Nutrition and Wellness (8229)

Course SyllabusFall 2017

Mrs. Lawson

1stBlock–Room- 45


Course Description

Students enrolled in Nutrition and Wellness focus on making choices that promote wellness and good health; analyzing relationships between psychological and social needs and food choices; choosing foods that promote wellness; obtaining and storing food for self and family; preparing and serving nutritious meals and snacks; selecting and using equipment for food preparation; and identifying strategies to promote optimal nutrition and wellness of society. Teachers highlight basic skills of math, science and communication when appropriate with the content.

**Each student must have their parent or guardian complete and sign a Certification of Insurance coverage form (included in this packet) for the student to take this class. IT MUST BE COMPLETED AND RETURNED BY MONDAY, AUGUST 14THat 3:25 or the student will be transferred out of the class.

Course Topics

(Cooking and equipment use will be incorporated throughout chapter course work.)

1- Making Wellness a Lifestyle

2- Factors Affecting Food Choices

3- How Nutrients Become You: Digestion

4- Nutrition Guidelines

5- Carbohydrates

6- Fats

7- Proteins

8- Vitamins

9- Minerals

10- Water

11- Nutrition for All Ages

12- Energy Balancing Act

13- Weight Management

14- Eating Disorders

15- Staying Physically Active

17- Maintaining Positive Social and Mental Health

18- Stress and Nutrition

19- The Use and Abuse of Drugs

20- Keeping Food Safe

21- Meal Management

22- Making Wise Consumer Choices

23- Food and Fitness Trends

24- Global Concerns

25- Careers in Nutrition and Fitness

Rules and Expectations

Other than the rules and expectations in the Henry County Code of Conduct, here are some class specific rules we will go by for a smooth semester:

Citizenship – The citizenship grade will be lowered for talking inappropriately, cheating, showing disrespect (to instructor, substitute, other students, guests, etc.) and any other instance that results in the instructor completing a referral form.

Classroom Guidelines

  • Laptops – Each student will be assigned a specific laptop to use when assignments require them. Each student MUST make certain the laptop is put back into the Laptop cart AND HOOKED UP EVERY DAY before leaving class. A grade of “0” will be given every day the laptop is NOT hooked up in the correct place.
  • Attendance - Regulations will be followed according to the Henry County Policy. Strict records will be kept and filed in the portfolio folder and teachers’ files for each student for future employment interest.
  • Late to Class - Be in your assigned seat doing bell work when the bell rings. 2017-2018 School Policy states that teachers must lock and close the classroom door when the tardy bell rings. We are not permitted to let any student in after the bell, unless they have a note from a teacher/staff/administrator that is dated and time indicated. All others must report to the front hallway near the gym to get an Unexcused Tardy slip before returning to class. Three (3) tardies will result in a call to parents. Further tardies may result in written referrals and disciplinary action subject to Administrators’ decisions.
  • Materials for Class - Bring materials to class and take them with you when you leave. (pencils, books, etc.) Students MUST come prepared with a pencil or pen and paper EVERY day or their grade will reflect them as being “unprepared for class”.
  • Supplies needed for each day in class BY Monday, August 14th:
  • Loose Leaf Paper
  • 3 Ring Binder (1-1/2” or 2”)
  • Tabbed Dividers for binder (5 or 8 pack is fine)
  • Pen AND Pencil
  • Make-up Work
  • The responsibility for make-up work lies with the student.
  • The procedure for handing out make-up work will follow the Henry County policy stated in your student handbook.
  • Make up work for days missed will only be given to students whose absence from school was excused or they were on a student activity.
  • If unexcused, make up work will be withheld and a grade of “0” will be given until excused by front office.
  • If your absence is excused, you will have three (3) days to make up an assignment(s). Any assignments not turned in after three days will be counted as a ‘0’.
  • If, for whatever reason, school is closed, any assignment due on that day will be due the next day we are in school. Special situations will be taken into consideration; however, assignments must be completed on the date indicated.
  • If a student misses the day of a test or quiz, he/she must take it the day they return. If he/she misses the review for a test he/she must take a make-up test the next day. It is the student’s responsibility to make time arrangements with the teacher to take test.
  • Presentations must be made up the first day the student returns to school. There will be a ten (10) point deduction per day it is late, unless prior arrangements have been made with and approved by the teacher or the absence is excused by the attendance office.
  • Class grades given for discussion or group activities cannot be made up.
  • Once a graded assignment is returned to the class, no make-up work for that assignment will be accepted. There will be a ten (10) point deduction per day it is late.
  • Homework Policy - Students are expected to finish required daily work and reading assignments for homework if the work is not completed in class. This is not to penalize the student in any way, but to keep them on track with class progress and prepared for the subsequent class.
  • Respect - Treat each person in class with respect and dignity. This includes while the teacher, other students, or guests are talking. Do not talk to other students or pass notes. If someone else has the floor, give them the respect to speak. If you want to speak, you must raise your hand and wait for me to acknowledge you.*
  • Food/Drink - Due to student allergies, other than breakfast, NO food unrelated to course assigned food is allowed in the classroom. No drinks, other than water will be permitted either.
  • Kitchen Access - For the safety of our students, no one is allowed in the kitchen without prior approval by your teacher.
  • Use of Electronics – Students will NOT be allowed to use phone without specific permission by the teacher, and for instructional purposes only. If phones or other devices are used unauthorized, it is school policy that the device be confiscated and given to an administrator, who will then contact a parent to come to the school to pick it up.
  • HCPS Policies - Follow all procedures and rules as outlined in the MVHS and Henry County Schools Handbook

Classroom Discussion Points

  • Entering Room - Bellringer
  • Tardies
  • Bathroom/Water/Nurse/Office/Etc.- passes
  • Classroom Discussions/Presentations
  • Class Dismissal
  • Electronic devices need to be left in your book bags or at home. Unauthorized use will result in confiscation and a parent will have to pick it up.
  • Do not ask to see another teacher or administrator during this class. They must send a note, an email, or call for you on the intercom.
  • Other procedures
  • Intercom
  • Fire drills
  • Tornado
  • Lock Down


Academic grades earned on the three six-week reports are determined by the student’s degree of performance to work independently on projects/assignments, research, planned, & applied academic skills, evaluated work and demonstrated knowledge of subject. Student grades will be averaged based on the following:

HCPS Grading Scale 2016-2017
A+ / 97-100 / 4.0
A / 93-96 / 4.0
A- / 90-92 / 3.7
B+ / 87-89 / 3.3
B / 83-86 / 3.0
B- / 80-82 / 2.7
C+ / 77-79 / 2.3
C / 73-76 / 2.0
C- / 70-72 / 1.7
D+ / 68-69 / 1.3
D / 66-67 / 1.0
D- / 60-65 / 0.7
F / 0-59 / 0.0

RequirementWeight of Grade

  • Attendance 1.0
  • Class participation1.0
  • Written class work1.0
  • Lab Grades 1.5
  • Tests2.0
  • Projects2.0
  • Written observations2.0
  • Final Exam/Project3.0

Student Organization:

FCCLA or Family, Career, and Community Leaders of America

Participation in the student organization is part of the course curriculum and class activities.

To participate in out of school activities you must be a paid member of the state and national organization. See Mrs. Wingfield in Room 43 for more information.

Remind is an “Instant Alert” kind of program I use to remind/advise students and parents of updates, changes, or announcements for our specific class. Please see attached information regarding how to sign up. No phone numbers are revealed using this process but you can have a quick chat with me regarding the announcements. Thank you!

***All SUBJECT IN THIS SYLLABUS IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE as deemed necessary by instructor.

"Committed to Academic Excellence and Developing the Whole Child”


Nutrition and Wellness (8229)

Course Syllabus – Fall 2017

Mrs. Lawson

1stblock - Room: 45



By signing this contract you acknowledge:

1) that you have reviewed this syllabus and

2) what is expected of you in this class.

If you/your student do/does not follow these rules/guidelines and procedures, you acknowledge and expect appropriate consequences will come with that behavior.

**This form must be signed by both student and parent/guardian and returned to the teacher BY Tuesday, August 14th @ 3:25pm.




