Fred Antczak’s 2010 Goals sorted under Strategic Objectives of CLAS

1. Enhance Quality and Rigor (NCA 1-5; GVSU 1, 5, 6)[1]

Goal: Continuously improve high quality, student-focused, undergraduate and graduate education.

* Foster use of technology.

* Use Digital Measures in a way that visibly pays off for faculty; provide help where we can.

·  Digital Measures available as a source for the annual report for the first time.

·  College Office Staff provided assistance on faculty use of Digital Measures.

·  Explored use of Digital Measures data by Director of Laboratory Support to produce efficiencies.

* Explore an E-publishing project.

·  Promoted the e-publication by Charlie Lowe to the library Dean and to CLAS Faculty (CLAS website:

·  Supported production of unit e-newsletters in and beyond CLAS (PSM, Biology, FTLC, Writing Center)

* Search for a collective computing project.

·  Held initial exploratory meeting; current limits of “cloud computing” at GVSU explored.

·  Potentially helpful grants flagged and distributed to appropriate personnel.

* Invite IT to a Caucus to strategize a smoother uptake on new instructional technology.

·  Sherry Barricklow of IT attended a Fall 2010 Caucus and subsequently provided items for the CLAS Acts faculty e-newsletter.

·  Dean undertook training to use Wimba office hours and the equivalent of “skyping” in his Fall 2010 graduate course.

·  Had registrar and IT director train faculty in MyPath implementation.

* Enhance on-campus communication and accessibility.

* Implement an open-topic lunch with the Deans.

·  Week 1 of semesters, Dean and ADs visited all CLAS buildings to talk with our faculty and staff.

·  Delivery of Christmas tokens to CLAS COT and AP by Dean and ADs.

·  Continued open office hours.

* Deepen and foreground our commitment to teaching.

·  Work started on Annual Report 2011, dedicated to the theme of teaching. Unit Heads asked to make suggestions. Targeted groups of faculty consulted on categories to consider.

* Initiated Fall Teaching Showcase.

·  Held on November 22 with a dozen presenters and approximately 50 participants, modality of “teaching roundtables” explored successfully.

·  Follow up article in CLAS Acts

*Support CLAS Faculty Governance events on Academic Integrity.

·  Dean sponsored the Out Of The Box events.

·  Dean, ADs and Dir. Of Communications attended the OOTB events on academic integrity.

·  Chair of Faculty Council and Dir. of Communications created new CLAS webpage on Academic Integrity to provide resources for students and faculty.

·  The CLAS Standards & Criteria for Personnel Evaluation document was developed by Faculty Council in consultation with the deans and CLAS faculty.

* Work with the new Graduate Dean to help him succeed for CLAS graduate degrees and degrees that

CLAS shares.

·  Dean Potteiger was introduced and spoke at a Fall 2010 CLAS Unit Heads Meeting, and in February 2011.

·  Dean Potteiger was recruited to be involved in CLAS events such as LipDub (and Homerathon, though he was unable to attend on the day scheduled).

·  Feedback was provided on omitted CLAS data in the Graduate annual report.

·  Task Force 500 collaborated with Dean Potteiger to develop a CLAS white paper on 500-level grad courses.

·  Funding was designated to support faculty serving on dissertation committees at other universities.

2. Enhance Diversity throughout the College (NCA 1, 3, 4, 5; GVSU 1, 2, 4, 5)

Goal: Increase and support diversity at all levels in the College.

* Implement ICE Certificate.

·  ICE was launched and heavily promoted by ICE Director in Fall 2010 including presentations to student groups, Unit Heads, the CLAS Alumni Board and others. ICE website and brochure were beta tested and launched/published with assistance from Dir. of Communications. ICE was represented at the first Parents reception held by the Family Association in association with the Sibs and Kids Weekend.

* Have a high level of Inclusion Advocates and Champions

·  CLAS Dean’s Office staff includes two Advocates (including the Dean) and one Champion.

·  CLAS Dean’s Office personnel attended inclusion workshop run by Jeanne Arnold.

·  Inclusion training was promoted in CLAS publications and in Unit Head Meeting announcements. CLAS now has 26 Advocates and 7 Champions.

·  Office staffer won AP Commitment to Diversity Award 2010.

* Additional

·  Members of the CLAS Inclusion Plan writing team (including faculty from History and Music, a student member and a member of the College Office staff) spoke atthe Campus CompactConference on the development of ourplan.

·  CLAS office staff volunteered time to projects outside the college such as the 50th anniversary fashion show, teaching a wellness seminar, and providing communications support for the Allies & Advocates program.

·  Heavily promoted the myGVSU climate survey.

·  Dean and COT staffer taking Allies & Advocates Training in February 2011.

3. Assuring Sufficient Resources (NCA 1-4; GVSU 1, 5, 6)

Goal: Explore means within and beyond the University to address funding and resource constraints guided by the values of equity and productivity.

* Increase grant applications from 2009. Cultivate new proposal writers through continued workshops and mentoring. Foster grant applications that include student research.

·  GRC grant announcements sent to relevant departments within 48 hours of receipt.

·  53 grants awarded totaling $3.9M with 19 applications still pending (as of Feb. 11, 2011).

* Continue to reallocate and manage budgets for maximum educational effectiveness.

·  Article on how CLAS handles the budget provided to all CLAS TT faculty and APs ( and briefing provided to Unit Heads.

·  Developed a budget priority calendar for unit heads.

·  Currently chairing subcommittee of deans to improve the budgeting/funding process for the university’s summer sessions.

* Support the University in identifying new financial and space resources, especially where their absence aggravates bottlenecks.

·  AD for Facilities sits on this and relevant planning committees.

·  Convened and supported a super grant writing committee for space opportunities.

·  Appropriate unit representatives gathered for meetings on space and resource sharing.

·  Supported innovative website produced by Director of Laboratory Support for sharing of resources; garnered an AP award for innovation (April 2010).

·  Unit heads consideration of the ramifications of summer session planning on resources.

* Additional

·  Worked closely with University Development on the production of the 2010 Enrichment Dinner video and were consulted on data toward the production of the 2011 video.

·  Provided University Development with many instances of the power of private donations in the work of our faculty and students.

4. Assuring an optimal learning environment (NCA 3, 4, GVSU 1, 2, 4, 5, 7)

Goal: Build and sustain an atmosphere of inquiry, integrity, engagement, curiosity and creativity among students, staff and faculty.

* Clarify curricula and work to remove bottlenecks.

·  GRCC-CLAS collaboration for transfers and facility.

·  Music Department presentation to Unit Heads on best practice in the area of CC agreements to assist smooth transition for transfer students.

* Work to enhance advising so as to minimize obstacles to graduation.

·  Time provided at Unit Heads meeting and space in CLAS Acts to encourage uptake of myPath.

·  Utilize advising liaisons in each unit to enhance advising communication.

·  GRCC-CLAS collaboration for transfers and facility.

* Develop internships for CLAS students.

·  Career Services and Office of Fellowships representatives spoke to Unit Heads Meeting and CLAS Student Advisory Committee.

·  Worked with Career Services on Careers for Liberal Arts & Science Students programming.

·  Announcements of internships received by Dean’s Office distributed appropriately.

·  Internships and high impact practices noted in April and August speeches by the Dean to the college.

·  In 2009-10 there were nearly half a million hours of CLAS high impact service learning and internship activities.

5. Engaging with Community Partners/Collaborators (NCA 1, 3, 4, 5, GVSU 1-7)

Goal: Construct partnerships with relevant external constituencies which enrich the education of our students while enhancing the quality of life for the people of the region, the state, the nation and beyond.

* Solicit CLAS alumni for internship opportunities.

·  CLAS Alumni Board consulted on internship development.

·  CLAS Alumni Chapter started in 2010.

·  CLAS Alumni Facebook page carries reminders about reporting internship opportunities to CLAS.

* Consult units about existing service learning opportunities, encourage their broader use, and share those data.

·  Data reported in CLAS annual report 2010 and in Dean’s August speech to the college.

6. Additional Goal for 2010: Enhance Sustainability

·  Paperless Startup Meeting.

·  Reusable name tags for permanent faculty and staff.

·  Enhanced recycling in our office, supported it in departmental offices. For instance, moved the sabbatical applications down to one hard copy from the previous four.

·  Several staffers (including the Dean attained gold or platinum sustainability ratings. Wellness coordinator appointed for the office (Courtney Sherwood).

·  Used Google Docs for committee writing meetings such as the update of the Strategic Plan.

·  Moved more information to electronic distribution, in Unit Head Mailing and CLAS Acts.

·  Saved paper at Unit Heads meetings; decreased paper for faculty such as e-mail reply mechanisms for special events such Alumni-in-Residence luncheon.

·  Will add Sustainability Best Practices feature to CLAS Acts in March 2011 issue.


[1] NCA refers to North Central Criteria for Accreditation and GVSU here refers to the GVSU Strategic Plan.