
Flight Explorer, a Sabre solution


Version 12.0


Software version12.0

Document Edition 1.0

This documentationis theconfidentialand proprietaryintellectual property oftheSabreAirlineSolution® business.Any unauthorized use,reproduction, preparation ofderivative works,performance or display ofthis documentorsoftware represented bythis document,withoutthe expresswritten permission ofSabre Airline Solutionsisstrictly prohibited.

Sabre AirlineSolutions,theSabreAirlineSolutionslogo,Sabre Holdings,theSabre Holdingslogo,Flight Explorer and the Flight Explorer logo are trademarksand/orservicemarksof an affiliate ofSabre HoldingsCorp.All othertrademarks,servicemarks andtrade namesarethe propertyoftheir respective owners.

© 2012 SabreInc.Allrights reserved. 01_2012



1.1Document Overview...... 1

1.2Release Type and Overview...... 1

2New Features

2.1Introduction...... 2

2.2DynamicEmail Notification...... 2

2.3Send Fast Track linkby email...... 2

2.4Online Reporting Tool Enhancement...... 2

2.5Auto-enableimprovements...... 2

2.6MyNotesfromparkedaircraft...... 2

2.7MyFleet export...... 3

2.8Airport Summaryquery...... 3

2.9Weatherdrop-down...... 3

2.10Weather products...... 3

2.11User-Defined Views...... 4

2.12General/Miscellaneous...... 4

2.13Graphical User interface (GUI)...... 4

2.14Globalization...... 5

2.15EventSystem...... 5

3Defect Fixes

3.1Fixed defectswhen...... 6

4Contact Information

SabreAirlineSolutionsReleaseNotes / TableofContents
27November2012 / iii / ConfidentialandProprietarySabreInc.



Thisdocumentcontainsinformationregardingthe release of version 12forFlightExplorerPremierEdition.



ReleaseVersion / Date / ApprovedBy / DescriptionofChange
12.0 / November 2012 / Major Release/Version


12.0 / Version Release
Update Release
Update Release with patches



In this newreleaseofFlightExplorer, users willsee manynew features addedtothe overallclient, new weatherproducts, andsome usabilityenhancements.Thefollowingsectionexplainsthese new features.


Ifyou have setemailalertsfor eventsthrough EventManager,FlightExplorernowadds the name of the eventinthesubjectlineof the email.

For example, thesubjectline could appear like thefollowing:

FEAlert:FlightPositionUpdatefor AA11.


You can send aFastTracklinkto anyonefromthe client.

You can use the Send FastTrackLink windowto sendtheflightplan through email. You willfirst give the flightplan aname (alias) and then click SubmitforFlightExplorertocreatethelink you can send. Your defaultemailaccountopens where you canenter the emailoftheaddressthatyou wantto sendtheroute to. When therecipientoftheemailreceives it,they willbeable toclickonthelinkin the email.Thelinkopens FlightTrackwheretherouteappears ona map. Theycanthen watchthe planeasitreaches the destination.


The Online Reportingtoolperforms a faster querywith this newupdate.

Also,in the search, you cannowuse a wildcard in the search. Forexample,if youwereto use *B,

*B7, theresults wouldreturn allaircraftin the B category.


In this release,the drawingobjectfunctionsthe same as thedrawingobjectinthe toolbar byauto- selectingthelayerwhen you draw an object.

Also the weather overlayisenabled when you selecta weather product.


You can nowclickon a parked aircraftand view, edit,or writenotesin My Notes.


You can nowexportalloptionalfieldsfromthe MyFleetaircraftselection window.In the MyFleet aircraftselection windowyou canindicateto exportAircraftID, Scratch pad, Origin, Departure Date, and Departure Hour.FlightExplorerexportsthe information in notepadto the folderyou designate on your computer.


When you use the AirportSummarywindowto search, you can nowuse an FAA, ICAO, orIATA codein your search.FlightExplorer recognizesallthecodes.


You can nowchoose the optionNone fromthe drop-down.


Thefollowingare new weatherproducts offeredinFlightExplorer.


•MeteoStarEuropean Radar

•Telvent South American IR Satellite

•Updatedhot tip anddialogfor certain polygon weatherobjectsto be more verboseand detailed.

Thesechanges willbe cascadedto otherobjects in future releases.

•UpdatedWSIFPGproductto have 7futureanimation frames instead of 4.

•Changed color of WSIconvective objects to red and volcanicobjects to white.

•Added newpalette option for lightning, with discrete colors (instead ofsinglecolor faded)so age of strike can more easilybe determined (Weather, ProductProperties).

•Added newsymboloptionforlightning, to show+ or – correspondingto polarityof strike.

•Added newlightningtime frame color codingfor1-minute products which showsfinertime periodsforbetter visualization of the lateststrikes andmovementof lightningactivity (automaticallyactivated for1-minute lightningproducts).

•Added the abilitytodisablethe hottipfor satellite weatherproducts.Temperatureand altitude values displayed are derived and provided bythe particular weather vendor. Some users prefer to visually exclude thisderived information when satelliteimageryis displayed. (Options,Weather dialog).

•Added abilitytoenable/disablecertain polygon weatherobjects within products (temporarilyput on theWeatherAnimationand Alerts settings page)

•Dynamic airportweather filterbased onMyFleetflights. In addition to filteringairportweather productsbyfilter group (METAR,TAF, RVR,etc.), you can nowdynamicallyfilterbased onthe originsand destinations ofyour currentMyFleetflights. Origin airports can optionallybe excludedaftertake-off.

•Allsatellite and radarproductsnowsupportmouse-overtool-tip pop-up to show levelunder cursor.

•Basic NWS products have been enhanced,includingNWS Radar Summary, WeatherDepiction, Surface Fronts, Freezinglevels.

•Radar Summarydepictionhas been enhanced withlargerfonts anddropshadowon textfor better clarityand contrast with background.


•Added coloroptionsfor FilterSelectionlists on alloverlays.

•Added supportfor a“?” wildcardintheselection andfilteringof SIDs and STARs.? canbe used in placeofa digitinthe SID/STARname, and willautomaticallyallowSIDs/STARs to match the filter criteriaeven after thenumberisincremented by the FAA.

•Added the abilitytoturn labelson andoff for the high resolutionbackground maps (streets and airports).


•Added the airport’s IATAcode tothe AirportSummaryheading.

•MyFleetdynamic airportfilter (usedfor filteringof airportbased weatherobjects, AirportList and DiversionManagementIcons) can now, optionally,includealternatesifsenttoFlight Explorervia 3PDI(Third PartyData Interface).

•Added supportfor additionalislandsinthe base map (UK, SEGS, etc.).

•After each entry, automaticallychange focus backtoentryfield when addingitems to Filter groups.

•Updated“Source” names for 3PDIprovidersin position history.

MyFleet Airlinemode enhancement.MyFleetairline mode now allows uptofive airline IDs to bespecified.This is usefulfor customers nottakingadvantage oftheautomatedMyFleet mode and/orsupervisors wantingto see entire airline or networkflightsin MyFleet.

Route decodelogic.Theinternalroute decodinglogichas been enhanced to supportpartial routes and routes with non-uniquetokens.Thiscorrects issuesrelatedto the graphicaldepiction of theseroutesandtypicalRoute Analyzerfunctions such asdistance calculations.

•Lookup/go to nowsupportsSIDand STARobjects.


•Icon refresh. Allof the applicationicons have been redesigned with updated palettes, transparencyand resolution. The resultis arefreshedinterface which is more modern and intuitive, while stilleasilyrecognizableandintuitive.

Ribbon barinterface. Anew Ribbon Bar graphicaluserinterface(GUI) is available as anoption underWindowsVista SP2,2003, 7, and later.Thistabbed interfacerevolutionizesthe wayin whichfeatures can beaccessed in the application. Itsupports acustomizableQuickAccess

Toolbar (QAT) andtheabilityto minimize the Ribbon, givingthe usereven more map space. Thisis an optionalinterface. Toolbarsarestillfullyavailableunder allsupportedWindows versions.

•Labeldrawing.Mostlabels on the map now havea drop shadowdrawnbehindthemfor better contrastwiththe background.

•Theoutboundrequestqueue ofthe Desktop Interface was optimized to improve performance.

•New Block-In, Block-Outtimes availableto besentin3PDIandviewed inclientapplication.


•FilterGroups on additionaloverlays. Filtergroupsupporthas been addedto allapplicable overlays:Sectors, Airspaceboundaries, SUA,TRACONs, Radar,holdingpatterns, SIDs, STARs, FlightService Stations, Communicationfacilities andweather stations.

•Multiplefiltergroups inone Viewoverlay. Now, up tofive filtergroups can beselected on an overlayin a UserDefinedView.This allows greatflexibilityin settingup customer/region specific groupsof overlayobjectsand turningon thesegroups in your Views.

•Overlays enhancedto supportglobalgroups andregionalcustomization. AllUS centric groupings have beenremoved fromthe overlays. Builtincategories are now globalin nature(i.e.Low airways showlowairways worldwide andnotjustinUS, etc.). Regionalcustomization can be achieved through theexpanded filter groups. Youcannowdefine your ownregionalfilter groups and selectuptofive ofthemata time in asingle Viewoverlay.

•AirportSummarynowincludes metric units for altitudes andspeeds.


Installation nowcorrectlyinstalls FE sound events onallversions of Windows.


Thefollowingsectionexplainsdefects thathave beenfixed sincethelastversionof the client.


•Save Map As was writingto HTTP and file whenitshould have only gone to file.

•Some windows were notappearingon multiple monitor. Map windows notappearingwhen multi-monitor configuration changed underWindows.

•Find Flighttoolbarnotworkingfor entered aircraftID.

•Radialdistancefor theTruedistance range rings wasnotconstant.

•Airways crossingthe map boundarywere notdisplayingcorrectly.

•Weather ProductPropertiessettingfor minimumlevelof FAADelayproductwould notbe observed.

•Tooltipforplanned/scheduled summaryicon could cause an application fault. Hot tip nowlimited to fifty(50)records.

•Application would continueto launchwithoutany Viewselected if application folderwassetto readonlyand no Viewfileexists.The application willnowcorrectlyinformuser and exit.

•Bad airwaydata withinstatic data update couldresultin inaccurate routedecodingand map rendering.

•Installation couldfailonnon-English versions of Windows dueto differences in defaultsecurity settings.

•Resultingflightlistfromrouteimpactsearch could showEntrytime fieldas"n/a"and status field as blank.

•Added metric unitdisplay to the AirportSummary, Detailstab.

•Added IATAIDto the headingin AirportSummary.

•Added a suffixtothe speedcolumn in the Planeproperties, Positionhistorylisttocorrectly indicate the speedtype (MACH, airspeed,etc.)

•Corrected anissue where countrylabels would disappear when weather animation was enabled.

•Corrected anissue wherelabels would notdimwhen the background dimmingfeature was enabled.

•Corrected anissue where displayof SIDs/STARscouldcause the applicationtofault.

•Corrected anissue where displayof Holdingpatterns could cause the applicationto fault.

•Corrected anissue where some UIRAirspace Boundaries were notshowingon screen(this was correctedin the 10/20/2011static data update forallclientversions).

•Corrected anissue whenfiltergroups were selected onoverlays, onlythe first100objectsofthat type would draw.

•Corrected anissue with FilterGroups selections, whenfilter groups wereselectedand enable non-sequentiallyin the UDView dialog, the overlaytoolbar drop down menu items would not correctlyenableand disable those groups.

•Corrected issue whereenablingtheMyFleetdynamic airportfilter for airportbased weather products wouldcause FE tostopreceivingdata updates.

•Corrected issueplottingairwayJ21.

•Updatedtextin the Find Plane dialogto indicate which aircraftcan befoundandlocatedduring and after flight.

•Added buttonto Ribbon, Home tab to accessReroute Advisorylist.

•Added textto UDView Lat/Londialogtoindicatethatdotted degree style for gridlines is not availablein sphericalmode.

•Corrected anissue where FE couldfaultwhenthe Streets &Places overlay was displayed simultaneouslyin multiplemap windows.

•Delayed flightlist“ReplacewithMyFleet…”functionwas not workingproperly.

•Corrected anissue where multiple, rapid eventlistleftclicks would occasionallycausea lock-up.

•Corrected a buginthe EventListwherecoloredevents would notshow the proper color gradient, causingthemto nothave aclear division betweenevents.

•Corrected AirportDetailsType field which wasstillshowing“USA” incorrectlyas thetype.

•Corrected an occasionalfaultwhen viewingairportdetails inlookup/go to.

•Corrected anissue where FE would crash, attimes, upon entryor exitoffullscreen mode on Windows 7, 32-bitsystems.

•Corrected anissue thatwould causea crash,overtime, when airportrunwaydrawingwas turned on.

•Ribbon weatherbuttons were notcausingtheView tobe marked as Changed, therefore changes couldnotbe saved.

•Background images would causeapplicationfaultattimes when loaded rapidlyinslide show mode.

•Toolbar icons wererenderingwith a blackbackgroundin configurations whereapplicationis accessedremotely(Citrix,RDP, etc.).

•Corrected countryname labels near Africa(static dataupdate).

•Drawingobjects were notbeingauto-selected after beingcreated usingtheribboninterface.

•Drawingobjects were generatinginaccurate alertsfor flightsenteringand exitingareas.


For additionalhelpor supportplease contacttheFlight Explorer Support usinganyof the followingmethods:

•Phone +1 301 634 8201


•Fax +1 301 634 8202

Thesupportdeskis staffed24 hours a day, seven days a weekand is theinitialcontactfor allservice incidents. Upon receiptof the serviceincident, appropriate personnelare notified.