Circular No. 31/2013 Date: 13.09.2013


Dear Comrades,


We reproduce hereunder the contents of Circular No.11/2013 Dated 07/09/2013 issued by Com. C .M. Patel, General Secretary, AIUCBEF , on the above subject for information of our Members.

(PART – 1)

“Units and Members have been kept informed from time to time about the Developments in the Industrial Relations Front, particularly with regard to the attitude and approach of the Top Management towards various matters concerning the employees.

Members may recall that consequent to our agitational programmes in August 2012, in a meeting held at the invitation of the Top Management on 11th September 2012 Understandings were arrived at on several issues that were in the process of discussions for more than a year and as a result of commitment given by the Management for taking speedy and decisive follow-up steps to translate them into action, Our Federation, responding to the appeal of the Management agreed not to pursue the agitation further.

However, excepting the canteen subsidy, Revision in Car Loan Scheme, and a small reduction in rate of interest on Educational Loan, other understandings on issues such as ....

Ø  Recruitment of Clerical, Substaff and Armed Guards commensurate with the requirement ,

Ø  Resolution of disputes over some cases of casual sweepers (absorption),

Ø  Absorption of Casual Sweepers engaged between 1st Jan, 2009 and 31/3/2012,

Ø  Grant of preference to the Daily wagers -engaged in permanent posts of Substaff - in the Recruitment,

Ø  Introduction of Petrol Reimbursement scheme to workmen staff,

Ø  Absorption of Canteen Boys etc

were being dealt in a very casual manner and compelled by the EVASIVE APPROACH of the Management in all the above, we revived our struggle in January, 2013. Even as the " Non co-operation " movement that was unleashed by us from 15th February, was gaining momentum, CHAIRMAN AND MANAGING DIRECTOR invited us for discussions and in the discussions on 28th February, 2013 which was lead by the CMD, BOTH THE EDs themselves, schedule for arriving at FINALITY on the above was drawn up, besides assurance to resubmit the proposal of " Petrol Reimbursement Scheme " to the Government with proper justification. Placing faith

in the TOP MANAGEMENT we agreed to defer our STRIKE CALL for which the notice was to be served on that day.

As a follow up of the above and as directed by the CMD, HRM department held two rounds of discussions one on 5th March and another on 13th March, when the Roadmap for releasing resolved disputed cases of Casual Sweepers, guidelines for absorption of casual sweepers (between 1/1/2009 & 31/3/2012) and for preferential treatment to daily wagers in the recruitment of peons were mutualised. As per commitment, all the three issues must have reached their targeted position by May end. Thanks to the "Design and Desire" of the Management in maintaining the same UNCERTAINTY and none of the above could see the light of the day till now.

We met CMD on 20th June. Once again, he was kind enough to Direct the Department to bring the conflicts to end latest by 15th July.

With no sign of the issues meeting the Re-Revised deadline, we met CMD and ED on 12th July at Delhi. They were graceful enough to share our concern.

(PART – 2)

We are now in September, well past all the Deadlines and our Patience too.

Adding fuel to the fire, the Management failed to HONOUR yet another bilateral understanding in respect of IR POLICY - Understandings arrived at on 10 th July-particularly relating to the representations in the apex and circle level negotiating committees .

Adding further Salt to the Injury, Management responded to our demand for adequate supply of Staff, by directing the Circle Heads and Zonal Heads to go ahead with rationalising the clerical staff and Special Assistants by unilaterally declaring surplus in almost all the Zones. The above instructions were reiterated in the recently held Zonal Heads Conclave.

Upon our questioning the wisdom of the above direction when the matters relating to TRANSACTION BASED ASSESSMENT / REQUIREMENT OF CLERICAL STAFF AND SPL ASSISTANTS are yet to be taken to the logical conclusion by both the union and the management, such arbitrary move would not be acceptable to us, Management is all set to fire another salvo. Yes they are preparing to serve a notice of termination to the existing agreement on REDEPLOYMENT, with an ulterior motive of imposing their own policy. It is almost certain that the Management wants to go down in the HISTORY by taking this unprecedented move of TERMINATING AN AGREEMENT by notice. Citing the views of the BOARD, Management is gearing itself to alter the Service conditions unilaterally throwing scant respect to BILATERAL SPIRIT.

MUCH against the spirit of the PROMOTION POLICY AGREEMENT, Head Office "PRIOR APPROVAL” has been made mandatory to Zonal Offices for notifying the Special Pay posts

that have fallen vacant due to Natural Wastages. This results in UNCERTAINTY besides undue delay in notifying the vacancies in time. In the background of HO 's unilateral declaration of surplus of SWO B and Spl Assistant posts, we apprehend that vacancies as sent by ZO’s may not also meet with HO’s approval.

Another disturbing trend is, in the last Staff Welfare Committee meeting it was decided to hold another meeting to rework the budget and decide about the existing schemes. But so far no meeting is held and HO has unilaterally discontinued the payment to the Pre-1986 Retirees. Thus the decision to continue a scheme or discontinuing the scheme is taken out of the purview of the Staff Welfare Committee. This will be a constant threat on the hard earned welfare schemes.

It was in the above back ground, our Federation was planning and preparing for Organisational action and the same has been communicated through our earlier communications to the units. Upon knowing our decision, All India Uco Bank Officers Federation (AIBOC) too, hurt by similar attacks and treatment, having already unleashed some agitational programmes, suggested co-ordination for creating desired impact on the Management. In the discussions that followed between the leaders of both the organisations , it was decided to show our resentment and protest jointly considering the commonness of the issues AND concerns such as







Keeping in view of the emerging trend, emergency meeting of the Office bearers of our Federation was convened at Kolkatta on 6th September and the Meeting after hours long deliberations unanimously has taken the following decisions:-

Meeting was of the view that the situation calls for immediate and powerful Organisational action,

Meeting endorsed the efforts and approach of the Leadership in roping in other Unions and Associations but desired that Federation should be cautious enough to ensure that Federation is not bound by any conditions from any union,

Meeting appreciated the need for co-ordinated action with All India Uco Bank Officers Federation (AIBOC).,

Action committee consisting of the following Office-bearers was formed to co-ordinate with the Association matured above and unleash agitational programmes including Strikes in any form jointly or independently.

Action Committee :-

Com. K. Vijhayan, President,

Com. K. P. Antani , Vice President,

Com. Krishna Kadam, Vice President,

Com. C. M. Patel, General Secretary,

Com. Ram Avtar Sharma, Deputy General Secretary

Com. Partha Chanda, Secretary

The meeting empowered the above action committee to take decisions from time to time with regard to the struggle but laid emphasis that not to dilute the intensity of the struggle till the issues are taken to logical conclusion.


The meeting expressed its happiness and satisfaction over the successful efforts of the Leadership in securing the Registration for AIUCBEF. Noting that it was historic moment as in the past attempts to Register the AIUCBEF were met with failures due to some lack of clarity about who is the Competent Authority to issue registration certificates, the meeting placed on record of its deep sense of appreciation to the Chennai Unit for pursuing the matter successfully. On 4th September, AIUCBEF became a Registered body (Reg No 3489/CNE) .

Action Committee meets the leaders of AIUCBOF.

The action committee met the leaders of Officers' Federation and finalised tentative programmes of agitation. They too have formed the action committee for the purpose. It was decided that JOINT ACTION COMMITTEE would meet on 12th September at Kolkatta and give final shape to the Joint programmes of agitation.

Comrades, thus we are pushed once again to the path of agitation and struggle, by the attitude, approach, behaviour, design and derailed HR and IR policies of the Top Management.

If struggle is the only answer to the attacks unleashed by the Management on BILATERALISM, let us befittingly answer it.

If Struggle is the only response to the ill-advised move of the Administration, let us be prepared to give that Response.

If Struggle is the only means that can make the Management to understand their inadequacies in respect of HONOURING their commitments let us pursue the path of struggle resolutely.

Get ready! Details of the Programmes will reach your hands from the Joint Action Committee on 13th September. March ahead with strength, stubbornness and ensure success.”

With Greetings,

Yours comradely,

Inder Paul


PS: Fifth Death Anniversary of Com. Krishan Lal was observed by UCO Bank Comrades at Jalandhar on 2nd August, 2013. On this occasion, Com. Krishan Lal Memorial Scholarships were awarded to the following meritorious wards of our members:

1)Miss.Kariti Makkar D/o Sh..T.N.Makkar, B/o Ambala City NAM (Graduation Rs.5000

2)Miss .Pratibha D/o Sh.V.K.Narang B/o Rohtak ( 12th Standard Rs.4000)

3) Miss Sharni D/o Sh Roop Basant B/o Model House,Jalandhar (10th Standard Rs .3000 )

Circular No. 30/2013 Date: 11.09.2013


Dear Comrades,



·  11TH AND 12TH DECEMBER, 2013

We reproduce hereunder the contents of Circular No.27/30/2013/36 dated 02/09/2013 issued by Com. C .H. Venkatachalam, General Secretary, AIBEA, on the above subject for information of our Members .

“In our 27th Conference at Kochi, we had decided to intensify our struggles against the various challenges facing us in the form of banking reforms, mergers, attacks on jobs and job security, outsourcing our regular jobs, etc. In our Central Committee held at Delhi on 29th May, 2013, we had accordingly decided that a massive Morcha to Parliament be undertaken during the winter session of the Parliament in November, 2013 on these issues.

However, recently, Central Trade Unions organised a national Trade Union Convention on 6th August, 2013 against the anti-people, anti-labour policies of the Government and in that Convention, it was decided to organise a massive Morcha to Parliament on 12th December, 2013 to further pursue the 10 point charter of demands. Hence, in our recently held Office Bearers’ meeting, it has been decided to combine these programmes to suit the convenience of our units and members.

Accordingly, it has been decided as under:

11th Dec. 2013 / Morcha to Parliament by 30,000 members of AIBEA on our issues and demands
12th Dec. 2013 / To join the Parliament Morcha programme of the National Trade union Convention on 10 point Charter of Demands

National Campaign:

From September to December, 2013, there must be extensive campaign amongst our members. Committee meetings, mass meetings, local general body meetings, special campaign meetings, branch visits, etc. should be undertaken to prepare our members for more and more agitational programmes. ( Upto 25th September, 2013, our top priority should be make the All India strike on that day a grand success. )



1.  Right to banking to be made a fundamental right

2.  Reverse Banking Reforms

3.  Do not privatise public sector Banks

4.  Do not give banking licence to corporate and business houses

5.  Do not reduce Government’s capital in PSBs

6.  Do not merge Public Sector Banks

7.  Stop closure and takeover of Associate Banks by SBI

8.  Delink Associate Banks from SBI and make them independent Banks

9.  Bring all private Banks into Public Sector

10.  Open more branches in rural areas

11.  Ensure more credit to priority sectors

12.  Give more loans to agriculture sector

13.  Recover bad loans in Banks

14.  Make recovery laws more stringent and effective

15.  Make willful default as a criminal offence

16.  Merge RRBs with sponsor Banks

17.  Strengthen Co-operative Banks

18.  Exempt profits of Co-op. Banks from Income Tax

19.  Recapitalise ailing DCCBs in Uttar Pradesh

20.  Withdraw Prakash Bakshi Committee Report on PACS

21.  Stop closure of PACS and do not make them as Business Correspondents

22.  Improve Bank Daily Deposit Collection Schemes.

23.  Ban all unscrupulous chit fund finance companies

24.  Stop outsourcing regular and perennial bank jobs

25.  Stop private Banking Correspondents

26.  Stop outsourcing ATMs, Clearing operations, etc.

27.  Recruit permanent employees

28.  Adequate Recruitments in Banks

29.  Regularise the existing contract/outsourced employees

30.  Equal Pay for equal work



1.  Concrete measures to contain price rise

2.  Concrete measures for employment generation,

3.  Strict enforcement of labour laws,

4.  Universal social security cover for organized and unorganized workers and creation of National Social Security Fund

5.  Stoppage of disinvestment in Central and State PSUs / Undertakings,

6.  No Contractorisation of work of permanent / perennial nature and payment of wages and benefits to the contract workers at the same rate as available to the regular workers of the industry / establishment.