SATURDAY, 10TH September 2011
ICE Sheffield, Sheffield
Item 1 / PresentVoting Council Members
Saphire Lee (SL), Faz Keyani (FK), Jack Danbury (JD), Sandy Matthewson (SM), Robert Wright - sub for Yorks (RW).), John Hallam (M & C), Paul Angus (PA), Harry Slater – sub for Southern, (HS), Des Charnock (DesC), Darren Chapple (DCh)
Non – Voting Attendees
Derek Mapp (DM), Keith Walters (KW - Chairman), Mark Abberley (MA - CEO), Ray Scott (RS) Tony Attwood (TA - Med Commission), Alan Lynch (AL), Richard Caborn (RC) (President), Ted Goreham (TG), , Chris Andrews (CA).Diane Barnard – Minute taker (Operations Manager - DB)
Eric Hoyland (EH), Ronnie Rowe (RR), Keith Sessions (KS), Derek Rulten (DR), Fiona McKelvie (FM), Guy Masterman (GM), David Cockell (DC), Shaun McHugh (SM) / I = Information
D= Decision
A= Action
Item 2 / Declaration of Interests
R Caborn (FIA)
D Mapp (Chair of BABA)
KW (BABA Board)
MA (BABA Board) / I
Item 3 / Company Secretary
MA informed the members that the 2010-2011 Accounts were now signed off and due to be filed. Last filing date was Dec 2011. / I
Item 4 / Council Minutes, Matters Arising and Action Points of last Meeting (11thJune 2011)
Council Minutes
No amendments
Matters Arising
CSBA Registrations – DC had added this at any other business
Action points from previous meeting
Item 4
AP1 - CRB report was supplied at end of July by G Valentine and is currently with Board for consideration
AP2 – This is ongoing
AP3 – Registrars had met and agreed that the ME1 should be used as National registration form for Boxers. Registrar commission to provide amended ME1 to Med Commission for agreement when completed, then to provide to Council for approval for next season
AP4 – Still some Associations not responded. DB had formatted one report and sent sections out for testing to Southern and Midland Counties Secretaries. DB will circulate sections for all Secretaries to view and provide feedback on any further/additional info required.
Request (JH) that all Secretaries be given access to database to view content.
AP – Circulate current report formatted - DB
AP – Review access for Secretaries – MA/DB
AP 5 – MA gave explanation of Sport England (SE) funding going forward. Protocols will be available at end of September. Question raised regarding whether UKCC/SE funding were linked . MA stated that they were not inextricably linked.
AP6 – TG confirmed that agreed at last meeting that Associations would inspect all venues.
AP7 – No proposal received but AL asked for guidance on this. RS informed group of TT & W individual and stated that he was not in favour of Pro to Ampro being on executive but was in favour of Am to Ampro being able to. DesC stated he thought it should be upto the regional executive.. AL stated he thought they may have a hidden agenda for an Ampro. TG suggested Tech & Rules Commission look at the issue. MA commented that a member should have full membership rights. Various following comments showed that various issues regarding Ampro’s needed looking at, MA suggested that they be looked at with regards to AIBA statutes and reviewed within a Commission.
AP - Issue to be referred to technical and Rules Commission initially, for input from other commissions where relevant.– DB
AP8- To be included as part of half year budget review.
Item 5
AP9 – Matchmaker postponed pending budget review
Ap10 – MA gave an update on current meetings with SE and referred to CEO reports at Item 5 on agenda
AP11 – Council workplan to be discussed/ instigated at next meeting following AGM
AP – Produce Council Workplan – MA/ALL
Item 6
AP12- Working party recommendations reviewed (see back papers for report). Dc stated that it was evident that all Secretaries should be aware of procedures and ensure all in Associations were aware of requirements re Boxing Abroad rules/procedures. MA commented that invitations to go abroad and invite from abroad were likely to rise in run up to London 2012 and members need to be aware of bans by AIBA and issues around the IOC investigation, ensuring that ABA did not fall foul of this issue. DesC confirmed that sanctions/admonishments were the outcome in several areas and recommended that the report be passed to a Review Panel to decide/carry out sanctions, but need to bear in mind that the Association Secretary from that time is no longer in situ but is still involved as an ABA member.
JH informed all that they needed to be aware that teams to Ireland CANNOT box if no doctor present, both for pre-bout medicals and during the competition, as Dr’s were not always present for both in that country. If not present for both then teams must be stopped from competing
DesC confirmed that an important point coming out of the report is that it is the Association Secretary’s responsibility to stop any team/club who have not had permission to either box abroad or who have invited teams from abroad to box without permission.
DM asked about the role of the Equity & Child Protection manager in all this, given that a report had been issued by the then E& CPP manager at the time of the issue occurring. MA commented that the role of the E & CPP manager was currently under review and this could be incorporated if required. He commented that there did seem a case to answer in this instance for the Association in question. DM suggested some sanctions that the Council might like to consider.
DesC stated that he thought they should be “told off”. FK commented that the then Southern Counties Secretary should have been aware of the procedures. DC suggested that it should be part of the procedures that Secretaries are inducted and then be “signed off” centrally by ABA. DesC commented that he thought that wouldn’t be necessary – he thought this issue was lack of knowledge due to key members not having read the rule book. Several members disagreed with this saying that they were fully aware of their roles and the rules. DesC and JH agreed that the issue was about reinforcing the issue at club level.
AP – Agreed sanctions to be carried out via correspondence from ABA Council
Item 7
AP13 – DB explained that waiver forms previously circulated needed signing by anyone who had received an honorary payment from ABA in respect of Secretary, registrar and treasurer roles. Associations also needed to obtain similar waivers to protect themselves if paying honorary fees from Association funds to individuals. DM explained implications of liability if this was not done. DB requested that copies of all signed waiver forms be sent to ABA office, to be kept on record
AP – all to ensure that waiver forms were signed and copies provided to ABA office
Item 8
AP14 – RC confirmed that there were on-going discussions about this and the constitution
Item 9
AP15 – MA confirmed that he was part way through a review of the Articles of Association, of which the Board and Council TOR’s were incorporated. He would provide a report and findings to the working party for consideration
Ap16 – This is for discussion in Section 8 of agenda re rules and regulations
AP17 – MA had done a review of kit held by ABA (in Sheffield). Kit held includes boots, shorts and vests previously used for team England. Order is currently being completed for next season. This will give a residue of “purchase allowance” which will be brought to the development commission and Council to decide on what to do.
JH commented that we should sit on this pending the AIBA license issues in case clubs do not have kit that is licensed. MA confirmed that he is getting clarification on what constitutes a National Federation competition. JH stated that it may turn out that kit has to be worn for every round. DM agreed but informed the group that although the sponsorship agreement says it does the main concern of the Licensee may be just the finals and the advertising/PR that goes with that.
JH confirmed that the stocks held at the moment are still serviceable. TG agreed that it does not have a sell by date and that serviceable kit does not have to be thrown away. DM commented that at least it is not restricted in that AIBA are having these multiple companies as sponsors. We have to make sure we cascade as much kit as possible down to clubs. JH Suggested that the first issue of kit be made up of headguards and gloves.
AP18 – Completed, refunds in process with those Associations involved
AP19 – Registrars feedback confirmed that transfer form requires no amendment but they agreed to contact each other in person for any transfers requested. Registrars requested that that they wish the rule for 28 stoppage to remain as is
Ap20 – Point noted and medal costs had been deducted from ticket sales income. / I
Item 5 / Chief Executive Reports
5.1 Chief Executive reports
MA gave a brief overview of the reports which had been provided in the background papers.
MA then spoke about WSP grant funding as opposed to Affiliation fee funding.He informed the members that he had supplied some additional informationin their background papers, regarding affiliation fee income that he wanted to share and expand on, based on the fact that this was an issue later in the Agenda and it was clear from speaking to people on visits to clubs and Association AGM’s that it was not understood with any clarification on what funds are spent where and what the impact of any cuts in the suggested Affiliation fee levels would mean.
MA informed the members that the pie-charts and listings supplied were drawn from the current year’s budget and that the same information had been given to the Board. MA pointed out that if affiliation fees are not supported then these areas, as shown on the pie-charts, would be the ones affected by any cuts.
DesC highlighted that there was a misunderstanding that money from the WSP could be used to support these areas. MA explained that WSP is a grant award, based on what ABA had asked for, to run certain interventions and projects. He confirmed that if ABA does not use that money for those interventions and projects then the money must go back to SE – it cannot be reallocated by ABA to other areas. He confirmed that this would be increasingly the case as we go forward.
JH commented that this is why people are asking where the money goes, because they cannot see it coming into grass roots clubs and have not seen or been given this information before. MA agreed and explained that if ABAwants money to go directly to clubs and Associations, then we can ask for this going forward, but that this was not what had been asked for, in the current WSP grant. HS asked for more specific information and JH asked why money had not been asked for, for England Boxing.
DM explained the grant application process and the fact that it was geared towards outcomes that the government/SE wanted. JH commented that when the membership sees £100k against England boxing and £400k against wages they will ask why.
DM explained that the salaries are paid, by and large, by SE and not from affiliation monies. This was to ensure good governance of the sport and that although the salaries were paid by SE the individuals do complete work for the Associations, which is a benefit to those associations. He explained that the money cannot be switched as this is a paymaster condition. DM then told the members that if they did not want this (the SE/WSP grant) then they are putting the organisation in the position of having to survive on £400k per year.
DesC asked if the clubs were any better off over the last 20 years, as it seemed that they get less for the increased amount they pay. He also questioned the cost of running commissions. DM explained that there were costs involved in governance and the insurance of its members that could not be cut, for instance the issue of having commission meetings by teleconference was not viable as it was not conducive to good decision making conditions.
A discussion ensued in respect of Insurance in which it was stated that the ABA insurance did not allow certain claims to be made and it was disputed that any claims had been paid to members. DB stated that this was not the case and JH asked for evidence of any claims paid out. DM stated that individual issues could be argued but at the end of the day the Council should consider that rejection of the affiliation fee increase would result in severe cuts across the areas shown and that would impact on the members they were serving.
5.2 BAB Update
DM asked that the report be taken as read – all agreed.
He updated the Council in respect of the World Championships up and coming in Baku, which was an Olympic Qualifier and gave the team who were attending;-
Edwards (49kg), Yafai & Selby (52jg), Campbell (56kg), Ward (60kg), Stalker & Taylor (64kg), Cardle & Evans (69kg), Agogo (75kg) Valily (91kg) and Joshua (91kg+).
DM confirmed that you have to be in the top 12 to qualify. The only other opportunity would be in Istanbul next year.
JH asked what box off there would be for the 2x64kgs. DM confirmed that if either get gold it would be automatic qualification, anything other than gold there would be a box off and confirmed that it was likely that the GB Championships in Nov would be when the box offs took place.
DM also informed the members that London 2012 gives us 5 automatic (men) and 1 automatic (female) places, although these have to qualify. RMcCracken will have the final say on any that do not qualify.
The members were informed that BABA are also in the process of their next funding programme grant and are looking for a bigger slice, albeit of a smaller pot. / I
Item 6 / Championships
TG confirmed that at the last AGM it was agreed that the Championships review Working Party would take place in Jan 2011. The report produced a variety of recommendations.
The review report was received early June and the Championship Committee met to consider the outputs. TG referred to the minutes provided in the background papers. TG noted that the minutes had been supplied to ABA office. They had not been circulated at that point but added to the Council agenda. This meant that, with such short notice of the output it was too late in the season to make any amendments. DesC commented that the recommendations needed to go back to the associations and TG confirmed that there was no reason why they could not be given back to the Associations in readiness for next season implementation.
RS informed that the NACYP forms were out now and a discussion took place regarding how the NACYP championships work in each Association. JH suggested that the ABA “reclaim” the NACYP’s and run it as jnr & snr novices.
TG suggested the following;-
Female Champs – as per current status
NACYP – that ABA undertake these
Snr novices – to be taken away and considered for next season
It was proposed that the suggestion be taken away to the Associations and tabled for the next Council meeting. Until then it stays as is. All issues to be fed back to Championship Committee for consideration
Proposed TG: Seconded JH: All agreed
AP – All considerations to be fed back to Championship Committee - ALL
MA made the point that Snr Champs is not boxed at AIBA weights and asked all to bear in mind that this was not reflecting well internationally. JH commented that we need to do what is right & safe for our boxers. TG noted a concern regarding the changes/large gaps in weights and confirmed that he had voiced this at AIBA. He stated that the ABA categories are that way for the safety of England boxers. SM commented that ABA and international boxing were completely different. DM commented that it has always been GB’s view that there is no hiding place and that should be taken into consideration. RC commented that MA would provide his feedback from AIBA so that their concerns can be considered and AIBA can, in turn, understand ABA’s response
AP - All comments be provided in writing, for consideration to TG – ALL
AP – Provide AIBA feedback for consideration - MA / I
Item 7 / Any Other Business
Item 7.1 New Licences
Information to be taken on board by all Associations
Item 7.2 – Coach registration cards
A discussion took place regarding the relevance/merits of retaining registration cards for coaches as well as ID cards. It was agreed that the issue would be put to the Coaching Commission. Current status to remain until response from Coaching Commission
AP – DB to put issue to coaching Commission. Report to be fed back to Council
Item 7.3 – Ampro Club registration
Following a discussion on the subject of when a club should be registered as an Ampro it was confirmed that the current rule would remain – in that if a club has a coach registered as an Ampro then that Club must also register as an Ampro club regardless of where the professional activity takes place or whether there is professional boxing taking place within the club itself.