are nervous, hesitant, shy and scared of making the wrong move to the wrong potential partner. You need to get their attention, attract them to what you’ve got and engage them into a lifelong, mutually beneficial relationship. One thing that has proven itself for centuries is the well delivered pick up line. Make sure you have some. Naturally different ones work on and for different people. Find one that works for you and use it. If the lines you have are not working, change them. If the ones you used successfully yesterday are not working this morning, change them. Do what it takes to get their attention and then engagement.

6. Have Lead Cards

Collecting business cards is not enough. They are overwhelming and do not give a focus on what you need to do next. Have simple lead cards you can staple to the business card. This lead card can capture some basic but important info. Items like:

• Priority – are they an A, B or C prospect

• Interest – what product or service are they interested in

• Follow-up – what day of the week is best to follow-up with them

• Budget – do they have a budget set aside for this purchase

• Reason – what is their main reason to buy

• Existing – who is their existing supplier

You can have a lot of this information in a checklist format so that a few simple ticks on an A5 sheet will give you valuable information you can use in your follow-up call.

7. Be Present

If you are on the show floor, be on the show floor. Turn off your phone or computer (better still, leave them at home or in the room), focus on the prospect, and work toward achieving your goals. It is too easy to be distracted. Your firm will have spent tens (if not hundreds) of thousands of dollars for your time on the stand. Give those few days everything you’ve got. Your feet will hurt. Wear your most comfortable shoes and toughen up. It’s only for a few days. DO NOT sit down. You will lose money. People will not approach you, you will start chatting to colleagues and not be present to the reason you are there. If there was one tip of the ten to focus on, this would be it. Be there for your prospects and customers. The rest of the world will wait while you are on the floor.