College Learning Council
June 7, 2007
Present: Donna Berry, Craig Britton, Michael Carley, Rosa Carlson, Chris Craig, Tiffany Duke, Jim Entz, Jeff Gervasi, Michelle Hart, Bill Henry, Jeff Keele, Val Lombardi, Carol Wilkins, Rosemary Viotto, Kathie Gifford
- Meeting called to order at 1:08 p.m. by Michelle Hart
- Minutes Approved-
Motion to approve the minutes for May 4, 2007:
Moved by Mike Carley2nd: Donna BerryVOTE: Carried
Move to approve the minutes for May 18, 2007:
Motion by Carol Wilkins 2nd: Tiffany DukeVOTE: Carried
- Agenda Approved- Moved to accept the Agenda for June 7, 2007.
Motion byDonna Berry2nd: Chris CraigVOTE: Carried
1V.Old Business
a.Strategic Plan Update- Donna Berry: Mrs. Berry brought the Strategic Plan forward with details previously approved added the Strategic Plan for review & approval.
Motionto approve the Updated Strategic Plan with additions presented.
Motion by Donna Berry2nd: Mike CarleyVOTE: Carried
Aye: 10 Nays: -0- Abstain: 1
V.New Business
- 2007-2008 Tentative Budget-Donna Berry: Mrs. Berry presented the tentative budget for review. Mrs. Berry detailed income, expenses, categorical budget changes, and other revenue. Mrs. Berry was able to present a balanced budget.
Motion by Donna Berry to accept the 2007-2008 Tentative Budget as presented.
Moved: Jeff Gervasi2nd: Carol WilkinsDiscussion VOTE: Carried
College Learning Council
June 7, 2007
Page 2
a.President’s Report – Dr. Rosa Carlson: Dr. Carlson reported the Library at PortervilleCollegedoes not have an automated library system. The District Office is being asked to help PortervilleCollege to automate the system; Kern Community College District already has the license needed. This will provide better service to our students and prepare them to use libraries at four (4) year institutions. PortervilleCollege will attend a joint training on emergency procedures with City of Porterville on June 14, 2007. Dr. Carlson reported the summer will be very busy as PortervilleCollege is working on many projects: the CSUB partnership, Basic Skills, Vocational Advisory Committee, and Summer school will begin on June 11, 2007.
b.Academic Senate –Craig Britton; Mr. Britton said thatSarah French-Unser has agreed to be the student learning outcome coordinator. Susan Regier is the new Academic Senate President Elect. David Bezayiffhas agreed to conduct classroom instruction of the Student Government class for ASPC.
c.CSEA- Michelle Hart: Mrs. Hart reported CSEA is still remaining proactive during the reorganization of Business Services.
d.Curriculum Committee-NONE
g.Grant OversightCommittee: NONE
h.Budget Report: NONE
j.Title V-NONE
k.Title V/COS- Michelle Hart – Mrs. Hart asked that faculty inform students they do not have to qualify for the program to use linked courses. The entire point of the linked courses is to help students. LISTO is accepting applications to the program.
l.Facility Planning Advisory Committee- Dr. Rosa Carlson: Dr. Carlson reported construction on the Library is making progress. The college is busy working on the Power Technology building converting all available space to classrooms. The faculty is moving to new offices and preparing for the fall semester. It has been agreed that PortervilleCollege will not be taking two (2) buildings down at the same time for construction and remodeling.
m.Accreditation: NONE
n.Marketing and Outreach Committee: NONE
o.Budget Enrollment Management and Planning: NONE
p.Program Review: NONE
VII.Future Agenda Items:
VIII.Meeting adjourned at 2:10 p.m.
Minutes submitted by Kathie Gifford