Strategic Issue I: Community leadership and partnership development
Goal: Become a leader in community health improvement / 2017 Progress / 2018 Progress / 2019 Progress / Status
  1. Continue to provide leadership to and support for the effectiveness of the Smart Steuben Team in implementing the County’s CHIP.
  1. Educate, engage, and secure support from other county departments and legislators in achieving CHIP and other public health priorities.
/ Director / Ongoing / Continues with Smart Steuben coalition
  1. Research and educate staff, partners, and community members in evidence based practices to address obesity, heart disease and hypertension, chronic disease prevention, early childhood health, and other important public health issues.
/ Health Educator and PH Staff / Ongoing / NDPP class ongoing. Nurse continues to do BP technique trainings for providers. Sent information to providers about Common Grounds BP trainings. Baby Café flyers and posters distributed to MD offices. YMCA Healthy Weight program promoted in Wellness Newsletter.
  1. Ensure the proper training of staff in core competencies, quality measurement, and quality improvement.
  1. Conduct an assessment of staff’s core competencies in public health and job specific department operations.
/ Leadership Team / June 2017 / Completed January 2017
  1. Develop a yearly schedule for staff training and implement accordingly.All staff will be trained on the branding policy.
/ Leadership Team / Update annually / Completed
  1. Continue to customize the staff evaluation process by using the Workforce Development Plan to identify relevant training needs.
/ Leadership Team / By Dec. 2017 and reviewed annually
  1. Utilize the new staff orientation process by identifying core competency and optional trainings for each position.
/ Leadership Team / As needed / None identified. Will evaluate process with next Strategic Plan
  1. Ensure staff is properly trained in capturing data and using data for quality measurement and improvement.
/ Leadership Team / Quarterly / PMQI measures reviewed quarterly. Staff mentored by PMQI coordinator if improvements needed.
  1. Enhance the role of the department as a resource and leader on public health issues.
  1. Develop an outreach plan to engage health care partners and to disseminate information to the community which will showcase Public Health as the experts relating to public health issues.
/ Leadership Team / By Dec. 2017 / Inprogress
  1. Continue to provide the “Introduction to Steuben County Public Health” PowerPoint for orientation of new legislative members, including information on financial sustainability.
/ Director & Health Educator / Annually in January and as needed / Completed
  1. Continue a proactive approach to reviewing laws and working with governing entities to educate and advocate for change as needed.
/ Director &
Health Educator / Ongoing / Continues—
Q1 advocacy around NYS Budget impacting PH core services, tobacco free county parks. T21 included in monthly report to HSH&E committee. S2AY sent letter to state reps regarding Blue Green Algae funding.
  1. Work with the community to identify and implement strategies to improve access to health services.
/ PH Staff / Ongoing / Continues through S2AY navigators. AIM navigator information sent to SmartSteuben members
Strategic Issue II: Performance Management and Quality Improvement
Goal: Continue efforts to integrate best practices and to meet the standards of Accreditation. / 2017 Progress / 2018 Progress / 2019 Progress / Status
  1. Maintain and improve the Performance Management System (PMS)
  1. Educate staff on the use of the PMS.
/ Leadership Team
S2AY Network / Annually / Yearly education for all staff in February
  1. Review and update the plan/policy for the PMS to adhere with County policies.
/ Leadership Team
S2AY Network / Annually and as needed / PH County PM goals added to PMQI dashboard
  1. Continue to track data and reporting indicators.
/ Program Leads
S2AY Network / Quarterly / Updated & Reviewed quarterly
  1. Review, evaluate, and improve the PMS through a quality improvement process.
/ PMQI Committee / Quarterly / Reviewed quarterly
  1. Steuben County Public Health achieve Accreditation.
  1. Submit accreditation application.
/ Leadership Team / By June 1, 2017 / Completed May 2017
  1. Maintain accreditation standards.
/ PH Staff / Ongoing / Ongoing
  1. Implement the Strategic Plan
  1. Monitor and evaluate progress quarterly, making changes when appropriate at least annually.
/ Leadership Team / Ongoing and annually in January / Reviewed & Updated quarterly
Strategic Issue III: Agency capacity and effectiveness
Goal: Effectively and efficiently deploy our agency resources / 2017 Progress / 2018 Progress / 2019 Progress / Status
  1. Continue efforts to recruit and retain key staff and a strong volunteer pool
  1. Advance hire replacement staff for key positions to ensure knowledge transfer.
/ Director / As needed / Hired SC/RN prior to retirement of SC/RN. Prior to transfer of EI clients SC trained new SC regarding caseload.
  1. Maximize resources to develop a more robust volunteer pool.
/ Leadership Team / Ongoing / Participated with Chemung county/Red Cross in joint training. Include information on ServSteuben at all Emergency Preparedness trainings.
  1. Continue efforts occurring around interoperability of services at the county and state levels.
  1. Participate in activities to provide cross functional and cross jurisdictional services between all sectors of the health system, including connecting to the RHIO and participation in the S2AY Rural Health Network.
/ PH Staff / Ongoing / Connected to RHIO & Trained– March 17. Applying for funding to link providers with CCE for client nutrition training. S2AY CBO grant promoted DSRIP participation.