مــــــدارس جــــســــور الـــمـــعـــرفــــة العـــــالـــمـــيــــة

The Knowledge Bridges International Schools

Academic Calendar (Grades 4-9)

1st Semester (1436-1437) (2015-2016)

Events / Gregorian Dates / Hijri Dates
1st Semester begins / 23/8/2015 / 8/11/1436
International Day of Charity
(Special Assembly on 3/9/2015) / 5/9/2015 / 21/11/1436
Periodical Theme
)المعرفة - ( Knowledge / 6/9/2015 to 10/9/2015 / 22/11/1436 - 26/11/1436
International Literacy Day / 8/9/2015 / 24/11/1436
1st PTM / 12/9/2015 / 28/11/1436
Hajj Awareness Programme
(Special Assembly) / 17/9/2015 / 4/12/1436
Hajj/EidulAdha Holidays Begin / 20/9/2015 / 7/12/1436
85th National Day / 23/9/2015 / 10/12/1436
World Tourism Day
(Travelogue/ brochure/ Journal)
{Holiday Task} / 27/9/2015 / 14/12/1436
School Re-opens after Hajj Holidays / 29/9/2015 / 16/12/1436
International Day for Non-violence
(Special Assembly on 1/10/2015) / 2/10/2015 / 19/12/1436
1st Formative Assessment / 4/10/2015 to 12/10/2015 / 21/12/1436 – 29/12/1436
World Teachers' Day
(Special Assembly) + Little Teacher / 5/10/2015 / 22/12/1436
Periodical Theme
Non violence/Peace الا عنف / السلام / 11/10/2015 to 15/10/2015 / 28/12/1436 – 2/1/1437
Global Handwashing Day
(Poster Making Competition) / 15/10/2015 / 2/1/1437
Elocution Competition ( 4 to 6) / 21/10/2015 / 8/1/1437
Debate (7 to 9) / 22/10/2015 / 9/1/1437
Quran Recitation Competition / 5/11/2015 / 23/1/1437
World Science Day for Peace and Development
(Special Assembly) / 10/11/2015 / 28/1/1437
2nd Formative Assessment / 8/11/2015 to 16/11/2015 / 26/1/1437 – 4/2/1437
Universal Children’s Day
(Special Assembly on 19/11/2015)
+ Activity + Trips / 20/11/2015 / 8/2/1437
Young Entrepreneurs / 5/12/2015 / 23/2/1437
Human Rights Day
(Special Assembly) / 10/12/2015 / 28/2/1437
World Arabic Day
(Special Assembly on 17/12/2015) / 18/12/2015 / 7/3/1437
1st Summative Assessment Begins / 20/12/2015 / 9/3/1437
Midyear Break Begins / 10/1/2016 / 30/3/1437

Academic Calendar (Grades 4-9)

2ndSemester (1436-1437) (2015-2016)

Events / Gregorian Dates / Hijri Dates
2nd Semester Begins / 17/1/2016 / 7/4/1437
Inter Class Sport tournaments
(Basketball/ Volleyball/Table Tennis/Badminton) / 24/1/2016 to 28/1/2016 / 14/4/1437 – 18/4/1437
2nd PTM / 30/1/2016 / 20/4/1437
Grades 4/5/6
Grades 7/8/9 / 3/2/2016
4/2/2016 / 24/4/1437
Periodical Theme
/My Salah – My Salvation) صلاتي نجاتي( / 7/2/2016 to 11/2/2016 / 28/4/1437 – 2/5/1437
3rd Formative Assessment / 14/2/2016 to 22/2/2016 / 5/5/1437 – 13/5/1437
Calligraphy Competition
(Arabic) / 24/2/2106
25/2/2016 / 15/5/1437
Field Trips / 6/3/2016 to 10/3/2016 / 26/5/1437 - 1/6/1437
Mid Term Break Begins / 13/3/2016 / 4/6/1437
School Reopens / 20/3/2016 / 11/6/1437
Power Point Presentations
Grades 4/5/6
Grades 7/8/9 / 30/3/2016
31/3/2016 / 21/6/1437
4th Formative Assessment / 3/4/2016 to 11/4/2016 / 25/6/1437 – 4/7/1437
World Health Day
(Special Assembly) / 7/4/2016 / 29/6/1437
Periodical Theme
(Health-one of the blessings of
Allah SWT
الصحة احدى نعم الله علينا) / 10/4/2016 to 14/4/2016 / 3/7/1437 - 7/7/1437
English Language Day
(Special Assembly) / 23/4/2016 / 16/7/1437
Year End Presentations by students
Grades 4-9 / 5/5/2016 / 28/7/1437
2nd Summative Assessment Begins / 15/5/2016 / 8/8/1437
Year End Vacation Begins / 26/5/2016 / 19/8/1437