New Road
NR10 5NH
Tel : 01603 754677
Fax : 01603 754677 / / High Street
NR10 5AE
Tel : 01263 732364
Fax : 01263 735837

Chair of Governors: Mr Peter Simmonds

Head teacher: Mrs Karen Hutchison


Pupil Premium Report for 2013-2014 and Predicted Spending for 2014 – 2015

Hevingham and Marsham Primary Schools

Pupil Premium is additional to main school funding and it is allocated to children from low-income families that are currently known to be eligible for Free School Meals in both mainstream and non-mainstream settings and children who have been looked after children for more than six months.

Pupil Premium at Hevingham Primary School:

In the financial Year 2013 – 2014, the pupil premium received at Hevingham Primary School was £12,600.00 and there were 14 children entitled to pupil premium.

This year, 2014-2015 there are 14 pupils entitled to pupil premium, giving the school a total of £12,600.00.

Pupil Premium at Marsham Primary School:

In the financial Year 2013 – 2014, the pupil premium received at Marsham Primary School was £21,600.00 and there were 24 children entitled to pupil premium.

This year, 2014-2015 there are 13 pupils entitled to pupil premium, with an allowance of £1,300.00 will give the school a total of £16,900.00.

How money was spent in 2013-2014–

-To subsidise or pay for residential trips.

-Equipment for residential trips.

-Clubs including football, dance and multi-skills.

-Swimming equipment.

-School milk.

-One to one tuition.

-Purchase of Guitars, Guitar lessons and music books.

-Visitors in to school to supplement learning.

-Music lessons and tuition.

-Entire Wage towards a dedicated nurture teacher to work with children in groups or individually, providing support in the form of circle time, buddies, self-esteem and social skills.


-After schools clubs and out of school clubs.


-Capoeira lessons

-Specialist training and advice for teachers.

-After school clubs.

-PPA sessions (Sport specialists)

-Early years support

-Entire teacher wages to split the KS2 class in the morning.

-Training for TA’s

-Breakfast club wages and food

How the money is planning to be spent in 2014-2015-

The money will be used for many of the above reasons. We will be hiring new Teaching Assistants at both schools to provide high quality small group work focussed on overcoming gaps in learning. At Marsham the money is also being spent on hiring a qualified and experienced teacher to deliver intervention work thus improving opportunities for effective teaching and accelerating pupil progress. Having a qualified, experienced teacher with a small group of children has been proven to be one of the most effective forms of intervention that children can receive. We will also be continuing to hire our nurture teacher, an invaluable resource in both schools.

Progress and Attainment of children receiving Pupil Premium (PP) compared with all other pupils.

September 2013 to May 2014

The table below shows the progress and attainment of children across both schools. It gives a comparison of those children receiving Pupil Premium against all children and is measured as below:

Progress Valued Added

Overall national average performance for all pupils in any one year is 100.


Overall national average attainment for all pupils is: Reading: 28.5, Writing: 27.5, Maths: 28.7


Year 6 – July 2014 / Reading / Writing / Maths
Value Added / Attainment / Value Added / Attainment / Value Added / Attainment
Pupil Premium Children / 101.33 / 28 / 100.33 / 25 / 100.67 / 27.3
All Children / 99.93 / 30.9 / 100 / 28.1 / 101.21 / 29


Year 6 – July 2014 / Reading / Writing / Maths
Value Added / Attainment / Value Added / Attainment / Value Added / Attainment
Pupil Premium Children / 101.4 / 29.4 / 101.2 / 27.8 / 100.8 / 29
All Children / 103.67 / 29.3 / 102.33 / 26.3 / 100.67 / 27.8